Halloween II

Audio problem: When Michael bursts through the door at the hospital, Loomis fires his gun and Michael stabs him. He drops his gun on the floor and it makes no sound when it hits.

Audio problem: When Loomis shoots Michael in the opening here his gun sounds different from the previous movie.


Revealing mistake: When Loomis shoots the marshal's window out, when he makes a u-turn you can see the tire marks on the road and dirt from previous takes.

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Bud: Amazing Grace, come sit on my face. Don't make me cry, I need your pie.


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Trivia: Director Rick Rosenthal wanted to maintain the tactful and tasteful, slow-burn nature of the original film, and his original director's cut lacked blatant gore and nudity. However, writer/producer John Carpenter felt horror fans would not accept a film without extreme content due to the rise of various extremely graphic slasher-films in the wake of the original film. Thus, Carpenter went back and ghost-directed several new scenes to add in extra nudity and violence into the movie. (And if you watch the movie very closely, these reshoots can be pretty obvious, as they don't quite fit in with the rest of the film).

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Question: How can Michael recognize Laurie as his younger sister since he wouldn't have seen her since she was only two years old?

Answer: There is a scene where Laurie dreams about meeting Michael as a young teen. It's unknown whether this is an actual memory of real events, but since nothing indicates otherwise, we could assume the he saw her at an older age when she looked closer to her 17-year-old self.

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