
Character mistake: When Bond is being flown to Baltimore, Pussy calls her assistant Mai Lee twice on the plane: once in person, then telling the co-pilot to give her instructions. However, when they disembark, she calls her Mai Lai.

Continuity mistake: The T-Bird, following Oddjob to the junkyard, does not have fender skirts, but does when they give up the chase and head back to the farm. (01:16:25 - 01:20:30)

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Trivia: In the closing credits, the words "Tosh Togo" appear under Harold Sakata's name. This was Sakata's ring name when he was a professional wrestler from the early 1950s to the early 1960s.

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Question: Q demonstrated the switches for the left and right front-wing machine guns - why is the "right" control on the left and vise versa?


Chosen answer: They're not. Q was just indicating to Bond that these were the wing machine guns, he wasn't stating which was which.

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