Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade

Continuity mistake: When Indy is pouring the water from the Grail onto his father's wound, we see him pour all the water out. When his father takes the Grail, there's now water left inside.


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Suggested correction: Automatic refilling seems to be the least of the miracles the Grail has performed.


There was no evidence of this, plus we never see it refill before or after. How would it be empty when they first find it if it miraculously refilled itself? This is a poor correction just to make a correction.


Factual error: The stamps on the mail at Sr. Jones house are Texas Statehood issued in 1945. A bit late for the scene. (00:24:15)

Continuity mistake: Onboard the ship at the end of the prologue, after Indy grabs the cross before it falls over the side, the guy in the white suit climbing up the steps. He's only reaching the top as the shot changes. In the next shot, he's already a few steps away from the top of the steps, telling his men to stop Indy.

Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the temple quake sequence towards the end of the film, Elsa fails to maintain her grip on the rising earth and falls onto tilted ground, sliding towards the chasm. At this point, Sallah is kneeling on the ground, but in the very next shot, he is now grabbing hold of Henry.

Continuity mistake: When the Hatay soldier is decapitated in an attempt to navigate the temple's defences, his head rolls along the ground and Elsa turns her head around and looks over her shoulder. In the next shot, she has now turned her full body around, and in the shot after that, she is looking over her shoulder again.

Continuity mistake: When Elsa's hand slips from its glove whilst Indy is holding on to her, Elsa falls and she is holding the glove in her right hand, but when she falls into the chasm, the glove has gone.

Revealing mistake: When Sallah rides up to the tank to help, just as Indy shouts, "Get Dad!" in the closeup and wideshot of Henry we can see that he's actually lying on protective support, and not lying directly on the moving tank treads. (01:35:40)

Super Grover

Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Indy tries to reach the Grail his father convinces him to "Let it go" and Henry pulls his son to safety, then in the next wideshot of Indy, Henry, Sallah, and Marcus a crewmember wearing a short sleeved, white shirt and blue pants can be seen at the right side of the screen, just before it cuts to Henry's closeup. This crewmember can be seen again after the closeup of the knight. (01:57:45)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: While Henry and Marcus are being held inside the tank, Indiana rides in circles and baits the tank to ram into one of the cars. In a following shot when we see Vogel walking toward the window inside the tank it's a flipped shot, note everything is backwards. Then two shots later, when Vogel shouts "quick" in German it's another flipped shot, and about five shots after that again flipped. (01:29:30)

Super Grover

Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: After Young Indy locks the two treasure hunters in the reptile train car he pulls a snake out of his shirt, and just as the third young treasure hunter tackles Indy we can see a crewmember's arm and equipment at the left side of the screen, before it cuts to the long shot. (00:07:00)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Elsa is looking out over the Canyon of the Crescent Moon, the sun is low - it is close to sunset. However when Indy is riding through the very narrow canyon, the sunlight reaches the bottom. It is not the same time of day (or later the same day).

Jacob La Cour

Revealing mistake: When Indy and Kazim are fighting on the front of the boat, the front of the boat doesn't move at all when the huge propeller hits the rear of the boat.

Revealing mistake: The candles that adorn the wall in the Grail room do not appear to have a strong enough flame to put out the light they do that shines on the wall. In fact, it looks like there are electrical lamps just behind the candle. (01:49:20)

Factual error: When Indy and Marcus fly to Venice, the route map shows them going from New York to Botwood, Newfoundland, then from Botwood to the Azores to the continent. There were two transcontinental air routes at the time across the North Atlantic: one from New Work to Botwood to London, and one from New York to the Azores to the continent, but none from Botwood to the Azores. (

Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Elsa falls through the crack in the hole, she is swallowed by a big cloud of smoke in the void. However, her silhouette is visible underneath the smoke, revealing she never falls any deeper, and thus giving away how shallow the hole was.


Continuity mistake: When Senior is rescued from the tank with a whip around his ankle, the whip dissappears a split second later, when he is being mounted on the horse.


Continuity mistake: When Indy is rescuing his father from Brunwald castle, he uses his bullwhip to smash through the window of the room his father is kept in...but in the time it took to jump into the room and get smashed over the head by his father, the bullwhip he used would have lost lots of its momentum and it wouldn't be waiting for him to grab it and use it later on the movie. (00:47:40)

Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When they are first looking over the cliff at the tank, Sean Connery's beard is quite full, and in a shot moments later, still looking off the cliff, it has been trimmed. This is due to the fact that this scene was filmed after principal photography had ended.

Continuity mistake: During the big chase scene leading up to the three challenges, Indy uses his gun and begins to takes the high road on his horse. Harrison Ford couldn't seem to find the holster for his gun, so you can see his holding the gun by his side until the scene changes. (01:31:15)

Henry: Come on, Junior.
Indiana: Will you please stop calling me Junior?
Sallah: Please, what does this mean? Always with this Junior?
Henry: That's his name: Henry Jones, Junior.
Indiana: I like Indiana.
Henry: We named the dog Indiana.
Sallah: The dog? You are named after the dog.
Marcus: Can we go home please?
Indiana: I have a lot of fond memories of that dog.

More quotes from Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade

Trivia: Hitler was played by the actor Michael Sheard, this was the third time he had played Hitler for film and TV. Ironically, Sheard's wife was half-Jewish.

More trivia for Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade

Question: It seems that going after the grail diary in Berlin was just a plot point. Henry obviously knew about the trials in the cave by heart. The search for the holy grail has been a hobby of his for 40 years or so. Am I right?

Answer: Henry says, in response to Indy asking if he remembered the details of the trials: "I wrote them down in my diary so that I wouldn't have to remember." So, obviously he did NOT know them by heart. Also, as the other answer says, they didn't want the diary to either be in the Nazis' possession or be burned.

Answer: Neither Henry or Indiana would want the diary to remain in German hands. The Nazis wanted the Grail to exploit its power. As Elsa was a German scientist, she'd already gleaned enough knowledge from Henry and Indy to utilize the information contained within the diary. The diary also contained considerable data about the Grail and its history that Henry had researched over the years and would not have memorized and wanted to retain. He would also want to pass it on to Indy.


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