Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Juat after Sarah gets a visit from Reese, she runs down a corridor and ends up outside. If you look carefully at the bottom left as the door opens, there's a guy's arms visible, making sure the door doesn't open too far. (00:21:30)


Factual error: When Terminator shoots T1000 in the liquid nitrogen truck, the trucks tips over and is still moving which would be impossible. It would just stop dead in its tracks not continue for another 100 feet like it does in the movie.


Other mistake: As the cop is walking towards the coffee machine, he steps on the T-1000 (disguised as the floor). The cop proceeds to the coffee machine and buys a coffee while the T-1000 turns into the cop. The T-1000 only touches his shoe, so shouldn't be able to copy his appearance. (00:51:00)


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Suggested correction: The impression is given that the cop walking over the T-1000 gives the T-1000 the ability to copy him. But in truth we don't actually see when the T-1000 came with the sample of the cop to be able to copy him, maybe he had already collected his DNA beforehand. Far-fetched example is that humans shed skin and hair all the time, if that falls onto the T-1000 that could be enough.


Sorry but I disagree with this correction. If we are going down this road of "but maybe..." then it opens up a whole can of worms for what is a mistake and what isn't. In an explosion, a vase still on a shelf might have been glued but its unlikely. Where does it end? I think the original entry is for mistake is correct based on A - if the t1000 already had his DNA then why disguise himself as the floor? He'd have just killed him when he first got to the hospital and B - Unless we actually see or hear any evidence that the T-1000 would actually behave in this manner then as far as we the audience can believe, it doesn't happen.


It's about plausibility. It's to see if the writers and director actually made a mistake or gave it to our imagination.


Another possibility: people do occasionally touch the sole of their shoes when taking them on and off (or if they're polishing them, or trying to clean something off them). That would leave at least a few skin cells that the T-1000 could thus use as a sample.

Possible, but then people would leave skin cells everywhere. If this was the case, the T-1000 could scan the keyboard of a computer, or door handles to every door it passes through to receive many skin cells of different people.


Factual error: While escaping Pescadero, Sarah breaks Dr. Silberman's left arm with a baton as he reaches for the phone. Moments later, when Sarah is holding Dr. Silberman "hostage" by sticking the syringe of cleaner fluid, he opens the security doors (which are extremely heavy) with the same left arm. This would be virtually impossible and downright excruciating.

Spencer Crouse

Continuity mistake: When Sarah spits out the paperclip to start her escape, the paperclip is unfolded too quickly between shots.


Continuity mistake: Dyson is shot at and falls on the floor, an instant later he is lying several meters to the right over a carpet.


Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When John stops his bike at the canal, a supermarket trolley and a flat tire appear behind him. (00:35:00)


Other mistake: In the scene in which the T-1000 arrives at Dyson's home, he sees the files burning in the trash can. We know this is happening as the others are in the Cyberdyne building as the police radio, just a few moments afterwards, calls all officers to the area. There is unburned paper on top of the pile. Given all of the time that they were in the Cyberdyne building, there should have been a large amount of ash in the trash can. There was no sign of strong wind to have blown the amount that should have been present. There is an incredibly small amount of ash in the can when it is shown, it just isn't possible with the elapsed time. (01:44:00)


Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Terminator smashes the driver's window of the blue station wagon, there is a large section of glass at the top of the door that is stuck in the runner of the door. In the next shot as the Terminator is closing the door, this same section of glass is now missing. Not enough time has passed in the shots for it to disappear and there's no sound of it dropping. (01:13:25)


Other mistake: When John and Terminator arrive at Pescadero, John's hair is immaculate, perfectly brushed, not realistic for someone who's just arrived on a motorbike.


Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Revealing mistake: During the chase on the bridge, when the Terminator opens the door of the moving car to shoot at the truck behind, it is obviously stuntman Peter Kent and not Arnie.


Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the Terminator stabs the guy leaning over the pool table, on the last shot of him, aching, check a protruding hump on his back, revealing where a safety pad was placed under his clothes.


Continuity mistake: After being visited by Reese, Sarah runs down the corridor. Note the window shadows on the floor: There are two sets of shadows plus a blurry third one. Sarah runs past the second set towards the third, then the shot changes and she has moved back to the first set where she began her run.


Continuity mistake: During the final battle, the T800 at one point is trapped but manages to free himself (losing one arm in the process). He comes back to slice the T1000 in half with a metal bar. The T1000 kicks backwards at him (karate-style) - and the metal bar is flying away! Yet in the following shot, it is still there embedded in the T1000.

Spiny Norman

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Suggested correction: It doesn't fly away. It is wrestled out of the T-800's hands as the T-1000 turns around because it's stuck in the T-1000's body.


Like, to the top left of the frame? Possibly. Depends a bit on playback speed too.

Spiny Norman

Other mistake: After the Terminator shoots off the first padlock, you see John driving towards an overpass. However, as the Terminator is shooting at the truck, the overpass is nowhere to be seen. Not until it takes the top off the truck.

Continuity mistake: After the T-800 breaks the window in the mall, a blonde girl in a white and blue shirt is on the left but in the next shot is on the right.


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Suggested correction: Entry not specific enough.

How is this not specific enough?


For one, there's more than one chase scene involving a truck in this movie. This entry doesn't specify which one. Nor does he specify if we see the camera crew itself or simply a reflection of the crew on the vehicle.

I think he is referring to a truck seen just before the Freightliner runs the stop sign and hits the brown and dark blue cars. The "camera" truck though looks like it has trash cans in the back, not a film crew, at least nothing that I can see in the 1080p version to indicate it is a film crew. The reverse shot of the collision if from a fixed position camera close to the cars so wasn't shot from a truck, so again no evidence this is a film crew truck.


Revealing mistake: When the T-800 is reloading his shotgun in the alley with John, he reaches into his pocket, presumably to grab shells for the shotgun. In the shot with him and John in frame, his hand comes out of his pocket empty, but we hear him load another shell into the gun in the next shot.


Continuity mistake: When the helicopter smashes into the back of the police van the front gets completely smashed in and crumples. Next shot is from the side - the helicopter falls to the ground and the front is intact, then smashes to pieces on impact.

The Terminator: I need your clothes, boots and your motorcycle.
Cigar Biker: You forgot to say please.

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Suggested correction: In one of the special features on the Blu-ray version, director James Cameron can be seen holding and shooting the minigun, while saying: "Arnold's gonna love this."

More trivia for Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Chosen answer: He's initially playing Missile Command, then he goes to play After Burner.


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