
Blade (1998)

36 corrected entries

(11 votes)

Correction: People often mutter things under their breath and it is inaudible to others. You see it all the time, for example someone doing something stupid on a subway, others looking on will shake their heads and mutter, but not be heard by others around them.

Corrected entry: When Drs. Jenson and Webb are looking at vampire blood on their monitor, the molecules are moving around in a liquid state. This would mean the doctors put a drop of the blood directly under the microscope. This method is antiquated and is not the routine procedure that has been in use for well over a hundred years. When blood is prepared for microscopic examination, it is smeared, dried, and stained on slides.

Jon Nicholas

Correction: This is vampire blood, however. As revealed far earlier in the movie (when Karen was saying that the cells were bi-convex, which was "impossible"), vampire blood is drastically different from human. Who knows how many differences the two have?


Corrected entry: In the hospital in the beginning, Blade gets shot in the back several times by cops. But when he jumps out the window and onto the roof, the holes in the back of his jacket are gone completely. He had been shot earlier that night at the rave and got holes in his jacket. They disappeared, too.

Correction: We don't get a good enough look at the back of his jacket after he's been shot to tell if the holes are gone or not.


Corrected entry: In the opening sequence, we see a woman dancing in a long white jacket, white bikini top and white hot-pants. However, in a matter of seconds her jacket disappears and reappears.

Correction: If you look closely, you can see her jacket draped around her elbows. This is evident in the widescreen DVD, but maybe not in the pan-and-scan version.

Corrected entry: Near the end of the film when Blade enters the building he uses two syringes of that blue stuff but then the next time you see it, it is all there. Where did these two come from?

Correction: If you look closely at the back of his arm you can see 2 empty spaces were these came from.

Corrected entry: In the scene, at the warehouse, where Blade is getting his serum, he is tied to the chair with leather straps. When Blade and Whistler notice that the Doctor is watching them, Whistler goes after her. When he corners her, and begins to talk to her, then you see Blade "float down" and appear beside her. How did he get the leather restraints off? Surely not by force, otherwise he would have popped them off when the serum was applied to his neck and he had the semi-convulsion.

Correction: To avoid being helpless if vampires attacked when Blade was getting the serum, he would have designed the chair so he couldn't rip himself free with brute force but still be able to get out if he wanted.

Corrected entry: When Frost and Blade meet at the park, Frost moves his finger across the little girl's face twice - one time he has a regular nail and the next he has a sharpened nail.

Correction: As Blade acts like he is going for his gun, Frost puts his hand around the girl's chin and strokes her cheek with his finger. You can see his index finger's fingernail grow in a special effect.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Frost is holding the little girl hostage he is wearing a band-aid. Vampires are supposed to be able to regenerate.

Correction: If you listen to when he has the girl hostage in his flat, she mocks him by saying that he cannot regenerate as fast as he is not of pure vampire.

Corrected entry: In one scene where they show a cityscape sped up there is a picture of several tall buildings. On the middle building some black thing appears, hangs out a minute, then disappears.

Correction: It's a window cleaning gantry - nothing too complicated.

Corrected entry: Isn't an important part of the "La Magra" process that Blade should still be in the chamber when lightning strikes it? He's well away by that stage, but it doesn't seem to matter much.

Correction: It's only his blood that's needed, not him.

Corrected entry: Blade carries his at least five foot long sword on his back right? So how come, if you look after the fight with the cop against the police car, the next scene shows Blade sat in the front of his car, with the sword handle clearly in view behind his head. Thus where is the blade?

Correction: The sword used in Blade is less than 40 inches long, not 5 feet, easily short enough for a person around 6 feet to be able to sit in a car with the handle behind his head.

Corrected entry: When the blood trails from the corners of the ceiling of the Temple of Arabus, it leaves long lines as it moves to the center of the ceiling's dome, yet for some reason, all the blood trails (after connecting in the center) detach from the corners, and form just one drop. Blood is blood, including Blade's, so there should have been at least minute traces of where the blood had run.


Correction: Since the temple's ceiling was built for this purpose, it likely had some sort of coating on it (beeswax or somesuch) that kept the blood from clinging to it. That way every trace of the blood released from the Daywalker would reach the vessel for La Magra.


Corrected entry: It's well established in the film that when a vampire dies both the body and the clothing he/she is wearing combust into ash. How then was Blade able to get his sunglasses back from the guy wearing them at the end of the film? Since they were still on his head when he died (check it for yourself, they only fly off after he's an ashen heap)they surely would've combusted as well. (01:46:55)

Correction: Likely Blade's shades are made of something much stronger and more durable than regular plastic sun glasses, he is after all a Vampire slayer.

Sol Parker

Corrected entry: Quinn has blue eyes, but after he's burnt to a crisp and springs to life at the hospital morgue and drinks Karen's blood and sees Blade walking toward him, he suddenly has green eyes.


Correction: You are certain this couldn't be a trick of contrast, going from a beige face to scorched?


Corrected entry: Near the end of the movie when all the head Vampires are lined in a circle, one of the Vampires is talking to Arly Jover's vampire character. She gets angry at him and stabs him through the stomach with Blade's sword, then she kicks him into the wall where he turns into ashes upon impact. Now if he is one of the head vampires, wouldn't killing him effect the "La-Magra" awakening?

Correction: If you look closely there's 13 pure-bloods - they obviously brought a spare from the same house, in case something happened.


Correction: He wasn't one of the important ones.

Corrected entry: When Whistler busts into the vampire library to rescue Blade and Karen, he opens up with an MP5SD6 which is a silenced/suppressed machine gun. Problem is, the gun is as loud as an un-silenced weapon.

Correction: When a silencer is used, it is only good for a few shots. Its uses decline rapidly after about 10 shots. Whistler might have forgotten that he had used this gun before, and forgot to change the silencer. He is, after all, a fallible human like the rest of us.

Continuity mistake: In the big fight scene in the end between Blade and Frost, the blood smear on Frost's face changes sides a few times. (01:43:55)

More mistakes in Blade

Karen: Wait a minute. You used me as bait?
Blade: Get use to it.
[Blade takes Officer Kriegers' wallet and watch.]
Karen: Oh, great. Now you're robbing him. You gonna rob me too?
Blade: How do you think we fund this little organization? We're not exactly the March of Dimes.

More quotes from Blade

Trivia: This film, along with 2000's "X-Men" and 2002's "Spider-Man," are often cited as the three movies that helped revive the comic-book-movie genre after several poorly-received 90's movies like "Batman and Robin" and "Steel" had effectively killed it for a few years.


More trivia for Blade

Question: Why wouldn't the vampire elders just kill Deacon Frost if he's such a problem for them? It's not like they have a code of ethics to follow, plus it would send a message to any other rebellious vampires.


Chosen answer: It would seem Deacon has gathered a lot of strength around himself, in followers of "young" vampires like himself. After he kills Gitano he just abducts all the vampire elders, showing his followers are a lot stronger than the elders are. So they probably couldn't have killed him even if they wanted to, not unless they want to unleash a war. They thought his pursuit of the vampire god was totally pointless, so they let him waste his time and were probably trying to find a way to get rid of him.


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