
Audio problem: When they are putting the Cook's body on the sofa, Wadsworth walks by in the background and says "Careful, don't get blood on the sofa" however his mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: In the third ending, when Wadsworth reveals his true identity, Professor Plum says, "Oh shucks." This sounds like it's been dubbed, and when watching his lips, he actually says something that starts with 'sh', but doesn't end with 'ucks'.


Audio problem: In the scene in the study where the cast gangs up on Mr. Boddy (when he and Colonel Mustard get into a fight), right when Mrs. White knees him in the groin you hear a lot of commotion from the other guests in the background. Included in this is Yvette saying "Oh no it's." (we know it is Yvette because of the distinct french accent) when in fact, she is in the billiard room recording the conversation.

Audio problem: In the first ending, when it's revealed Miss Scarlet murdered four of the six people in Hill House, Colonel Mustard tells Miss Scarlet he has no more money when she wants to blackmail the guests. The other guests reply that they don't have any money either, but look closely at Professor Plum. Although Plum answers "Nor I" to Miss Scarlet, his lips are closed and don't move.

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When everyone is in the Library, you can see the matches in a cup on the left of the fireplace. When Professor Plum says, "Wait a minute, suppose that one of us is the murderer," you can also see that the matches are in a "V" shape. When Wadsworth walks towards them to pull the matches out, most of them are all leaning to the left side of the cup. As the movie goes on, when the cop gets locked up in the Library for the second time, the same amount of matches are in the holding cup as if Wadsworth did not pull them out and they are in a straight line. (Third time code 1:02:40). (00:44:25 - 00:45:05)

James R P

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Wadsworth: The game's up, Scarlet. There are no more bullets left in that gun.
Miss Scarlet: Oh come on, you don't think I'm going to fall for that old trick.
Wadsworth: It's not a trick. There was one shot at Mr. Boddy in the study, two at the chandelier, two at the lounge door, and one at the singing telegram.
Miss Scarlet: That's not six.
Wadsworth: One plus two plus two plus one.
Miss Scarlet: Uh-uh. There was only one shot that got the chandelier, so that's one plus two plus ONE plus one.
Wadsworth: Even if you were right, that would be one plus one plus two plus one, not one plus two plus one plus one.
Miss Scarlet: Okay, fine. One plus two plus one...SHUT UP! Point is, there's one bullet left in this gun, and guess who's going to get it!

More quotes from Clue

Trivia: Professor Plum reveals that he works for UNO, the United Nations Organization, in a branch called WHO, the World Health Organization. As such, he works for UNOWHO (You Know Who).

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Question: Was Mrs. White in love with Wadsworth? She seemed to be getting rather close to him in the beginning of the film (i.e., giving him a hanky when he's crying about his wife, playing with his tie and being flirtatious when he won't let her outside), but then seems to turn a 180 and not really like him. Why?

Answer: No, Mrs. White was not in love with Wadsworth. She may have been slightly physically attracted to him at the time of the "hanky incident", but it is more likely that she only felt sympathy for this poor man. As for the playing with the tie incident, she only did that so he would let her out.

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