Visible crew/equipment: When the police officer who was struck by lightning is wheeled into the ER, just as Dixie, Brackett, and Early walk up the hallway, the two tape marks are visible on the floor right outside the doorway of treatment 2, where Dixie is about to stand. Additionally, we can see the outline of the transmitter wire on the back of Dixie's uniform.
Loose Ends - S6-E12
Visible crew/equipment: When Dixie visits Brackett in his hospital room, he insists on seeing the little girl from the accident, but she convinces him to get back into bed. Then as he says "Alright, but later I want to see her," the actor's tape mark is visible on the floor near the second bed, where Dixie stands as Brackett gets back in bed.
Visible crew/equipment: After Johnny and Roy are called back into the home of the young couple, who were issued the fire-code violation ticket, when Roy is on the Biophone with Rampart, the bulging outline of the mic transmitter is visible at the left side of Roy's shirt, just over his belt.
Fair Fight - S6-E5
Visible crew/equipment: At the cave-in site with the trapped men, when Johnny is up top and also when he's being lowered down to the men, the bulging outline of Johnny's mic transmitter is visible on the front, left of his shirt, right above his belt.
Fair Fight - S6-E5
Visible crew/equipment: When Roy and Johnny are at Rampart after their third run to the battling couple's home, the outline of the mic transmitter can be seen on the front, left side of Roy's shirt, over his belt.
Visible crew/equipment: When Johnny is kneeling on the sidewalk beside the woman who fainted, the outline of the mic transmitter can be seen at his left side, above his belt.
Visible crew/equipment: When Roy and Johnny are with Johnny's friend, the stunt coordinator, trying out the new gear, the outlines of their mic transmitters are visible on the left sides of Johnny's and Roy's shirts, above the belts.

Bottom Line - S6-E17
Visible crew/equipment: A man walks into the ER with a white phosphorus burn on his arm, and when they wheel him into the treatment room, an actor's T-mark is visible on the floor below the gurney.
Visible crew/equipment: When the guys are on the tower ride during the rescue, the shadow of the chopper (and its rotating rotor blades) doing the aerial filming becomes visible, when the ride reaches the bottom. Then the shadow of the entire chopper moves in directly in front of the ambulance, as they load the ambulance.

An Ounce of Prevention - S6-E13
Visible crew/equipment: After the rescues at the ferris wheel, when Dixie walks in while Brackett is examining the patient, the actor's black tape mark is visible on the floor, just as Morton and the nurse switch places.
Bottom Line - S6-E17
Visible crew/equipment: When the guy walks into the ER with the white phosphorous burn, the outline of the lavalier mic transmitter is visible on the back of Dixie's uniform.
Visible crew/equipment: When Squad 51 stalls and the guys call for assistance, when Charlie shows up and walks over to the squad, the reflection of the camera rig tracking backward can be seen in the squad's vent window. The reflection of location set lighting is also visible on the spotlight and squad.
Visible crew/equipment: After Station 51 is dispatched to the structure fire, en route Squad 51's engine stalls and starts again, then while they continue driving when the dispatcher cancels the run the reflection of the filming vehicle can be seen on the squad's surface.
Visible crew/equipment: When Squad 51 is dispatched to 'man injured', in the exterior shot of the squad while en route, when the dispatcher cancels the run the reflection of the filming vehicle can be seen on the side of the squad.
Visible crew/equipment: When Station 51 is dispatched to the plane crash, we hear Captain Stanley respond, "KMG365," and as he walks in front of the engine the partial reflection of the cameraman is visible on the windshield, right in front of Mike who's sitting in the driver's seat.
Visible crew/equipment: When Roy and Johnny load the woman who fainted onto the ambulance, the curly haired attendant gets in the back with Roy and the patient, but en route Roy is alone with the patient, and when Roy tells them to pull over we see the silhouette of the curly haired attendant sitting in the front passenger seat. Then when the ambulance pulls over, only the driver is in the front.
Visible crew/equipment: When Roy's in the ambulance with the woman who fainted, he gets permission from Brackett to leave the TKO patient, so he and John can join Engine 51 at the traffic accident nearby. When the ambulance pulls over, the reflection of array lighting can be seen on the surfaces of both the ambulance and Squad 51.
Visible crew/equipment: At the site of the hang gliding accident, when Captain Stanley and Marco are pulling the stokes up the side of the cliff, the outlines of the lav mic transmitter and wire are visible on the back of Cap's shirt.
Visible crew/equipment: After Brackett examines the self-defense instructor, when Brackett speaks to Mrs. Grady in the hallway, the outline of the mic transmitter is visible at the front of Roy's shirt.
Visible crew/equipment: Near the end, when Johnny's walking from the locker room to the kitchen and checking his watch, the bulging outline of the mic transmitter is visible on the front of his shirt.
Answer: It is standard practice to wet down driveways so that they stand out in a long shot.