
Continuity mistake: After the game of golf between Goldfinger and Bond, Goldfinger gets Oddjob to show off his usually dangerous hat. He throws the hat at the statue and we see it fly off to the right of the screen, well away from the statue. Yet in the following shot, the decapitated head falls down next to the hat on the ground right by the statue.

Goldfinger mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bond ejects the car seat with the Korean from his Aston Martin, the Korean leaves through the roof of the car with his legs straight (as seen inside the car). The scene changes outside the car and now the Korean can be seen fully seated in the car seat.

Larry Koehn

Revealing mistake: When Bond is on Goldfinger's plane - if you watch closely when it shows the external view of the plane in the sky you can see the plane is a model with two wires holding it up. The model plane's design and configuration are also quite different in mid-air. (00:54:20)

Revealing mistake: When headshots are shown of Bond inside the Aston Martin at the Auric Factory, and when he drops Tilly off at the gas station, you can see the three holes left in the headliner of the car where they have removed screws for the interior sun visor. (00:37:50)

Continuity mistake: Oddjob drives a '64 Lincoln into the junkyard. Then he walks away from a '63 Lincoln, which is the car that is crushed. (01:13:15 - 01:15:25)

Visible crew/equipment: In the shot when Sean Connery gets another bottle of wine out of the freezer you can see the shadow of the camera as it moves to the right. (00:15:45)

Continuity mistake: At Fort Knox, when Oddjob throws his hat at Bond it lands on the grille, yet appears on the concrete floor in the next shot.


Continuity mistake: The Aston has a dent in the side that comes and goes between scenes.

Goldfinger mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: During the scene at the golf club, when the Rolls Royce begins to move off, the reflection from one of the film set lights can be seen on the rear left hand side of the Rolls Royce: There is no way that this could have been the relection from the sun, because the weather during the scene was on the dull side. (00:31:50)


Deliberate mistake: When we first encounter Tilly Masterson, she overtakes Bond and he decides not to pursue her. Then, when Goldfinger has stopped, Bond is actually ahead of her as she nearly hits him with a rifle shot. Given that most Swiss passes are single carriageways, surely Bond would have noticed her had she parked earlier. (00:33:30)

Factual error: When Tilly Masterson's Mustang crashes, the laws of physics are ignored. Tilly does not go through the windscreen and is not hurt at all, despite the high rate of speed and sudden stop. (00:36:15)

Other mistake: Pussy Galore's flying circus is approaching Fort Knox flying in a V-shaped formation. Pussy is counting down from 5 to 0 before they release the nerve gas. On each count, we see another female pilot in a different plane but we also see another plane through the right side window. If you fly with 5 planes in such formation, only 3 planes can have another plane at their right side, not 4 or 5.

Vince van Riet

Revealing mistake: When Bond's car crashes at the Auric factory, and the Mercedes comes to a stop, you can see the cut edges of the colored paper covering the headlights of the Mercedes. (00:45:50)

Continuity mistake: The complex in Switzerland (Auric Enterprises) when seen from the hills beyond is a few widely spaced buildings of sheet metal construction. After nightfall when Bond goes down to investigate, the site has turned into a veritable city of closely spaced buildings of brick construction.

Larry Redfield

Continuity mistake: In the opening sequence, Bond sets some explosives, then checks his watch. A closeup shot shows he wears the watch on the outside of his black long-sleeve outfit. He rushes outside, and the following shot he peels off the top to reveal a white smoking jacket. But he never removes the watch first, as it is now *inside* his jacket sleeve.

Continuity mistake: Bond drops a bottle of wine onto the floor after being hit by Oddjob and he falls and lands almost on top of the bottle, but in the next shot it's a few feet away to his left.

Matty W

More quotes from Goldfinger

Trivia: Goldfinger's first name is Auric. Au is the chemical symbol for gold on the periodic table of elements.


More trivia for Goldfinger

Question: Q demonstrated the switches for the left and right front-wing machine guns - why is the "right" control on the left and vise versa?


Chosen answer: They're not. Q was just indicating to Bond that these were the wing machine guns, he wasn't stating which was which.

More questions & answers from Goldfinger

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