Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Visible crew/equipment: When Arnie is airborne on his cycle in the canal scene, you can faintly see the wires holding up his bike - from just around his shoulders right before he lands to until it switches scenes. (00:37:15)

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Suggested correction: There are no wires visible at all.


Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the aqueduct chase the amount of damage to the semi-trailer truck changes repeatedly. Damage to the semi's grille is severe, then is not. This happens about three times. (00:35:20)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the T-800 and T-1000 first begin to fight in the steel mill, the T-800 puts his fist through the T-1000's head causing him to revert to liquid metal form, then as the T-1000 is throwing the T-800 from side to side you can obviously tell that the T-1000 is just an actor wearing a highly metallic mylar suit in some shots. (02:14:10)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Sarah carves "No Fate" into the desk, the tip of the knife curves toward her, then you see it facing away, then when John grabs it from the desk its tip is back toward him. (01:32:45)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Terminator drives the police van into the Cyberdyne building to rescue Sarah and John, one of the van's mirrors becomes crushed in on the side. Once the van is onto the freeway the mirror is intact again. (02:00:30)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the scene where John is helping Arnie up after the T-1000 has been exploded and sent to his doom in the fiery pit of molten steel (Arnie is saying "I need a vacation"), you can see how the effects crew haphazardly put on a fake busted mechanical arm underneath Arnie's coat and how it bulges out from his shoulder. You can almost see how they just tied Arnie's arm back behind his back and put a fake arm over him. (02:23:35)

Continuity mistake: When the T-800 grabs the shotgun off the bar keeper,he cocks it (fully), then in the next shot, you see him half-way through cocking it. (00:09:30)

Continuity mistake: About halfway through the aqueduct chase, the T-800 shoots the semi in its left door. The hole stays there until a little before the end of the chase. (00:36:30)

Revealing mistake: Early on in the film, the T-800 sees John riding down the aqueduct. He stops, and a blue car skids and is hit by another on its right side near the rear wheel. As the T-800 sets off in pursuit of the T-1000 and John, a blue car skids and is hit on its left side. Guess what? Its the same car as earlier. You can tell by the massive dent above the rear wheel. (00:29:20 - 00:34:40)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the T-800, Sarah and John are escaping the mental hospital in the elevator the T-1000 stabs through the top and cuts Sarah in the back. Later when are driving away from the hospital in the police car Sarah hugs John. When the camera shows Sarah's back her shirt is torn but the wound itself is gone. (01:03:10 - 01:06:45)

Factual error: When the Terminator is running from the T-1000 and the T-1000 shoots into the Terminator's back he shoots 26 bullets. That's impossible, the gun he is using is a Beretta 9 mm - even if double stacked it is impossible. (00:59:30)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the SWAT van flips over you can see the many bullets holes on top of the Van. However a few frames later the bullet holes change from many to just a few. (02:04:30)


Visible crew/equipment: When the Terminator is catapulted into the factory by the tanker truck, wires are visible holding him up (Slow-mo or pause might help.). (01:52:50)

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Suggested correction: At a regular speed, one cannot see any wires.


Other mistake: Just after the top of the truck's been sheared off, the T-1000 sticks his head back up and pushes the shattered windscreen out. He then steers quite severely right, then left, but given how narrow the area is he's driving down, that would have slammed him into both walls. (00:35:25)

Jon Sandys

Terminator 2: Judgment Day mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Toward the end of the aqueduct chase, the T-800 pulls John off the bike and it is crushed by the semi. The camera jerks upward as John is pulled off, and you see that Robert Patrick has been replaced by a stunt double who looks nothing like him. (00:37:35)

Continuity mistake: The computer that the T-1000 reads in the police car (at the beginning) reads that John is 10 years old and was born in February of 1985. Which means that the movie would have to take place in 1995 (2 years before Judgment Day). Yet Arnold claims in the car, (while driving towards Mexico) that Judgment Day would happen in 3 years, just after the Skynet funding bill is passed by congress. (01:14:20)

Continuity mistake: When the nitrogen truck's grille is destroyed by a grenade, the damage is primarily in the upper right corner. In subsequent shots, the damage is more extensive.

Continuity mistake: At the mall, after the Terminator has been thrown through a glass window shop, a man in grey pants approaches him from behind. When he stands up the guy has disappeared. (00:33:10)


Character mistake: When the T-1000 comes from the checkerboard floor and turns into the security guard at the mental hospital, the guard has just gotten a cup of coffee. On the side of the cup he has Jack, Jack, Ace, Ace. He looks at the bottom and says he's got a full house, but the card value on bottom of cup is Queen, which leaves him with only two pair.


The Terminator: I need your clothes, boots and your motorcycle.
Cigar Biker: You forgot to say please.

More quotes from Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Trivia: The insert car driver (towing the bike ridden by Eddie Furlong) was warned at the very beginning of the scene where John rides out of the mall and the T-1000 is chasing him, that Robert Patrick could run exceptionally well. The driver confidently said that Patrick wouldn't catch him. However, on the very first take, Patrick ran right up and tapped Furlong on the shoulder. So if this was real life, the human race would be in trouble.

More trivia for Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Question: One of the taglines for this film is "It's nothing personal". I have no idea what that has to do with the film and was hoping someone could explain it.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Two possibilities. 1: The Terminator is emotionless, so the killing isn't personal, but rather what it's programmed to do. 2: Sarah Connor's plan to kill Miles Dyson to stop Skynet's creation.

Captain Defenestrator

It's also a sly nod to another famous tagline, Jaws: The Revenge. "This time it's personal."


More questions & answers from Terminator 2: Judgment Day

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