Dr. No
Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Dr No, Bond, and Honey are eating dinner, Bond picks up and flexes a table knife. Then there is a wide shot where his hands are under the table. The next tight shot shows him again flexing the knife, then once again goes to the wide angle showing his hands under the table. (01:27:00)

Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Mary, Strangway's P.A. is shot, her blood is on a differently patterned carpet than when Bond later on analyses the house. (00:05:00 - 00:22:30)

Continuity mistake: When Bond goes to see a fisherman, to ask him about a man's death, the fisherman walks away, saying he knows nothing, and walks into a bar on the beach. He is talking to the barman and the bar has nothing on it, until a second later, when, suddenly, there is an open bottle of beer, a glass half-filled with beer and an ashtray. (00:28:00)


Continuity mistake: In the scene at Strangways', an older woman is talking on the radio. Then a shot shows a younger woman's unblemished hand operating the radio controls. (00:04:40)

Alparslan Torun

Continuity mistake: When professor Dent throws the gun down it lands on the edge of the bed cover - almost on the floor, but in the next clip it is in the middle of the bed cover. (00:55:40)

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: At the airport, Leiter gets into a 1961 Chevrolet Impala pillared sedan which changes to a a 4-door pillarless sedan during the ensuing car chase. (00:18:00)


Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie Bond and Honey are in a small boat when Felix Leiter comes in a bigger boat and gives them a tow. When Bond sits next to Honey he sits on her right hand side. In the next shot he is on her left and in the next shot he is on her right, and back again, etc. (01:44:10)

Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bond turns on the lights after Professor Dent has arrived, his cards on the table have been messed up - compared to when he put the cards down five seconds earlier. (00:55:10)

Jacob La Cour

Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Bond enters his room and spots Sylvia Trench playing golf. As they talk, she raises the golf club. When the angle changes, she holds it down and raises it again. (00:15:10)

Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the famous casino scene in the beginning of the film Bond smokes a cigarette, but in the cuts between him and Sylvia Trench he sometimes holds it in his hand and sometimes in his mouth. (00:07:55)

Continuity mistake: When Bond gets into the car at the airport he is sitting behind the driver (left side of rear seat). In the next shot, he is sitting behind the front passenger seat (right side). In a later shot he is again sitting behind the driver (left side again). (00:18:25)

Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bond and Honey get out of the water after Bond killed the soldier and after they clean themselves in clear water, Honey's shirt is dry, when it was completely wet before. (01:09:15)

Matty W

Continuity mistake: During the 'You've had your six' scene, the cigarette in Bond's mouth disappears after he kills Professor Dent. (00:56:30)

Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: One of Bond's traps in his room is his briefcase; he puts talcum powder on it. When he is done he sets the case down on the right side of the table. To the left is a mirror and by the mirror is an assortment of perfume bottles and a shaving bag. When he returns, the contents on the table are reversed exactly, and the perfume bottles are replaced by a magazine. (00:24:25 - 00:40:20)

Matty W

Continuity mistake: During the car scene, the black car rams into Bond. Then the camera cuts and the black car is about 5 feet behind Bond without any time to have slowed down. (00:48:45)

Continuity mistake: During the dirt road chase, Bond's car is pale blue in color in the wide shots but dark blue in the close-ups, where a rear projection is used. Also, the wipers swap between being fully lowered and slightly covering the windshield. A different car was obviously used.


Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Bond grabs the golf club that Trench is holding and retrieves it towards him. A split second later, from the opposite angle, his hand is away and she's still holding the club firmly.


Continuity mistake: After Bond guns the professor, he puts the light switch on the table above some cards. The amount of cards and their position to the edge of the table changes between shots.


Continuity mistake: When Trench exits the shower and opens the door to Bond, her towel is covering her cleavage - or not, depending on the shot.


Dr. No mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When we see a close up of Sylvia's £100 tokens, they are mis-aligned and not neat. When the shot changes to the dealer picking them up they are stacked neatly. (00:07:30)


Revealing mistake: When James Bond has a spider on his arm, one can see he's under a glass plate, and the spider on top of the plate. (00:41:55)

More mistakes in Dr. No

James Bond: Good evening, sir.
M: It happens to be 3 a.m. When do you sleep, 007?
James Bond: Never on the Crown's time, sir.

More quotes from Dr. No

Trivia: Because Dr No's lair is underwater, you can see fish swimming through the windows. However, an error was made when using footage of fish, so they look larger than they should. In order to get around this, they added in dialogue where Dr No explains how the window works like a magnifying glass.

More trivia for Dr. No

Question: Bond is very picky about having a martinti, shaken not stirred. If he drank a martini that was stirred, not shaken, would he be able to tell the difference?

Answer: Actually, yes, he would. The key to a vodka martini, Bond's preferred tipple, is that it should be served ice-cold. By shaking the drink, the ice cubes have a better chance to swish around the whole drink than they would if it was only stirred. It apparently also has the effect of dispersing the ingredients better, giving a different taste to the drink. In the spirit of scientific experimentation, some friends and I tried the drink both ways in a blind taste test a while back - it makes a surprising difference.


If you shake it, it turns cloudy.

Answer: Shaking also causes more melting of the ice resulting in a milder, if watered down, taste suited to Bond's sophisticated palate.

Answer: We tried that as well on several times and on many various evenings. There is a serious difference.

More questions & answers from Dr. No

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