Clue mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When everyone is searching upstairs and Miss Scarlet and Colonel Mustard start screaming, they all come running down. Yvette and Miss Scarlet have on flat black shoes, but right after the running shot is over, both are back in heels.

Clue mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When they reach the study with the dead cook's body, they stop before entering and drop her half-way into the room. They proceed to look for Mr. Boddy in the room and file into the Study one at a time. In the same camera angle you see everyone entering the study including Miss Scarlet, then Yvette, then Mrs. White. Then the camera angle changes and in comes Scarlet, White and then Yvette.

Clue mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Mrs. Peacock says "Mmm, this is one of my favorite recipes" each time the camera angle changes at the table her fur boa changes from up to down for a few shots.

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Suggested correction: She was shot, not switched off. She likely didn't die instantly. It's perfectly reasonable that she would move her arm as she was dying.

She died instantly, that is why she collapsed instantly. I am still wondering why they didn't make it look like a real shot, and have blood around the area she was shot at? They made it look as though she was wearing a bulletproof vest and was shot. You can see silver, no blood.

Clue mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Colonel Mustard pours everyone a drink, he puts the whisky on the table and in the next shot the glass he poured whisky in is in his hand without enough time to pick it up. In addition, he puts the decanter down closer to him in the close-up, than it is in the medium long shot. (00:41:15)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When everyone is in the Library, you can see the matches in a cup on the left of the fireplace. When Professor Plum says, "Wait a minute, suppose that one of us is the murderer," you can also see that the matches are in a "V" shape. When Wadsworth walks towards them to pull the matches out, most of them are all leaning to the left side of the cup. As the movie goes on, when the cop gets locked up in the Library for the second time, the same amount of matches are in the holding cup as if Wadsworth did not pull them out and they are in a straight line. (Third time code 1:02:40). (00:44:25 - 00:45:05)

James R P

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Wadsworth: The game's up, Scarlet. There are no more bullets left in that gun.
Miss Scarlet: Oh come on, you don't think I'm going to fall for that old trick.
Wadsworth: It's not a trick. There was one shot at Mr. Boddy in the study, two at the chandelier, two at the lounge door, and one at the singing telegram.
Miss Scarlet: That's not six.
Wadsworth: One plus two plus two plus one.
Miss Scarlet: Uh-uh. There was only one shot that got the chandelier, so that's one plus two plus ONE plus one.
Wadsworth: Even if you were right, that would be one plus one plus two plus one, not one plus two plus one plus one.
Miss Scarlet: Okay, fine. One plus two plus one...SHUT UP! Point is, there's one bullet left in this gun, and guess who's going to get it!

More quotes from Clue

Trivia: Professor Plum reveals that he works for UNO, the United Nations Organization, in a branch called WHO, the World Health Organization. As such, he works for UNOWHO (You Know Who).

More trivia for Clue

Question: When Yvette goes to meet Miss Scarlet/Mrs. White when the electricity is off, she loses her French accent. Does this mean she was faking the accent the entire time? If so, why?

Answer: Yes, the accent was fake. She wasn't a French maid, she was a prostitute who used to work for Miss Scarlett. She was hired by Mr. Boddy.

More questions & answers from Clue

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