Dr. No

Continuity mistake: When we first see the skyline of London we can see that Big Ben is showing 3 o'clock we also hear Ben's chimes. When we see the casino for the first time the clock is showing 2:50. (00:06:40)


Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When we first see Bond and Quarell talking in the bar, Quarell asks if Bond likes good eating, to which Bond replies he does. Camera cuts and his entire facial expression has changed from smiling and laughing to a deadpan serious one. (00:28:30)


Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At Strangways', Bond touches a book that is atop a second one on a white bookcase. When we get a closeup of the book (Geological Configuration) the second book has disappeared. (00:23:30)


Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When shooting at the armored car, Bond tell Honey to get down and her head is below Bond's shoulder. Camera cuts and now it's above his shoulder. (01:13:40)


Continuity mistake: When speaking to Dent, Bond pulls out a cigarette case. Once the camera changes however, the case is gone and the cigarette is now in his mouth. (00:55:40)


Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Bond gets off the plane in Jamaica and is photographed by a woman in green. She is standing away from any pillars. When the shot changes to a close up of her, she's suddenly next to a pillar. (00:16:40)


Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Dent walks into the room to be questioned by Dr. No we don't see the table with the spider cage in the first side shot but Dent only walks a few feet from the chair, and suddenly there's a table. (00:38:00)


Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bond is fighting with Mr. Jones he picks the man up with his left hand and swings to punch him with his right, but in the next shot he's punching with his left. (00:20:30)


Continuity mistake: When Bond is in Q's office, Q takes his gun and puts it in his tray, then when Bond starts to walk out you can see the gun still there at the bottom of the screen, then Bond walks back with the gun under the box and it is not in the tray. (00:13:30)


Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the office with Q there is smoke coming from his pipe, when the shot next goes to Bond, there is no smoke at all. (00:12:15)

Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Honey is with Bond on the beach, she is holding two shells by her chest and lowers them when she is talking to him. But when the camera angle changes to behind Honey in the next shot, she is now holding the shells by her chest again. (01:01:45)

Continuity mistake: When Bond leaves the hotel to go to Governor's House he has no pocket square. At Governor's House he has his pocket square. Then in the next scene at professor Dent's, the pocket square is gone again. (00:25:30)

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Suggested correction: There is a considerable amount of time between these scenes. Enough time to add or remove the pocket square.


Continuity mistake: When Bond and Honey are rescued in the small boat, Bond rises and places his hand on the side of the boat. From the opposite angle, his arm is resting on the side.


Continuity mistake: The car chase that ends with the quip, "they were on their way to a funeral." During this car chase, you can see both cars coming round the same bend not just once, but several times. In between, there are close-up interior shots of Bond too. But three of the longshots are all from the same curve.

Spiny Norman

Continuity mistake: When Honey is telling Bond that her shells could be sold for $50 in Miami, not only does the background appear to be the wrong section of the beach (it looks like the area up where her boat is stashed, not down on the sand bar) but at the bottom of the screen, some kind of buoy or flotation device bobs up on the water just behind Ursula Andress. A couple shots later, however, when they're running along the beach, the whole area is completely clear. (01:04:35)


Continuity mistake: When you see Bond in his hotel room for the first time, there are two bottles on the table, a clear one and a green one. When he re-enters the room and checks his traps, the green bottle has disappeared. Bond takes a bottle from a drawer but that also is clear so what happened to the green one? (00:23:40 - 00:41:00)

Matty W

Audio problem: When Bond is involved in a high-speed chase on the way to Miss Taro's house, his wheels are squealing like crazy, but he's on a dirt road. (00:48:10)

More mistakes in Dr. No

James Bond: Tell me Miss Trench, do you play any other games?

More quotes from Dr. No

Trivia: Sean Connery started going bald when he was 21. In 'Dr. No' (he was 32 then) and any subsequent movies in which he has hair, he was actually wearing a hairpiece.

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Suggested correction: Contrary to popular belief, Sir Sean Connery was not wearing a hairpiece in his first two outings as James Bond. Although he was already balding by the time Dr. No was in production, he still had a decent amount of hair and the filmmakers used varying techniques to make the most of what was left. By the time of Goldfinger (1964), Connery's hair was too thin and so various toupees were used for his last Bond outings.

More trivia for Dr. No

Question: This encompasses all the Bond films: which Bond movie is it that, in Q's lab, Q replies to some sarcastic comment of 007's: "It [the gadget] has not been perfected after years of careful research for quite that purpose, 007"?

Answer: In Goldfinger, Q says "It has not been perfected, out of years of patient research, ENTIRELY for that purpose, 007. And incidentally, we'd appreciate its return, along with all your other equipment, INTACT for once, when you return from the field."


More questions & answers from Dr. No

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