Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Factual error: The truck that the T-1000 uses to try and run down John in the overspill, is a Freightliner FLA 9664, which uses a diesel engine - it does not use petrol. Diesel is much harder to combust in comparison to petrol/gasoline, and the spark from the battery cables on the spilt diesel would absolutely never ignite under those circumstances. (00:37:55)


Factual error: There is absolutely no way the Police would send a helicopter to a crime scene with only the pilot on board. He has to fly the helicopter close to buildings, trees, power lines, and he may come under fire or have to manoeuvre out of any one of a number of crisis situations, and fast. He cannot possibly serve as an observer or pass on situation reports as well as controlling his aircraft. The fact that they needed an empty seat for the T-1000 is no excuse; he would have an observer on board with him. (01:50:15)

Factual error: When the T-800 is scanning the parking lot in the bar near the beginning of the movie, he scans the lone car parked outside and his display reads "Plymouth sedan." The vehicle he scanned was a Ford LTD Crown Victoria. (00:06:50)

Factual error: When the Terminator is running from the T-1000 and the T-1000 shoots into the Terminator's back he shoots 26 bullets. That's impossible, the gun he is using is a Beretta 9 mm - even if double stacked it is impossible. (00:59:30)

Factual error: When the Terminator and John are replacing the starter on the Ford Bronco, the Terminator is removing/installing the starter bolts vertically. However, all Ford starters are held in by bolts that run horizontally.


Factual error: When Terminator shoots T1000 in the liquid nitrogen truck, the trucks tips over and is still moving which would be impossible. It would just stop dead in its tracks not continue for another 100 feet like it does in the movie.


Factual error: While escaping Pescadero, Sarah breaks Dr. Silberman's left arm with a baton as he reaches for the phone. Moments later, when Sarah is holding Dr. Silberman "hostage" by sticking the syringe of cleaner fluid, he opens the security doors (which are extremely heavy) with the same left arm. This would be virtually impossible and downright excruciating.

Spencer Crouse

Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The T-1000 punches his body through the window of a helicopter to get inside. An instant later, the hole in the windshield is gone. (01:56:35)

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Trivia: While the characters were running around a hot steel mill, in reality the temperatures in the mill averaged only about 40° Fahrenheit. The actors had to be consistently spritzed with water to make it look like they were sweating.


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Question: Why did the T-1000 kill the officer in the beginning and steal his clothes? Later we see the uniform heal so we know he can create clothing.


Answer: He didn't steal his clothes, but copied them. He can only copy things that he physically touches. He had to touch the cop to take on his look. Also since the cop was a witness to this ruthless killing machine, it needed to kill him to protect itself from being discovered too soon. The Terminator is an infiltration unit on an assassination mission to kill John Connor. As advanced as it is, it needs as little attention drawn to it as possible. Having the entire police force chasing him down would not be ideal for his goal to get Connor and would inevitably slow him down and risk allowing Connor a better chance of escape. The T 1000 also is an emotionless machine programmed by other machines that are intent on killing off all humans in the future. It doesn't value human life, and if anything has been programmed to regard them as a pest to be dealt with. The cop was a means to an ends and an obstacle to take out. As well, the cop did also posses a weapon, and was the T-1000's quickest way to get his hands on a gun.

Quantom X

Answer: While the T-1000 did kill the officer at the beginning (which is pretty much standard behavior for Terminators), it didn't steal the officer's clothes. It merely sampled the officer's appearance as soon as it touched him. However, it did steal the officer's firearm, because the T-1000 could not mimic complex mechanical objects or weapons (it could only mimic stabbing and cutting weapons).

Charles Austin Miller

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