Grumpy Scot

17th Nov 2004

Stripes (1981)

Corrected entry: During John and Sgt Hulka's "heart to heart" talk in the latrine, Hulka says that he's been in the Army 28 years. Hulka's rank was an E7 (Sergeant First Class). It's not possible to be in the Army that long as only an E7, you'd have to be at least an E9 (Sergeant Major) - in which case you wouldn't be a drill sergeant since Sergeant Majors aren't drill sergeants.

Correction: This assumes that Hulka never lost a rank or two due to misbehavior or that he loved being a drill sergeant and turned down promotions. Further, it is entirely possible to be in that long and only be E-7. An E-5 in my old unit had been in the Army for 22 years and hadn't gotten any farther.

Grumpy Scot

15th Mar 2004

The Postman (1997)

Corrected entry: Costner finds the old mail van with the skeleton inside, still wearing its old uniform. He then takes and wears this outfit. Surely if the original postman had died in the truck still wearing these clothes then his corpse would have rotted away inside the uniform, infestations of maggots, disintegrating flesh, and bloating and bursting innards would have ruined the uniform beyond belief. But not only is it clean and fragrant enough for Costner to wear straight away, it's also dapper enough to get him laid by the couple wanting a baby. (00:44:25)

Correction: No, the postman died up in the mountains after a nuclear war. Given the temperature high in the mountains and (possibly) nuclear winter, the postman could decompose without bloating or maggots due to the cold.

Grumpy Scot

14th Jan 2004

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Crystal Skull - S3-E21

Corrected entry: When SG1 and Nick are walking along the bridge inside the cavern near the end where Daniel is 'invisible', they are all evenly spaced out with Daniel in the middle and Nick at the front. But if he was invisible, then the person behind him would have not left so big a gap, it would have been half the size.

Craig Bryant

Correction: No, by this time Nick has convinced them that Daniel is alive and that Nick can see him. He has told them where Daniel is walking.

Grumpy Scot

4th Nov 2003

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Correction: Why is this a mistake? A zipper is a simple and effective method of fastening clothes. We have been using it for close to 100 years (1913). Once something so simple is in use, why waste time and money on finding something more fancy? And with all the cultures SG-1 finds, surely some things like buttons, zippers, bows and arrows, candles, etc are going to be the same from culture to culture. There are only so many ways to handle mundane tasks no matter how high your tech level is.

Grumpy Scot

6th Jan 2004

Tremors 2 (1996)

Corrected entry: While the graboid is pulling the truck across country, look at the ground between the graboid and the truck and you will see tire tracks on the ground.

Correction: Why is this a mistake? Earl and Grady have been driving all over the valley all day and the oil company trucks have been there before then. There are tire tracks all over the place.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: In the zero-G sequence of the shuttle approaching the moon Dr. Floyd is served a meal in a zero-G tray with straws. While Dr. Floyd sips through the straws to eat from the zero-G food tray, the food puree falls back down the straws into the tray wells (leaving them "clear") after he finishes sipping, an effect of gravity. In zero-G, the food puree should remain visible in the straw, and not fall.

Correction: Current packages designed for consuming liquids in space, have a minor vaccuum in the container and a valve to maintain it in the straw, to keep the liquid from escaping. I see no reason they wouldn't have them in that future.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: In the courtroom scene in the beginning, Andy is convicted and sentenced to two life sentences. Even if Andy was representing himself (it appeared there was no defense lawyer present) the State of Maine still has had a Court of Appeals since 1789, yet it seems like Andy doesn't even care about appealing his case.

Leonard Hassen

Correction: Explained in the book. Andy is in such a funk over the trial and results, as well as his cheating wife, it takes him most of a year to decide he wants to live again. Presumably, he begins making appeals then.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: Before the group enters the school, the camera shows a police K9 unit vehicle with its back doors open to expose several cages that dogs had broken out of. Later, inside the school, the group is attacked by the zombie dobermans. Now, it would be understandable if these where the experimental dogs from the first movie, but they were police dogs. Police dogs are almost always German shepherds. The only exception might be a golden retriever, which are usually used for detecting narcotics.

Correction: These aren't really police dogs. They are dogs used by the Raccoon City police department, who is owned by the Umbrella Corporation. This heartless corporation would not have the slightest qualms about using a far more deadly, but less efficient dog.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: If the aliens could break the queen free so easily, why did it take them thousands of years to do so? Especially since they have been established in the Aliens series as such intelligent creatures. One would not think it should have taken them so long to think of something so obvious.

Correction: The queen called to them to come and release her. The last time the predators were there, the situation was well in hand and no aliens were ever able to reach her before being killed.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: Why did the Predators store their tracking weapons, the one real advantage they have over the Aliens, in a chest that humans could open? That's not a necessary plot device, it's begging for trouble. The humans aren't considered to be part of the hunt, only a mechanism for the Aliens to be born. Even if part of the trial is reaching the chest, why would it have the same writing taught to the humans if only Predators are intended to open it instead of in the Predator language?


Correction: Part of the trial is to reach the chest with only hand weapons. The humans that come since the temple froze over didn't know it was there (and wouldn't be able to read Aztec heiroglyphs to open it even if they did), and when there were humans living there they wouldn't dare even touch the chest, after all they were told to stay out of it by their GODS!

Grumpy Scot

14th Jul 2004

Blade (1998)

Corrected entry: At the end of the first major fight scene, Blade nails Quinn to a wall and sets him on fire. Firemen then put him out, and Quinn's new dummy body wobbles from the minute force of the fire extinguishers.


Correction: He's supposed to be twitching from the extreme damage done to him.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: In the scene where the pregnant Russian woman dies, watch the left side of her neck. There is a very strong, clear pulse throbbing - even while her boyfriend is closing her eyes because she's dead.

Correction: The zombies don't actually die, dead is dead as evidenced when the brain is destroyed. They must drop into some sort of coma for the few minutes of the final transition into zombie. A pulse would not be out of the question.

Grumpy Scot

21st Jun 2004

Pleasantville (1998)

Corrected entry: Despite what "Bud" says, the present-day television used in the movie can still be turned on without a remote.

Matty Blast

Correction: He could be referring to the satellite dish. My old reciever was run entirely by remote, except for the power button. I had to buy a new remote when my daughter lost my first one.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: When the police bash down Dr. Necessiter's door with the battering ram they borrowed from a neighbour, they carry on through the whole Condo and wind up going through the wall and falling into the pool. The police then go back up to the stairs to the Dr. Necessiter's place and the door is intact.

Correction: Yes, the butler replaces doors and walls everytime they break. He replaced the door before they got back. It's part of the paper-thin walls joke.

Grumpy Scot

17th Jun 2004

Timeline (2003)

Corrected entry: It is made very clear several times throughout the movie that the team of students is going back to the year 1357. However, when Stern is showing the students the result of his discovery on the computer screen, concerning how old the ink on the document with the Professor's handwriting is, the date is 1361.

Correction: Real dating methods used for checking ancient ink's age are only exact to within 20 years, 15 years at best. They don't find out the exact date until they visit the time travel corporation later. A 4 year discrepancy is certainly acceptable.

Grumpy Scot

27th Aug 2001

Godzilla (1998)

Corrected entry: The monster can outrun helicopters, but can't catch a taxi?

Correction: Godzilla actually outmanuvered the choppers, not outran them. She was able to move much more freely than the choppers as she didn't have to worry about hitting buildings. As for the taxi, have you ever tried to catch a mouse running through your house? It's very difficult. Same situation.

Grumpy Scot

10th Jun 2004

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Legacy - S3-E4

Corrected entry: When Carter is taking out the marker in the blood left by Jallinar, she uses a centrifuge. That will work great except that she didn't balance it by putting a test-tube or something else (water will work fine) on The Other Side. It's possible that she goofed up, Fraiser was walking her through it and everything, but I doubt it. If she did just have a slip of the memory, the centrifuge would only shake and maybe fall off the table, we don't see if it did or not.

Correction: There are centrifuges that will self balance or have a heavy weighted base that don't need balancing. They are VERY expensive and you don't see them that often. Considering the importance of the SGC, it wouldn't be out of place to have one there.

Grumpy Scot

5th Jun 2004

The Peacemaker (1997)

Corrected entry: George Clooney's character screwed on a silencer to his pistol during the scene when he was extracting information from the truck scheduler. Therefore, Clooney's pistol must have a threaded barrel. But at the beginning of the chase scene following the killing of Dimitri Vertikoff, you can see the end of Clooney's barrel is crowned and not threaded as he sticks it through the windshield of his car. (00:48:45)

Correction: A pistol can have the exterior of the barrel inside the slide machined to screw in a silencer. It's rare, but it can be done.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: When the zombies storm the mall, everyone is able to use the elevator despite the power being out.

Correction: No, when the guys run from the zombies in the garage and end up next to the gas pump, they are in the generator enclosure. So they refuel it and get the power back on.

Grumpy Scot

27th Aug 2001

Men of Honour (2000)

Corrected entry: During the bar scene (at the Moor Bar)...Cuba Gooding and Robert DeNiro challenge each other to holding their breaths in Mark V diving helmets filled with water. The Mark V diving helmet is not designed to hold water in like that. The water being put into the helmet would rush out all over their shoulders. You would need a neck-dam to accomplish that feat. Mark V's were never made with one. Only the newer helmets such as the Miller, the Superlite 17 or the Superlite 27's have them.

Correction: Yes, but they didn't run back to the base and grab helmets, they were already at the bar. Obviously it's a bar frequented by divers and the helmets have been modified for this contest.

Grumpy Scot

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