Best movie mistakes of all time

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The Mask picture Video

Revealing mistake: When The Mask is dancing with Tina and he turns her into a human tornado while spinning her around, none of the onlookers in the crowd show the slightest bit of amazement at the impossible feat that just occurred in front of them, indicating that the extras were not directed to react to the special effects.


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The Hunt for Red October picture

Character mistake: Characters refer to the Dallas and the Red October as "ships," but anyone stationed aboard a submarine would know to call it a "boat."

Cubs Fan

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Spider-Man: Homecoming picture

Factual error: When the bus is shown entering Washington, DC for the competition, the shot shows the bus traveling over the Arlington Memorial Bridge with the Lincoln Memorial in the background. That bridge is on the southwest side of the city. Since NYC is to the northeast of DC, this means that to get to that bridge and enter DC that way, the bus had to drive all the way around the city and then come back in from the opposite direction. Even if the bus driver made a mistake and missed the most direct route into the city from the north, there are dozens of other ways to get to the heart of the city without adding a good 45 minutes to an hour to the trip.


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The Lion King picture

Audio problem: (May only apply to the original VHS release.) When Scar has Zazu locked up in a cage, Zazu mentions Mufasa's name and Scar yells at him, "What did you say?" Right before Scar's actual line, whilst Zazu is talking, you hear Scar's "What did you say?" line very faintly in the background, even though Zazu has not even mentioned Mufasa yet.

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47 Ronin picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where the witch gives Mika the dagger to kill herself with, the witch stabs it into the floor. When the witch leaves the dagger is lying on the floor. When Mika goes to grab the dagger it is stuck in the floor again. (01:15:20)

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Chicago picture Chicago mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the final scene where Roxie and Velma are dancing in the concert hall, Roxie is on the right and Velma is on the left. They then turn around, and from behind (same point of view as before) they're suddenly the other way around. (01:44:20)

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Halloween picture

Continuity mistake: When Annie and Laurie leave the hardware store to go to their babysitting jobs it is broad daylight. When they reach the houses apparently just a few blocks away, it is already dark.

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Legally Blonde picture

Audio problem: In the scene after Reese Witherspoon and Luke Wilson are returning from questioning the ex-wife of the murder victim at a spa, they are driving up in Luke's car. You can clearly see, as they get closer to the camera, that what you hear Luke saying isn't what his lips are saying. It was a very obvious dub over...and a very bad one.

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The Chipmunk Adventure picture

Continuity mistake: There is a scene where the Chipmunks and Chipettes are singing the song "Girls of Rock and Roll." In that scene, it shows the boys walking up the stairs together and from left to right the order is: Simon, Alvin & Theodore. The shot goes to the girls then back to the guys. The order of the guys has switched: (left to right) Theodore, Alvin & Simon.

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Clueless picture

Visible crew/equipment: After Josh tells Cher she's such a brat, at the start of the next shot which is the first close-up of Cher during the driver's test, just as she says, "I had an overwhelming sense of ickiness, even though I apologized to Lucy," the top of a crewmember's head, with his short wavy hair blowing in the wind, is reflected at the bottom of the Jeep's windshield, directly in front of Cher and the steering wheel. (01:11:55)

Super Grover

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix picture Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix mistake picture

Continuity mistake: There are two scenes during which Harry is shown having visions of the Dept of Mysteries while he is asleep. The first scene occurs after Harry's confrontation with Seamus in the Gryffindor common room. There are shots of Harry lying in bed wearing a short sleeve, crew neck tee shirt, but when he is startled awake by the vision of Voldemort, he sits up wearing a buttoned henley tee. The next day is the first day of Defence Against the Dark Arts class with Umbridge. That last shot of Harry in the henley tee shirt was cut from a later scene. Later in the film, when Harry has the vision of Arthur Weasley's attack, he is wearing the henley tee shirt. (00:34:00 - 01:09:35)

Super Grover

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Jurassic Park picture Jurassic Park mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Tim and Lex first arrive, Lex is wearing a purple tank top with a colorful design, and in the following scenes or even between consecutive shots her tank top changes to completely different designs, though it's the same style of tank top.

Super Grover

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War of the Worlds picture

Continuity mistake: On the ferry, Rachel wears the purple/pink camouflage hoodie over her orange knit sweater with the colorful stripe sleeves, as usual. Now this is where things become strange. In the first shot as the trio come ashore, she is only wearing her orange sweater, she is not wearing the purple/pink hoodie - note the clear lack of fur hood. In the very next shot as they climb a bit more and then rest, Rachel is wearing the purple/pink hoodie - note the hood, but now it's on under her orange sweater. In the underwater shots she is also wearing it under the orange sweater. (This odd mistake has absolutely nothing to do with the very long wool cloak that Rachel wears in the next scene). (01:02:20 - 01:04:40)

Super Grover

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About a Boy picture

Continuity mistake: During the Xmas day scene, Markus receives a Sony portable CD player as a gift from Will. However, before the gift's unwrapped, the Sony box is visible on the table. (00:51:45)

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The Truth About Cats And Dogs picture The Truth About Cats And Dogs mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Uma Thurman visits the radio station for the first time, she asks Janeane Garofalo if she can sit down by the microphone. As she's standing in front of the desk she's wearing a cardigan with a handbag over her shoulder. When she turns round to say "you promise not to laugh?", the cardigan and bag have disappeared. (00:16:10)

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UHF (1989)

UHF picture

Plot hole: R.J. Fletcher is shown as a ruthless businessman who knows everything there is to know about Channel 62 - who owns it, how much it's worth, who is running it, the financial troubles it is having and so on and so on. He is also fully aware of the telethon and the fact that George is selling the station as a going concern for a total of $75,000.00. It is simply asking too much of audience credulity or 'suspension of belief' to think that such a hard-headed businessman would not work out that he could, using stooges, buy a controlling interest in the station for $37,501.00, saving himself a small fortune and closing the station down over the objections of his minority shareholders. Something this blatant could not possibly be a character mistake - he is already planning on buying the station for the full price (from Big Louis) so don't tell me he wouldn't just switch plans and buy it from George instead!

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Flight of the Phoenix picture

Plot hole: This film is set in 2004. The thought that no search and rescue operations would be put in place after an aircraft disappeared from radar during a routine flight is absurd. The Chinese are paranoid about intrusion on their territory and the downed aircraft would have been located by a simple satellite search within hours of it crashing. Chinese military satellites crisscross the Gobi and they are equipped with optical cameras, microwave and infrared detectors and radar, so spotting a metal aircraft on the ground would be simple even if it was hundreds of kilometres off course. The crew would have been visited by Chinese military helicopters (and probably arrested!) as soon as the storm had died down.


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Suggested correction: The Chinese government, for whatever reason, may have denied there was any crash at all if it suited their purposes, and the oil company that owned the plane would have little recourse. The Chinese have done this before. For the purpose of the plot, the survivors decided that they had to save themselves rather than wait for rescue and that was completely plausible.

Suggested correction: It's now 2021, and we still can't find Malaysian Airlines MH370. So this suggestion of planes always being found is laughable.


MH370 crashed into the ocean, and in fact some wreckage has been found. The Chinese military does not have the south Indian Ocean under satellite surveillance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, unlike the Gobi desert where a crashed plane would be spotted within hours of it going missing.

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