Halloween II

Factual error: At the end of the film where the blinded Michael is swinging his scalpel aimlessly, it makes loud "swooshing" sounds. This is pure fantasy. I have personally mimicked what Michael did using similar small scalpels and even larger knives without almost no sound when swinging them.

Factual error: The films happenings are supposed to take place on Halloween of 1978, but the ambulance has rectangular headlights, which were not introduced on full-size Ford vans until the 1980 model year.

Factual error: When Michael corners Laurie in the elevator, the door shuts just in time and slams on his hand and just keeps closing, and Michael pulls away. Elevators have rubber guards that would cause the door to open again if someone's hand would get caught in the closing.

Factual error: The story is supposed to take place on Halloween 1978, but some of the clothing and hairstyles have noticeable characteristics associated with the early 1980's; particularly those of Alice, Karen, and Darcy.

Factual error: The film takes place in Illinois on Halloween, October 31st, but you'd never know it by looking at the colors of the trees, they all have green leaves and there is almost no sign of Fall or ground leaves.

Factual error: The pagan religious festival Samhain is mispronounced: the correct pronunciation is more like "so-win." This is a character mistake on the part of Dr. Loomis, but as the movie makes him appear quite knowledgeable on the subject and gives it significant dramatic weight, it's arguably appropriate to attribute the error to production as well.


Factual error: At the end when Loomis lights the lighter, the room explodes and is engulfed in flames. Loomis would've burned to death quickly yet shows up in part 4 with burns on his face and arm.

Amy Emerick Tice

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Suggested correction: First, surviving an explosion is unlikely, but not impossible - there are plenty of real-life stories of people surviving fiery blasts. Second, I would argue that it definitely falls firmly under suspension of disbelief, and therefore I don't believe it's a valid mistake. And third, even if it was a valid mistake, this should be a mistake under the "Halloween 4" page, not the "Halloween 2" page.


Revealing mistake: When Loomis shoots the marshal's window out, when he makes a u-turn you can see the tire marks on the road and dirt from previous takes.

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Sam Loomis: I ought to handcuff you to the wheel, but I have a feeling I'm gonna need you in there. Can I trust you?
Marshal: What have I got to lose, except my job?

More quotes from Halloween II

Trivia: Originally intended to be shot in 3D, but the idea was dropped relatively early on.

More trivia for Halloween II

Question: How can Michael recognize Laurie as his younger sister since he wouldn't have seen her since she was only two years old?

Answer: There is a scene where Laurie dreams about meeting Michael as a young teen. It's unknown whether this is an actual memory of real events, but since nothing indicates otherwise, we could assume the he saw her at an older age when she looked closer to her 17-year-old self.

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