
Continuity mistake: When Yvette serves Mrs. Peacock she says shark fin soup but then on 2 occasions later when Wadsworth is going back over how they did it he refers to the soup as a monkey brain, popular in Cantonese cuisine.

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Suggested correction: There's actually 2 separate dishes the shark fin soup and then the monkey brains which is that white fluffy stuff they eat after the soup.

Continuity mistake: When the 1st chandelier fell, we see Peacock and White are standing near the front door. Scarlet then says "look!" Bringing everyone to look at the dead motorist in the study. Peacock and White are suddenly teleported to the study door behind Scarlet, even though they were quite far away with even a couple steps to climb down.

Continuity mistake: In the "C" ending, the one in which everyone is partially guilty, when Mr Green lets the cops in and they run into the hall, the shot from behind the other guests shows them put their hands up as the cops surround them. When the camera angle then shifts to show them from the front, their hands are down.


Continuity mistake: When Professor Plum and Miss Scarlett enter the porch, the camera closes in on his hand touching her bum. But the following shot shows his arm at the center of her backside as she 'edges' away from him.


Continuity mistake: In the beginning when Col Mustard shows up, the butler shows him to the library, you can see that door to the library is open. When the scene shifts Wadsworth is opening the door. (00:05:30)


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Wadsworth: The game's up, Scarlet. There are no more bullets left in that gun.
Miss Scarlet: Oh come on, you don't think I'm going to fall for that old trick.
Wadsworth: It's not a trick. There was one shot at Mr. Boddy in the study, two at the chandelier, two at the lounge door, and one at the singing telegram.
Miss Scarlet: That's not six.
Wadsworth: One plus two plus two plus one.
Miss Scarlet: Uh-uh. There was only one shot that got the chandelier, so that's one plus two plus ONE plus one.
Wadsworth: Even if you were right, that would be one plus one plus two plus one, not one plus two plus one plus one.
Miss Scarlet: Okay, fine. One plus two plus one...SHUT UP! Point is, there's one bullet left in this gun, and guess who's going to get it!

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Trivia: Not a mistake, just a neat little fact. When the film was being shown at cinemas, only one ending was shown. Different venues had different endings.

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Question: Was Mrs. White in love with Wadsworth? She seemed to be getting rather close to him in the beginning of the film (i.e., giving him a hanky when he's crying about his wife, playing with his tie and being flirtatious when he won't let her outside), but then seems to turn a 180 and not really like him. Why?

Answer: No, Mrs. White was not in love with Wadsworth. She may have been slightly physically attracted to him at the time of the "hanky incident", but it is more likely that she only felt sympathy for this poor man. As for the playing with the tie incident, she only did that so he would let her out.

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