Halloween II
Movie Quote Quiz

Bud: Amazing Grace, come sit on my face. Don't make me cry, I need your pie.


[Dr. Loomis is holding the gun to the policeman's head as he's driving.]
Sam Loomis: What do you guys usually do? Fire a warning shot, right?

Mrs. Alves: Time's up, Jimmy. Let's go.
Jimmy: OK. OK.
Mrs. Alves: No you won't. Visiting hours are definitely over.

Mrs. Alves: Men! Can't live with them, can't live without them.

Doyle Neighbor: Is this a joke? I've been trick-or-treated to death tonight.
Sam Loomis: You don't know what death is.

Sam Loomis: I shot him six times! I shot him in the heart, but... he's not human.

Sam Loomis: I ought to handcuff you to the wheel, but I have a feeling I'm gonna need you in there. Can I trust you?
Marshal: What have I got to lose, except my job?

Revealing mistake: When Loomis shoots the marshal's window out, when he makes a u-turn you can see the tire marks on the road and dirt from previous takes.

More mistakes in Halloween II

Trivia: Jimmy didn't die even though it never shows him after he faints on the steering wheel in the car with Lori. He simply passed out. The television cut shows him alive in the ambulance at the end, but for some reason in the theatrical version, they left it out for us to 'wonder'.

More trivia for Halloween II

Question: How can Michael recognize Laurie as his younger sister since he wouldn't have seen her since she was only two years old?

Answer: There is a scene where Laurie dreams about meeting Michael as a young teen. It's unknown whether this is an actual memory of real events, but since nothing indicates otherwise, we could assume the he saw her at an older age when she looked closer to her 17-year-old self.

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