
Audio problem: Whenever we're looking away from the bomb's countdown timer, it fails to advance as fast as it should, even though from time to time we do hear ticking at the same rate that the counter changes. For example, we see it tick from 010 to 009 and then hear 4 more ticks before it is stopped, but it then displays 007 and not 005.

Matty W

Continuity mistake: When Bond enters Goldfinger's hotel room in Miami we see that the transmitter is on the table next to Jill. Bond turns it off but when Jill turns around and says, "Who are you?" we see that Bond is too far away from the table to have just turned off the transmitter.

Matty W

Other mistake: In Fort Knox, where Bond has just gotten un-handcuffed from the bomb and is battling it out with Oddjob, Bond throws a gold bar quite a horizontal distance and hits Oddjob in the chest. The fact that it bounces off is in keeping with the fantasy of Oddjob's strength - but how in the world did Bond throw it that far? A Fort Knox gold bar weighs over 27 pounds.

Continuity mistake: In the scene when Bond is in Goldfinger's suite he hears voices and sees Jill for the first time, lying on her front. In the next shot she is on her back, then on her front again.

Continuity mistake: When Bond is talking to his contact in the bar after the heroin plant explosion, look in the mirror behind him and you can see Bonita the dancer talking to some other men in the middle of the room. But in the next shot Bonita is on her own walking up the stairs, and the men are no longer in sight.

Revealing mistake: In Fort Knox, after Oddjob cuts the cables with his hat, he and Bond fight and Bond smashes a metal bar against him. Sean Connery's stunt double is very noticeable because of his longer and bulkier hair.


Revealing mistake: Bond drives his Austin Martin into a wall because he believes that the headlights appearing before him belong to another car (actually, they were the reflection of his own lights). When he first sees the lights, they are directly in front of him, but only just before the crash, the angle of the reflection changes. And the way the mirror was hung up when Oddjob looks at it, it was in no position to reflect the light the way Bond sees them.

Plot hole: As Goldfinger points out there are 41,000 troops stationed at Fort Knox so how in the world was Goldfinger able to make his escape? The troops should have easily been able to overpower Goldfinger's men without much of a fight and certainly shouldn't have been so easy for Goldfinger himself to get away on the helicopter.


Plot hole: The planes spraying the gas are flying too high and too fast for the gas to be able to have any effect on the soldiers on the ground as quickly as it does. While we later find out that the soldiers were faking the effects, the too-rapid response should have raised the bad guys' suspicions.

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Suggested correction: Different gases behave differently. If the gas is super dense it would plummet immediately upon being released rather than hanging around in the air.

Suggested correction: That assumes the bad guys actually know the effects of the D9 gas. Since they've never used it before how would they know how long it would take to work?


Other mistake: When several cars are pursuing Bond and Ms. Masterson through the woods, the first car falls prey to the smoke screen. As the second car continues pursuit, a man leans out of its passenger window to shoot at Bond. But he doesn't appear to be aiming, or even holding his gun tightly; the muzzle waves far to one side for the first several shots.

Plot hole: Jill was sprayed with liquid or atomized gold. Yet there is no overspray anywhere, no paint on the bed or sheets, no dripping from Jill's arm to the carpet. Even if the paint was quick-dry, there would have been some paint residue just from Oddjob moving her around to spray her whole body.

Continuity mistake: In the establishing shots for the Furka Pass sequence, we see Goldfinger pass the Belvedere Hotel. Next, we see Tilly Masterson pass Bond. The order of the vehicles is thus: Goldfinger, Masterson, and Bond. When Goldfinger stops to buy produce on the hairpin turn, Bond is above him. We then see Masterson fire from above Bond. The order of the vehicles has changed to Goldfinger, Bond, and Masterson.


Continuity mistake: When the Lincoln is picked up by the junkyard claw, there is no dead body visible in the back seat even though the backseat is totally visible in the camera shot.

Continuity mistake: The wall separating the cockpit of Goldfinger's private plane seems to have disappeared when Mai Ling is waiting for Bond to lower the steps of the plane as she can be seen standing right behind Ms. Galore's seat.


Continuity mistake: The crane from the junkyard stops at the car's roof, but from a different angle it's up and being lowered again.


Continuity mistake: When Goldfinger shoots and breaks the plane window, chaos runs havoc: curtains flutter wildly and a strong wind hurling inside makes objects fly around. Yet right when Goldfinger is lifted up the air (an obvious chroma effect) the curtains and even Bond's hair stop moving. This happens between one frame and another, it has nothing to do with physics or pressure inside the plane.


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Suggested correction: If we remember that the cabins of these types of jets are pressurized, the continuity makes sense. When the window is shot out, explosive decompression occurs with the higher pressure in the cabin causing violent gusts as it flows toward the hole in the window. As Goldfinger is lifted toward the window and blocks it with his body, the flow suddenly stops. By the time Goldfinger is sucked through the window, the pressure has equalized and the cabin, though drafty because of the open window, is near normal again. In reality, the pressure difference would not be enough to suck a corpulent man through a small window, but that's another issue.

The curtains stop fluttering before Goldfinger is sucked-out. They are fluttering yet a shot later they are still.


More quotes from Goldfinger

Trivia: In the closing credits, the words "Tosh Togo" appear under Harold Sakata's name. This was Sakata's ring name when he was a professional wrestler from the early 1950s to the early 1960s.

More trivia for Goldfinger

Question: Q demonstrated the switches for the left and right front-wing machine guns - why is the "right" control on the left and vise versa?


Chosen answer: They're not. Q was just indicating to Bond that these were the wing machine guns, he wasn't stating which was which.

More questions & answers from Goldfinger

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