
Other mistake: During the dinner party scene, Carl is going gopher hunting. The shot of him approaching the tree shows it's daylight in the background, when the previous shot showed it very very dark out.

Revealing mistake: When Carl is caddying for the priest during the bad weather, the wind is so strong that it is almost blowing them over but the trees are not moving in the background.

More mistakes in Caddyshack

Danny: I haven't even told my father I'm not going to get that scholarship. I'm gonna end up working in a lumberyard the rest of my life.
Ty Webb: What's wrong with lumber. I own two lumberyards.
Danny: I notice you don't spend too much time there.
Ty Webb: I'm not quite sure where they are.

More quotes from Caddyshack

Trivia: The scene where Ty is practicing late at night before the big game and "plays thru" at Carl's place was actually filmed after the movie had already wrapped and was largely improvised. The film makers thought a scene with Chevy Chase, who had left Saturday Night Live after the first season, and Bill Murray, who had replaced Chase in the second season, would be a nice comic touch, so they added one (literally) at the last minute.

More trivia for Caddyshack

Question: What does the judge say when the ref asks him if there are an odd or even number of tees in his hand? "Bald"? What am I missing here?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: The judge says "odd". He was quessing at whether the ref had an even number of tees in his hand or an odd number of tees. This is a common and fair way of determining who will go first.

Bruce Minnick

More questions & answers from Caddyshack

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