The Blues Brothers
The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the deleted scene where Elwood goes into the manager's office to quit, right before he walks in the door he sets his briefcase down, it is slightly crooked and in the center of the floor. When he goes to leave it is sitting straight and further to the left. (00:42:45)

The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Jake, Elwood and the cops are buried in rubble from the hotel, you see one of the cops dragging himself out of the debris has two bricks sitting in the brim of his hat. That's either a very strong hat or very light bricks... (00:42:05)

The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the three ladies of the Soul Food Chorus get up to sing "Think" with Aretha Frankin, their food is sitting on the counter; ten seconds later in a wide shot, it has gone. (This is undoubtedly so that "Blue" Lou can do his thing on the counter.) When the ladies sit down again and get a nasty look from Aretha after Matt and Lou have left, their food is back again. (01:02:50)

The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the beginning of the movie, when Jake and Elwood jump the drawbridge they show a shot along the passenger side of the car as Elwood floors it to make the jump. Watch the rear tyre. The driver slams on the brakes as they approach the raised portion of the bridge. (00:09:30)

The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When they're driving on Lower Wacker Drive in the end, you can see the shadow of the camera. The camera is on the hood of the car. It's visible in the scene where they almost hit a cyclist. (02:08:05)

The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Blues Brothers go to persuade Matt and "Blue" Lou to rejoin the band, and they have just ordered their signature meals from Aretha Franklin, she goes to Matt in the kitchen to moan. Matt is cooking two burgers of some kind, but in a shot of Aretha 30 seconds or so later (when Matt says not to talk that way around his old lady), the burgers have moved and multiplied. (01:00:53)

The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the beginning scene when they jump over the drawbridge there is more than a foot of space at the bottom of the rising bridge. No car, no matter how big, could have cleared that space without flipping over. Also when they land on the other side you can see a "flap" at the bottom of the bridge which would allow the car to drive over it. (00:09:40)

Leonard Hassen

The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the mall where the police car is spinning around on its roof (when the cop says, "They broke my watch"), you can see there's a separate circle of floor just larger than the car's roof, upon which it is rotating. (00:31:47)

The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the multitude of police are shooting through the door at the end of the film, there are loads of bullets shot at the door, then there are only a couple dozen bullet holes then there is a bunch of bullet holes. (02:12:40)

The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Blues Brothers park outside Mrs. Tarantino's house, the car's front wheels are almost level with the path to her front door. When they start the car to drive off a bit later, it is parked further back with its front bumper level with the path. (00:44:06)

The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Where Curtis is getting Elwood and Jake a drink of Jack Daniels, when he gets the bottle it's nearly full, but ten seconds later, after he has got some drinking glasses and starts to pour, it's almost empty. (00:15:45)

The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just before the Mystery Girl blows up the building in which Elwood resides, a police car with lights on its roof pulls up outside. When the building actually explodes just over a minute later, you see that the police car parked outside no longer has any lights. (00:39:54)

The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Revealing mistake: After Jake topples down the stairs in the desk, the broken remnants of the desk are actually planks of balsa wood cut in the general shape of a desk. The amount of the debris changes from shot to shot. (00:14:40)

The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Carrie Fisher is shooting at Jake and Elwood in the tunnel under the Palace Hotel, she hits a water pipe and water sprays everywhere in a mist. In the next shot of Jake and Elwood lying in the mud, there's no spray visible behind them at all. When Jake stands up a few seconds later, the spray is back, but is more directed now. (01:57:39)

The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Blues Brothers are paying the assessment in the Cook County Assessor's Office, the area behind the assessor has a desk and is not very wide. In the shot where the camera has panned out, it shows a much larger area behind the assessor. Additionally, how did all of the emergency services personnel get in the room without anyone in the shot seeing or hearing them. When it cuts to this scene, the Blues Brothers look surprised, but they should have easily seen and heard this. (02:18:44)


The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The sticker on the license plate is in the beginning on the left side (before the Bluesmobile jumps over the bridge), then on the right side (after the Nazis jump from the bridge). (00:08:35 - 00:52:40)


The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the deleted scene where Elwood goes into the manager's office to quit, right before he walks in the door he sets his briefcase down, it is slightly crooked and in the center of the floor. When he goes to leave it is sitting straight and further to the left. (00:42:45)

More mistakes in The Blues Brothers

Elwood: It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
Jake: Hit it.

More quotes from The Blues Brothers

Trivia: This movie set a long-standing Guinness World Record for the largest number of automobiles ever destroyed in a movie, 104, including 60 refurbished and reinforced police cars wrecked (most beyond repair) in the various chase scenes. This record held until the belated sequel, "Blues Brothers 2000," (1998) deliberately set the new record by wrecking one additional automobile for a total of 105.

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Suggested correction: It possibly depends on what one counts as "destroyed." Sources suggest there were 104 cars destroyed in BB, with 105 in BB2000. The record has been broken several times since and now stands at 532. It'd be great to see evidence of the numbers for verification.'t-know-about-the-blues-brothers?page=12

The trivia entry is mostly correct and doesn't need a correction. Just a word change to make it accurate. "Blues Brothers" (1980) did hold the record. 60 police cars were wrecked, but so were an additional 43 cars for a total of 103. "Blues Brothers 2000" beat their own record by 1 car. It seems person who made the entry found on the internet that "Blues Brothers" wrecked 60 cop cars and thought that was the record and assumed 61 was the new record.


More trivia for The Blues Brothers

Question: What tune is being played during the mall scene, and again when Cab Calloway introduces Jake and Elwood on stage? (I've heard it many times before, most recently in promos for the 2004 Major League All-State Game.).

Answer: It's 'Can't Turn You Loose,' often refered to as the Blues Brothers Theme.

rabid anarchist

Also done much earlier by Otis Redding.

More questions & answers from The Blues Brothers

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