
Plot hole: Goldfinger wasn't planning on Mr. Solo breaking away from the rest of the gangsters before Goldfinger could have them all killed by the nerve gas so it makes no sense that there would already be a truck from the stud farm waiting for Oddjob to drive back with the remains of the crushed car. It also begs the question if Oddjob had to drive the truck back to the farm where is the guy that drove it to the junkyard in the first place?


Plot hole: When Bond goes into the kitchen for the champagne, Oddjob is waiting for him. But where was he hiding? Oddjob couldn't have hidden in the bedroom without being seen. The kitchen is separated from the bedroom about halfway by a metal grate and not a wall. Oddjob could have only been hiding in front of the cupboards since we can see Bond from the bedroom POV all the way to the refrigerator. There is no possible way Bond wouldn't have seen him or even brushed against him. There is lighting in the kitchen, which we know because Bond is illuminated when he walks in; he casts a strong shadow on the floor during and after his fall (not from the refrigerator); and is illuminated when he stumbles out. The pan shots of the kitchen show no places where Oddjob could have concealed himself - and he is not exactly on the thin side.

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Suggested correction: But he is on the short side. Bond just didn't look down.

Plot hole: As Goldfinger points out there are 41,000 troops stationed at Fort Knox so how in the world was Goldfinger able to make his escape? The troops should have easily been able to overpower Goldfinger's men without much of a fight and certainly shouldn't have been so easy for Goldfinger himself to get away on the helicopter.


Plot hole: The planes spraying the gas are flying too high and too fast for the gas to be able to have any effect on the soldiers on the ground as quickly as it does. While we later find out that the soldiers were faking the effects, the too-rapid response should have raised the bad guys' suspicions.

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Suggested correction: Different gases behave differently. If the gas is super dense it would plummet immediately upon being released rather than hanging around in the air.

Suggested correction: That assumes the bad guys actually know the effects of the D9 gas. Since they've never used it before how would they know how long it would take to work?


Plot hole: Jill was sprayed with liquid or atomized gold. Yet there is no overspray anywhere, no paint on the bed or sheets, no dripping from Jill's arm to the carpet. Even if the paint was quick-dry, there would have been some paint residue just from Oddjob moving her around to spray her whole body.

Continuity mistake: In the first shots of the golf course, you see Goldfinger's Rolls parked to the far left of the main building, with Bond's car in the lot in the background. When the scene changes to the inside of the clubhouse store, the Rolls is now very close to the front of the store. At the end of the golf game, the Rolls is back to the left of the main building, and as the camera pans back, you can see that the store is to the far right of the main building.


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More quotes from Goldfinger

Trivia: In the closing credits, the words "Tosh Togo" appear under Harold Sakata's name. This was Sakata's ring name when he was a professional wrestler from the early 1950s to the early 1960s.

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Question: Q demonstrated the switches for the left and right front-wing machine guns - why is the "right" control on the left and vise versa?


Chosen answer: They're not. Q was just indicating to Bond that these were the wing machine guns, he wasn't stating which was which.

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