Halloween II

Stupidity: When Dr Loomis and Sheriff Bracket are chasing who they think to be Michael Myers, you can tell that it isn't him. Michael Myers is supposed to be 6'2 - Ben Tramer is maybe 5'4. If Michael was shot 6 times there would be blood on his overalls. And the mask that the kid is wearing has blonde hair, whereas the mask Michael wears is brown.

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Suggested correction: Remember that Loomis has only seen Michael Myers in his mask once, for a few seconds, in darkness. Loomis' reaction is still pretty hysterical and arguably stupid, but not necessarily for that reason.


Suggested correction: Michael in the original was 5'10", and in Halloween II the actor playing him was 5'9." Ben Tramer was a high schooler and could have easily been 5'10." Loomis was also extremely paranoid and almost hysterical at finding Michael, and could have not noticed the hair or non-bloody coveralls in his frantic search for Michael.

Stupidity: It seems stupid of Mrs Strode to tell her young adopted daughter Laurie that she wasn't her mother much less seemingly taking her to visit her older brother Michael.


Stupidity: The sheriff kneels down to examine Michael's 'body' as the doctor yells at him to get away, and the sheriff tells him Michael stopped breathing. Michael suddenly grabs the sheriff and throws him onto the ground and raises the scalpel to kill him. The doctor aims his gun at Michael to shoot him but doesn't, when he had the opportunity before the sheriff is killed.


Stupidity: Since Nurse Chambers knew about Myers and Laurie's connection before Loomis, it's dumb she didn't tell him before they left Haddonfield.


Other mistake: Watch the scene where the drunk Ben Tramer (wearing a similar Michael Myers mask) was hit by the speeding cop car and then pinned against the parked van before burning. Even taking out the equation of accidentally hitting Ben Tramer, what was the cop car doing speeding at that rate of speed, head on towards a parked van on a side street? Remember, we only hear screeching brakes after the car hits Tramer, and we never see the cop car swerve or any of that to miss hitting the van. Seems that even if Tramer hadn't been there, the cop car was sure to barge head on right into that van.

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Sam Loomis: I ought to handcuff you to the wheel, but I have a feeling I'm gonna need you in there. Can I trust you?
Marshal: What have I got to lose, except my job?

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Trivia: Director Rick Rosenthal wanted to maintain the tactful and tasteful, slow-burn nature of the original film, and his original director's cut lacked blatant gore and nudity. However, writer/producer John Carpenter felt horror fans would not accept a film without extreme content due to the rise of various extremely graphic slasher-films in the wake of the original film. Thus, Carpenter went back and ghost-directed several new scenes to add in extra nudity and violence into the movie. (And if you watch the movie very closely, these reshoots can be pretty obvious, as they don't quite fit in with the rest of the film).

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Question: Did Dick Warlock play Michael Myers in every scene he's in, even stunts? I was curious considering that Warlock was a stuntman and could have done the balcony fall and Michael burning scenes as well.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: From what I have read: yes.

Alan Keddie

More questions & answers from Halloween II

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