
Continuity mistake: When Al is pointing out the condos he owns, he has a heart-shaped sweat stain on his shirt. A few moments later, when he bets that the judge will miss the put, the stain is gone. (00:25:30 - 00:26:45)

Continuity mistake: When Judge is finishing off his day on the golf course, just before Czervick says "Bet you thousand bucks you miss that putt," the guy holding the hole's flag is leaning his shoulder on it, but in the following shot he has it outstretched. (00:25:35)


Continuity mistake: When the Judge is playing golf and Al Czervik drives a golf ball right into Judge's crotch, when the golf ball hits, the Judge puts both hands to the crotch in agony, but in the following shot only his right hand is on the crotch area. (00:21:05)


Continuity mistake: When Maggie and Danny are in her room about to make love, her shirt is down and you can see something under it. The scene changes to a wider shot and her main shirt is further up again.


Continuity mistake: When Danny and Tony get ready to fight, Tony has his hands up in "fighting position." When his brother lands on Danny's back, Tony drops his hands to his side. The next shot where there is a close-up of Tony, he has his hands up in the "fighting position" again.


Continuity mistake: The little boy that is identified as a nephew is sitting right of the father at the beginning. He disappears when Danny puts money in the jar and we can see the father. His chair is even empty.


Continuity mistake: At the very beginning, when Danny is talking with his dad, in the close-up just after he says, "30 bucks less tips," his spoon is putting sugar in the cereal, but from the back his spoon is in the sugar bowl. Also, the little glass goes from being in front of the dad's hand to behind his hand, in the following shot. (00:02:30)


Continuity mistake: At the dinner party, when Danny continuously puts butter on Lacey's side plate, in the closeup Lacey's right arm is on the table, but in the following shot she is now holding a glass with just her elbow on the table. (00:29:00)


More mistakes in Caddyshack

Al Czervik: Oh, this is the worst-looking hat I ever saw. What, when you buy a hat like this I bet you get a free bowl of soup, huh? Oh, it looks good on you though.

More quotes from Caddyshack

Trivia: The scene where Ty is practicing late at night before the big game and "plays thru" at Carl's place was actually filmed after the movie had already wrapped and was largely improvised. The film makers thought a scene with Chevy Chase, who had left Saturday Night Live after the first season, and Bill Murray, who had replaced Chase in the second season, would be a nice comic touch, so they added one (literally) at the last minute.

More trivia for Caddyshack

Question: In the scene where they show the caddy's 1st-3rd place trophy, the 2nd place has socks behind the trophy 3rd place has tee's. What is behind the first place trophy?

Answer: It's a single boxed golf ball.


More questions & answers from Caddyshack

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