Goldfinger mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Oddjob drives away from the golf course, Goldfinger is not in the back of the car for some reason, even though they show him in the car earlier. (00:32:00)

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Suggested correction: Goldfinger is still in the car - he has sat back in his seat and the camera angle makes it look like he's vanished. The picture shown shows Goldfinger leaning forward to talk to Bond, then he sits back when the conversation finishes.

In this instance it does not have to do with camera angle. When Goldfinger gets in the car and the door is left open, we can see the seat's upright back portion where he is sitting in relation to the rear side windows, and there is not much space between them. Goldfinger is a rather rotund fellow, so even when he leans back in the seat we should still be able see him when looking through the right side of that double window, due to his stoutness. In a medium shot Goldfinger says goodbye to Bond, then it cuts to semi-closeups of Bond and Oddjob, so when we're back to another medium shot of the car, the actor was simply not in the car during the filming of these specific takes, for this medium shot. Note, after Oddjob crushes the golfball, in the next medium shot as the car begins to drive away, all the people who had been standing on the fairway in the background in previous shots have vanished (no time for them to have walked away).

Super Grover

Goldfinger mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bond ejects the car seat with the Korean from his Aston Martin, the Korean leaves through the roof of the car with his legs straight (as seen inside the car). The scene changes outside the car and now the Korean can be seen fully seated in the car seat.

Larry Koehn

Goldfinger mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: During the scene at the golf club, when the Rolls Royce begins to move off, the reflection from one of the film set lights can be seen on the rear left hand side of the Rolls Royce: There is no way that this could have been the relection from the sun, because the weather during the scene was on the dull side. (00:31:50)


Goldfinger mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Bond grabs a huge stick to attack Oddjob, the first wide shot behind Bond is of a very obvious stuntman with a square face and a prominent jaw. Stunt also visible after Bond jumps and grabs Oddjob's neck, when he is launched against the wall.


Continuity mistake: In the first shots of the golf course, you see Goldfinger's Rolls parked to the far left of the main building, with Bond's car in the lot in the background. When the scene changes to the inside of the clubhouse store, the Rolls is now very close to the front of the store. At the end of the golf game, the Rolls is back to the left of the main building, and as the camera pans back, you can see that the store is to the far right of the main building.


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Trivia: Goldfinger's first name is Auric. Au is the chemical symbol for gold on the periodic table of elements.


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Answer: Security and guest privacy was less of a concern in this era. Often someone could merely inquire at the desk which room a guest was staying in. Another ploy often used in movies was to leave a note for the guest and then watch which numbered mailbox the concierge placed it in.


Answer: He deduced that Goldfinger was using a partner to spy on his opponent's hand, and to check his theory he went to the room with the best line of sight. Alternatively, he went (off-screen) to the desk and used his charm, which was utterly irresistible in the Bond films of the '60s, to find out where Goldfinger was staying.

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