Halloween II

Continuity mistake: When Annie's dead body is rolled out on the stretcher her dad pulls the sheet back and revealing her slit throat. After a brief cut to him, when it cuts back to Annie the sheet covers her throat.

Continuity mistake: Notice how Michael is taking/reacting to being hit by the bullets at the conclusion of the first Halloween - you see him writhe in pain, his hand shake and grab near his side, and his body contort and literally twist before falling off the balcony - a believable shooting death scene. When the scene was re-enacted at the beginning of part II, all Michael does is lazily walk backwards and fall off.

Continuity mistake: When Loomis thinks he sees Michael but it is actually a drunk Ben Tramer in a mask, he runs after Tramer and pulls his gun. Brackett sees this and runs out of his patrol car, slams the door, and stops Loomis before Loomis gets off a shot. A few seconds later though, the car door is now open in the background.

Revealing mistake: When Doctor Loomis touches the blood in the beginning, you can see a bit of material (it appears to be plastic) sticking to his fingers as he pulls them up from the grass. It appears as though it was somehow involved in the effect of him touching the blood. (Perhaps to keep it from soaking into the ground?).

Plot hole: In the first scene Alice hears on the radio that three teenagers had been murdered in Haddonfield just down the street from where they live. Yet a few scenes later, the sheriff finds out from his deputy that 3 bodies have been found. Wouldn't the police department know that before it made its way onto the radio news?

Jeanne Elizabeth Perrotta

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Suggested correction: When Alice is on the phone, she tells her friend she can hear the sirens so the police knew about the bodies. As for the sheriff, he'd been busy with Loomis all night. He might have heard about the bodies in the house but figured the other policemen could handle it and that way he could continue helping Loomis. The main reason the deputy came to talk to him, however, was to tell him that his daughter was one of the victims found.


Halloween II was a troubled production, and the scene with Alice was added during re-shoots. Note that the previous scene with Mrs. Elrod also includes a news report about the discovery of the bodies. I've seen no concrete evidence of this, but I've wondered if the scene with Mrs. Elrod was shifted closer to the start of the film, and was originally meant to take place after the scene with the sheriff.

Good theory, but the deputy runs up to the sheriff and informs him for the first time of all three bodies.

Continuity mistake: When Michael stabs Nurse Jill in the back with the scalpel and lifts her off the ground, her shoes fall to the floor. A few seconds later, they are rearranged differently on the floor.

Continuity mistake: After the explosion and Michael is walking on fire, you'll notice he is right next to the burning stretcher. Then they cut to a scene of Laurie hiding behind a water fountain. In the next scene of Michael, he is now about 8 feet behind the stretcher walking towards her again.

Continuity mistake: Near the film's climax, the marshall is shown walking down a hallway by a soda machine and reacts to Laurie's screaming. He then makes a turn around to go see what was up. Several seconds (and many screams) later, Michael crashes through the door and the marshall is still running down the hallway by the same soda machine.

Continuity mistake: In the original film, the pumpkin at the Wallace's house was very small and fat, but in this film (which takes place the same night) you can see when all the cops and reporters are at the house that the pumpkin changed in size and the face is different as well.

Factual error: The films happenings are supposed to take place on Halloween of 1978, but the ambulance has rectangular headlights, which were not introduced on full-size Ford vans until the 1980 model year.

Other mistake: When Bud goes to check on how hot the water is, he rubs condensation off the gauges, but there wasn't anything on them to begin with.

Continuity mistake: When nurse Karen first enters the hospital and changes into her uniform, she's clearly shown putting on a dark belt (either black or brown). However, in her next scene with Mrs. Alves, as well as the scene where she's tricked into entering the hospital room to fool around with Bud, the belt is white.

Plot hole: Laurie is pounding on the door and screaming for help. But Loomis doesn't hear her for a full 20 seconds? It even shows him standing 30 feet from the door and he doesn't come running until Laurie has screamed for 20 seconds.

Continuity mistake: When Laurie leaves the hospital, she exits out of the hospital doors. Somehow the doors stay open. Later on in the far away shot, the doors are closed, then they are open again in the next shot.

Continuity mistake: Towards the end of the film, when Dr. Loomis finally finds out Michael is at the hospital and orders the trooper's car to turn around. As the car turns around, the lighting outside appears to be pre-dawn however they arrive at hospital and it is still pitch black.

Factual error: When Michael corners Laurie in the elevator, the door shuts just in time and slams on his hand and just keeps closing, and Michael pulls away. Elevators have rubber guards that would cause the door to open again if someone's hand would get caught in the closing.

Continuity mistake: When Pamela Susan Shoop is being killed by Michael in the spa, the towel is tied arround her upper chest, then the towel falls down, revealing her breasts. In the next shot a split second later the towel is back up at he upper chest.

Revealing mistake: At the end of the film, when Michael Myers is on fire walking out of the room in the hospital towards Laurie one can see that he is wearing gloves (probably so the actor will not be burned), but during the course of the entire movie, Michael Myers' hands are always visible.

Continuity mistake: When Michael falls off the balcony, he falls into some green grass and a garden is next to him. Yet in the original "Halloween", Michael falls onto the ground with barely any grass around him, just a dirt patch and no garden in sight. (This is explained because they reshot the ending to "Halloween" 1.).

Continuity mistake: At the end of part one, Laurie's stab wound was just a streak of blood and none on her shirt at all. When they bring her out to the ambulance, there's now a lot of blood on her shirt and streaks of blood on her arm. (00:13:20)

Mrs. Alves: Men! Can't live with them, can't live without them.

More quotes from Halloween II

Trivia: Jimmy didn't die even though it never shows him after he faints on the steering wheel in the car with Lori. He simply passed out. The television cut shows him alive in the ambulance at the end, but for some reason in the theatrical version, they left it out for us to 'wonder'.

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Question: Why aren't there any other patients/staff?

Answer: I have read that, in early drafts of the script, the hospital was a health clinic, not a standard hospital. This would possibly explain why there are only a small number of patients, though it doesn't explain why there is a maternity ward, or why the mother brings her son there for emergency treatment.

Answer: Apparently there were quite a few patients at HMH. If you remember the scene where Karen was putting pills into individual cups just before the room buzzer goes off, in which she finds Bud under the sheet, there are many of those cups. Also we know for certain there was a patient named Ms. Carr who was supposed to receive attention at 9:30 the next morning, told to Karen by Ms. Alves, while Michael was standing in the rear of the nursery area watching them. And of course there were all the newborn babies, leading me to believe there were a few new mothers in the hospital as well.

This could possibly be the "best" answer to a question that I've ever read. But seriously, I had wondered the same question 35+ years ago and this reply made me think of things I hadn't thought about. That empty hospital was actually quite crowded.

Answer: One could argue that Haddonfield is a small town, and perhaps there just aren't that many doctors, nor that many patients in the hospital at any given time. It really just depends. Also, I've had to go to the ER a number of times in my life. Most of the time, it's busy, but there has been a few times where it has been pretty much completely dead and empty, not too dissimilar from what you see in this movie. So it could possibly just be a slow night.


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