Halloween II

Other mistake: Watch the scene where the drunk Ben Tramer (wearing a similar Michael Myers mask) was hit by the speeding cop car and then pinned against the parked van before burning. Even taking out the equation of accidentally hitting Ben Tramer, what was the cop car doing speeding at that rate of speed, head on towards a parked van on a side street? Remember, we only hear screeching brakes after the car hits Tramer, and we never see the cop car swerve or any of that to miss hitting the van. Seems that even if Tramer hadn't been there, the cop car was sure to barge head on right into that van.

Other mistake: In the credits, Michael Myers is said to be 23. However, the fact that he is supposed to be 21 in both films (because #2 took place directly after the first) is stated in both movies.

Other mistake: When Bud goes to check on how hot the water is, he rubs condensation off the gauges, but there wasn't anything on them to begin with.

Other mistake: When Jimmy finds Mrs Alves, he has to walk through the puddle of blood to get to her, but there are no footprints in the blood.

Other mistake: Jimmy the paramedic walks into the major surgery room to find Ms. Alves dead on the stretcher, the blood drained from her body. As he turns to leave he suddenly 'slips' on the pool of blood, falling back first and knocking himself unconscious. However the next shot reveals that the blood pool extends out to the doorway, so there's no way he could have crossed to the stretcher without slipping in the first place while entering the room.


Other mistake: When Michael dips the nurse's head into the scalding water, her face starts to burn and her skin starts to peel. But, nothing happens to his hand that is also going in the water while holding her hair. (00:52:15)


Other mistake: After the two doctors and the sheriff pull up in the parking lot and then enter the hospital, Michael suddenly appears to Laurie, and she runs from him across the lot toward the same entrance, and suddenly the doors are locked. There is no way this would be, as the doctors and the sheriff would have had to stop and unlock the entrance before entering themselves, which they did not do.


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Suggested correction: The door was already open and then they closed it behind them.

Other mistake: Myers gets shot 6 times in the chest and body but has no blood or bullet holes.


Revealing mistake: When Loomis shoots the marshal's window out, when he makes a u-turn you can see the tire marks on the road and dirt from previous takes.

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Mrs. Alves: Men! Can't live with them, can't live without them.

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Trivia: Originally intended to be shot in 3D, but the idea was dropped relatively early on.

More trivia for Halloween II

Question: How can Michael recognize Laurie as his younger sister since he wouldn't have seen her since she was only two years old?

Answer: There is a scene where Laurie dreams about meeting Michael as a young teen. It's unknown whether this is an actual memory of real events, but since nothing indicates otherwise, we could assume the he saw her at an older age when she looked closer to her 17-year-old self.

More questions & answers from Halloween II

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