
Ending 1: Miss Scarlet did it, with help from the maid, Yvette. Scarlet later killed Yvette, and plans to blackmail the other guests. She prepares to shoot Wadsworth the butler, who insists that there are no bullets in the gun. The police arrive and arrest Miss Scarlet. Wadsworth takes the gun and fires it, revealing that there is one more bullet. The bullet hits the chandelier, and it crashes.Ending 2: Mrs. Peacock killed everyone. Wadsworth tells them that he approves of her murdering, and she should escape. Upon leaving, she is arrested. Wadsworth reveals to the others that he is an FBI agent.Ending 3: Professor Plum killed Mr. Boddy. Mrs. Peacock killed the cook, who had once worked for her. Col. Mustard killed the motorist that had stopped by, who had been his driver. Mrs. White killed Yvette, who had an affair with one of her husbands. Miss Scarlet killed the visiting cop, who she had been bribing. The guests all assume that Mr. Green killed the singing telegram girl who had informed on Plum, but he claims that he is innocent. Wadsworth revealed that HE shot the girl, and that he is Mr. Boddy (Plum killed the real Boddy's butler). Mr. Green shoots Wadsworth, and reveals that he is an FBI plant. He lets the police into the house, who have apparently been informed on the situation.


Continuity mistake: When everyone is in the Library, you can see the matches in a cup on the left of the fireplace. When Professor Plum says, "Wait a minute, suppose that one of us is the murderer," you can also see that the matches are in a "V" shape. When Wadsworth walks towards them to pull the matches out, most of them are all leaning to the left side of the cup. As the movie goes on, when the cop gets locked up in the Library for the second time, the same amount of matches are in the holding cup as if Wadsworth did not pull them out and they are in a straight line. (Third time code 1:02:40). (00:44:25 - 00:45:05)

James R P

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Wadsworth: I can explain everything...
Cop: You don't have to.
Wadsworth: I don't?
Cop: No, there's nothing illegal about any of this.
Wadsworth: Are you sure?
Cop: Of course, this is America.
Wadsworth: I see...
Cop: It's a free country, don't you know that?
Wadsworth: I didn't know it was THAT free.

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Trivia: The producer's first choice for the role of Ms. Scarlett was Carrie Fisher, but she was unable to sign onto the film because she'd recently admitted herself to a rehab facility to battle drug addiction.

More trivia for Clue

Question: When Yvette goes to meet Miss Scarlet/Mrs. White when the electricity is off, she loses her French accent. Does this mean she was faking the accent the entire time? If so, why?

Answer: Yes, the accent was fake. She wasn't a French maid, she was a prostitute who used to work for Miss Scarlett. She was hired by Mr. Boddy.

More questions & answers from Clue

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