Best movie mistakes of 1996

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Mission: Impossible picture

Factual error: The vents that Hunt and his sidekick crawl down at CIA Headquarters are standard galvanized steel box vents; they are very common in the building trade. Try walking or crawling down one - you'll make a noise like the sky is falling down. People will be able to hear you for miles. Every person in that building would know somebody crawling about in the vent system. (This error applies to dozens of films, not only this one).

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Twister picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Melissa dodges the truck that has fallen from sky and Dusty rushes to open a door and help Melissa get out of the truck, the reflection of a camera is seen in the bottom right corner of the truck window. As they move out and pan to the right, you can see a reflection of the same camera and cameraman at the bottom right corner of the truck door as they move away. (00:33:50)

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More From Dusk Till Dawn mistakes
Independence Day picture Independence Day mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Dr. Okun is about to unlock "the vault", and says, "The freak show," a crewmember wearing a black and white striped shirt is hiding under the vault's floor, right behind Okun. (Only visible on fullscreen DVD.)

Super Grover

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Happy Gilmore picture

Continuity mistake: In the final round, when Happy and Shooter McGavin are about to tee off on the first hole, they show a picture of the 18th green with the Volkswagen Beetle already crashed into the TV tower. However, this doesn't happen until Happy gets hit by the car later in the game. (01:09:25)

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Scream picture Scream mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: At the end when Sidney's dad falls out of the closet, if you look closely you can see the hands of a crewmember who was in there too, pushing items out after him. (01:42:40)

Jon Sandys

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The Truth About Cats And Dogs picture The Truth About Cats And Dogs mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Uma Thurman visits the radio station for the first time, she asks Janeane Garofalo if she can sit down by the microphone. As she's standing in front of the desk she's wearing a cardigan with a handbag over her shoulder. When she turns round to say "you promise not to laugh?", the cardigan and bag have disappeared. (00:16:10)

More The Truth About Cats And Dogs mistakes
Eraser picture Eraser mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Arnold goes to the gay bar to solicit the help of the guy he saved at the beginning of the movie. The guy is wearing a white shirt and a vest black/gold lamay. During their conversation he takes off the vest, then it cuts to another bartender. When it cuts back the guy has the vest on, another shot and the vest is off again. (00:08:05 - 01:10:50)

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More Romeo + Juliet mistakes
The Nutty Professor picture

Visible crew/equipment: At the party towards the end, Sherman leaves and Carla comes after him. As she runs toward him, the battery pack slides down her leg.

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Broken Arrow picture

Other mistake: When Christian Slater shoots 9 or 10 shots out of a 6-shooter, there is no possible way that he could have had time to reload in the time allotted.

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Sonic the Hedgehog picture

Continuity mistake: When Sonic and Tails are fighting metal Robotnik, he shoots glue at Tail's tail. Tails says he can't fly to help Sonic, but when he gets the piece of concrete to surf across the water on you can see that his tails are not glued together.

More Sonic the Hedgehog mistakes
The Rock picture The Rock mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Nick Cage is chasing Mason in the yellow Ferrari. The windshield breaks at least twice, but is perfect in the next shot. (00:45:55)

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Matilda picture

Factual error: It is stated that Miss Trunchbull competed in the Olympics in shot put, javelin, and hammer throw. According to her jersey those were the 1972 Olympics. The hammer throw wasn't added as an Olympic event for women until 2000.

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101 Dalmatians picture

Other mistake: When the nanny comes home with the tags, they call Jewel to get hers first. Jewel has a penis.

More 101 Dalmatians mistakes
Executive Decision picture

Factual error: A flight manifest would never state on its seating chart that an armed U.S. marshal was on board as it gives away that person's identity and puts everyone on board in danger.

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Swingers picture

Visible crew/equipment: At the beginning when Jon Favreau is on the phone in his flat you can see the cameraman reflected in the window directly in front of him. (00:06:25)

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Courage Under Fire picture

Continuity mistake: During the early part of the movie, there are a number of references to the Blackhawk crew, yet the wreckage is that of a Huey.

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First Wives Club picture

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the film, as Bette Midler, Diane Keaton and Goldie Hawn sing the song "You Don't Own Me," watch Goldie's shoes. For the first portion of the song, which takes place inside, she is wearing spiked-heel shoes with multiple straps. Then, as they dance through the doors onto the street, she is wearing shoes with a single strap and a much thicker heel.

More First Wives Club mistakes
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