The Truth About Cats And Dogs
The Truth About Cats And Dogs mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Uma Thurman visits the radio station for the first time, she asks Janeane Garofalo if she can sit down by the microphone. As she's standing in front of the desk she's wearing a cardigan with a handbag over her shoulder. When she turns round to say "you promise not to laugh?", the cardigan and bag have disappeared. (00:16:10)

The Truth About Cats And Dogs mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Abby is consoling Noelle, after she finds out that Roy is a loser, notice the magazine she throws after saying 'You are no longer allowed to read this destructive literature' ends up on Abby's lap at the end of the scene. She threw it on the floor earlier. (00:46:55)

Continuity mistake: When Noele is crying because she's found out her boyfriend is a loser, Abby holds Noele's mug in her left hand. A second after that, she hugs Noele, and the cup has disappeared from her hand.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Roy breaks the violin bow, and calls Janeane Garafalo a dumb bitch, there's a close up of her with her hair down, but in the next shot her hair is tucked behind her ear, then down again. (00:14:05)

Continuity mistake: In the scene when Noelle goes to Brian's apartment so she will be there during Abby's radio show, at one point, Noelle is sitting on the coach with Brian in a chair next to her. Brian has just given her a book and they are leaning close, about to kiss. Noelle has dropped her hand away from her mouth, but the very next shot shows Brian moving her fingers away from her mouth to lean in and kiss her.

The Truth About Cats And Dogs mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Abby is consoling Noelle, after she finds out that Roy is a loser, notice the magazine she throws after saying 'You are no longer allowed to read this destructive literature' ends up on Abby's lap at the end of the scene. She threw it on the floor earlier. (00:46:55)

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Abby: We can love our pets, we just can't love our pets.

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