
Deliberate mistake: The floating candy bar that clears everyone from the swimming pool is a Baby Ruth, but Baby Ruths don't float, they sink like a rock.

Revealing mistake: When Carl is caddying for the priest during the bad weather, the wind is so strong that it is almost blowing them over but the trees are not moving in the background.

More mistakes in Caddyshack

Ty: In one physical model of the universe, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line in the opposite direction, Danny.
Danny: Unbelievable
Ty: Thank you very little.

More quotes from Caddyshack
More trivia for Caddyshack

Question: In the scene where they show the caddy's 1st-3rd place trophy, the 2nd place has socks behind the trophy 3rd place has tee's. What is behind the first place trophy?

Answer: It's a single boxed golf ball.


More questions & answers from Caddyshack

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