Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Movie Quote Quiz

T-1000: Say... That's a nice bike.

Dr. Silberman: You broke my arm!
Sarah Connor: There's 215 bones in the human body. That's one.

The Terminator: I need your clothes, boots and your motorcycle.
Cigar Biker: You forgot to say please.

Sarah Connor: [narrating.] Dyson listened while the Terminator laid it all down: Skynet, Judgment Day, the history of things to come. It's not everyday you find out that you're responsible for 3 billion deaths. He took it pretty well.
Miles Dyson: I feel like I'm gonna throw up.

Sarah Connor: Keep it under 65. We don't want to be pulled over.
The Terminator: Affirmative.
John Connor: No, no, no, no. You gotta listen to the way people talk. You don't say "affirmative" or some shit like that. You say, "No problemo." If someone comes off to you with an attitude, you say "Eat me." And if you want to shine 'em on it's, "Hasta la vista, baby."
The Terminator: Hasta la vista, baby.
John Connor: Yeah. Or, "Later dickwad." If someone gets upset you say, "Chill out." Or you can do combinations.
The Terminator: "Chill out...dickwad."
John Connor: That's great! See, you're getting it.
The Terminator: No problemo.

John Connor: Where are we going?
Terminator: We have to get out of the city immediately and avoid the authorities.
John Connor: Listen, I need to stop by my house. I want to pick up some stuff before we leave.
Terminator: Negative. The T-1000 will definitely try to reacquire you there.
John Connor: Are you sure?
Terminator: I would.

Sarah Connor: It's over.
The Terminator: No. There's one more chip. And it must be destroyed also. Here. I cannot self-terminate. You must lower me into the steel.
John Connor: No.
The Terminator: I'm sorry, John. I'm sorry.
John Connor: No, it'll be OK! Stay with us! It'll be OK!
The Terminator: I have to go away.
John Connor: No, don't do it! Please don't go!
The Terminator: I must go away, John.
John Connor: No! No, wait, wait! You don't have to do this!
The Terminator: I'm sorry.
John Connor: No, don't do it! Don't go!
The Terminator: It has to end here.
John Connor: I order you not to go! I order you not to go! I order you not to go!
The Terminator: I know now why you cry, but it's something I can never do.

[The Terminator rips the skin off his arm in front of Dyson and his wife.]
The Terminator: Now listen to me very carefully.

Sarah Connor: Three billion human lives ended on August 29th, 1997. The survivors of the nuclear fire called the war Judgment Day. They lived only to face a new nightmare: the war against the machines. The computer which controlled the machines, Skynet, sent two Terminators back through time. Their mission: to destroy the leader of the human resistance, John Connor, my son. The first Terminator was programmed to strike at me in the year 1984, before John was born. It failed. The second was set to strike at John himself when he was still a child. As before, the resistance was able to send a lone warrior, a protector for John. It was just a question of which one of them would reach him first.

Sarah Connor: The unknown future rolls toward us. I face it, for the first time, with a sense of hope. Because if a machine, a Terminator, can learn the value of human life, maybe we can too.

John Connor: Can you learn stuff you haven't been programmed with? So you can be, you know, more human? And not such a dork all the time?

Kyle G.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The T-1000 punches his body through the window of a helicopter to get inside. An instant later, the hole in the windshield is gone. (01:56:35)

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Suggested correction: In one of the special features on the Blu-ray version, director James Cameron can be seen holding and shooting the minigun, while saying: "Arnold's gonna love this."

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Question: Why did the T-1000 kill the officer in the beginning and steal his clothes? Later we see the uniform heal so we know he can create clothing.


Answer: He didn't steal his clothes, but copied them. He can only copy things that he physically touches. He had to touch the cop to take on his look. Also since the cop was a witness to this ruthless killing machine, it needed to kill him to protect itself from being discovered too soon. The Terminator is an infiltration unit on an assassination mission to kill John Connor. As advanced as it is, it needs as little attention drawn to it as possible. Having the entire police force chasing him down would not be ideal for his goal to get Connor and would inevitably slow him down and risk allowing Connor a better chance of escape. The T 1000 also is an emotionless machine programmed by other machines that are intent on killing off all humans in the future. It doesn't value human life, and if anything has been programmed to regard them as a pest to be dealt with. The cop was a means to an ends and an obstacle to take out. As well, the cop did also posses a weapon, and was the T-1000's quickest way to get his hands on a gun.

Quantom X

Answer: While the T-1000 did kill the officer at the beginning (which is pretty much standard behavior for Terminators), it didn't steal the officer's clothes. It merely sampled the officer's appearance as soon as it touched him. However, it did steal the officer's firearm, because the T-1000 could not mimic complex mechanical objects or weapons (it could only mimic stabbing and cutting weapons).

Charles Austin Miller

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