Family Guy

Family Guy (1999)

95 mistakes in season 1

(28 votes)

Family Guy mistake picture

Death Has a Shadow - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: Stewie tries to get his mind control device back from the kitchen. The cupboard door is open when he falls. In the very next shot, Lois turns the light on in the kitchen, and we see the door has closed without anyone touching it. It is open again after that. (00:09:50)

Mind over Murder - S1-E4

Audio problem: When Peter goes down to the basement, the Pawtucket Patriot guy appears and Peter thinks he's coming on to him. He says, "Listen, I don't swing that way, pal. I got a date with my female wife, I just came down to get some beers." However, his lips very obviously do not sync up with those words.

Death Has a Shadow - S1-E1

Other mistake: When Stewie demands his device, he says, "Like a box of active grenades," and she gives it back. The pins weren't pulled, yet he runs and it explodes. (00:18:00)

Family Guy mistake picture

Chitty Chitty Death Bang - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: When Meg introduces Jennifer to Lois, she is, as usual, wearing her glasses. However, right when Jennifer says, "Bye Meg," Meg is seen in the shot, and her glasses have disappeared. Her glasses are back on in the next shot.

Lois: Hello?
Peter: I can't take the trash out today, I'm working late at the office.
Lois: The caller ID says you're calling from the kitchen. In fact I can see you.
Peter: [Edging sideways.] OK, can you see me now?
Lois: No.
Peter: Now I am at the office.

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Grumpy Old Man - S10-E9

Trivia: One of the cutaway gags is about someone who survived 9/11 because he was late for work watching late night football. Seth MacFarlane missed his flight, which would have been one of the flights to crash into the World Trade Center, because his agent had given him the incorrect departure time. The plane was scheduled to depart at 7:45 AM and his agent had told him it was departing at 8:15 AM. By the time Seth arrived the boarding had been closed and he was told he would have to catch a later flight.

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Business Guy - S8-E9

Question: In the episode, Peter threatens to fire Lois, and she responds with "you wouldn't" and Peter then replies with "Oh really, does the name Lacey Chabert mean anything to you?" which in turn makes Lois go wide eyed and reply with "OK, I'll behave" and Peter then goes on to add "Yes you will" Can anyone explain this joke if it is a joke to comprehend?

Answer: Lacey Chabert was the actress who originally voiced Meg in early episodes. She left of her own accord due to being in school and other acting work; Seth MacFarlane has stated there was no tension with her leaving, but it makes for a handy joke for the show.

Jon Sandys

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