The Blues Brothers

Factual error: When the Blues Brothers are trying to escape the Illinois Nazis, they are on a freeway heading through a construction site. They break through several barricades, jam on the brakes, and stop just before they go off of a bridge. They slam the car into reverse and flip through the air to escape. The Illinois Nazis go over the bridge. The bridge is in Milwaukee, WI. The tall white building in the background is the US Bank building in downtown Milwaukee, WI. As the Nazis fall to earth, they fall past a building in downtown Chicago, IL before going through the street on impact. The Nazis fell from Milwaukee, WI to Chicago, IL. (02:11:00)

Factual error: As part of her quest to kill John Belushi, Carrie Fisher shoots at the brothers with a flamethrower. She is earlier seen reading the manual for the "M-79 Flamethrower." The M-79 is a grenade launcher - the one Schwarzengger carries in "Terminator 2." (01:07:00)


Continuity mistake: When the Blues Brothers go off the highway down the steep embankment, the cops are directly behind them, however when we cut to the shot of the first cop car crashing, the Blues Brothers' vehicle is nowhere to be seen on the side road up ahead.


The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Blues Brothers go to persuade Matt and "Blue" Lou to rejoin the band, and they have just ordered their signature meals from Aretha Franklin, she goes to Matt in the kitchen to moan. Matt is cooking two burgers of some kind, but in a shot of Aretha 30 seconds or so later (when Matt says not to talk that way around his old lady), the burgers have moved and multiplied. (01:00:53)


Revealing mistake: When Elwood drives the Blues Mobile backwards from the half-finished bridge, just as it flips you see something on the underside of the car on the far right. It's either a coiled spring or a tube with an explosive charge used to flip the car over. (02:10:50)

The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the beginning scene when they jump over the drawbridge there is more than a foot of space at the bottom of the rising bridge. No car, no matter how big, could have cleared that space without flipping over. Also when they land on the other side you can see a "flap" at the bottom of the bridge which would allow the car to drive over it. (00:09:40)

Leonard Hassen

The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the mall where the police car is spinning around on its roof (when the cop says, "They broke my watch"), you can see there's a separate circle of floor just larger than the car's roof, upon which it is rotating. (00:31:47)

Continuity mistake: When police cars chase the Blues Brothers down Lower Wacker Drive, a number of vehicles parked on Upper Wacker Drive disappear between shots. (01:48:20)


Continuity mistake: During the church scene at the beginning of the movie, when Jake is doing cartwheels down the aisle, you can clearly see suspenders attached to the back of his pants. In the next scene, they are gone. (00:21:55)

Revealing mistake: In the last scene where we see multiple police cars pile up under the L-platform, at one point you can see the boards that allow some of the cars to drive on top of the lower cars. (02:08:30)

Continuity mistake: At Bob's Country Bunker, Jake takes one of the beers and drinks it. When he grabs another beer, there are the same number of beers there were before (without subtracting the beer he took before). (01:17:25)

Continuity mistake: When Carrie Fisher confronts Jake in the underground tunnel, Jake can be seen wearing a pair of black wellies instead of his usual shoes. (02:10:00)

Continuity mistake: In the scene where the Blues Brothers visit the Penguin, the door Elwood opens while running away closes between shots and he is seen opening it twice.

Continuity mistake: When the Blues Brothers escape from the road construction at the bridge and the Illinois Nazis, Elwood flips their car so it lands behind the Nazi leader's. When the car starts to flip, though, it does so while driving backwards, so it should land with its backside first and Elwood would have to reverse in order to drive back, but it comes down with its front first. Also, as it shoots over the Nazi car, it comes driving off a ramp, and not crashing down at the end of a somersault. (02:10:50)

Audio problem: When the band is playing at Ray's music store, Murph is playing a tambourine totally out of synch with the music. (01:09:55)

Leonard Hassen

Audio problem: In the soul restaurant, when the Aretha Franklin song "Think" is about to end, watch the mouth of the fat lady behind her and you will see that her lips don't match her song. (01:05:35)

Continuity mistake: When Jake and Elwood are running form the police for the first time, they do a 360 degree spin in the middle of an intersection. The car is spinning clockwise but when the camera focuses on Jake the scenery in the back is spinning as if they were going counter-clockwise. (00:27:35)

The Blues Brothers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the multitude of police are shooting through the door at the end of the film, there are loads of bullets shot at the door, then there are only a couple dozen bullet holes then there is a bunch of bullet holes. (02:12:40)

Other mistake: After the state troopers collide with Bob's pickup truck, both vehicles crash into a fire hydrant improbably located alongside a deserted country highway. (01:29:45)

Police Dispatcher: Use of unnecessary violence in the apprehension of the Blues Brothers HAS been approved.

More quotes from The Blues Brothers

Trivia: In every John Landis film, you can see or hear the phrase "See you next Wednesday." In this film, it's the big movie ad sign (starring King Kong) where a police car is hiding behind.

More trivia for The Blues Brothers

Question: There is a Blues Brothers song, sang by Elwood and Jake themselves, "I'm a Sole Man". However, this song does not appear in the film, but is often related to their band. Was the song supposed to be in the movie? Is it a deleted scene? If it is, can someone tell me when it was supposed to appear?

Answer: It's called "Soul Man". The Blues Brothers exist as an entity seperate to the film - they originated as a band performing on Saturday Night Live. The band continued, releasing an album in 1978, entitled "Briefcase Full Of Blues", which contained the track Soul Man, as well as many others. This was followed by the film two years later, the soundtrack of which formed the band's second album. None of the tracks from their first album appear in the film - a third album followed shortly after the film, again containing non-film tracks.


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