
Caddyshack (1980)


(12 votes)

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Continuity mistake: At the dinner party, when Danny continuously puts butter on Lacey's side plate, in the closeup Lacey's right arm is on the table, but in the following shot she is now holding a glass with just her elbow on the table. (00:29:00)


More mistakes in Caddyshack

Danny: I haven't even told my father I'm not going to get that scholarship. I'm gonna end up working in a lumberyard the rest of my life.
Ty Webb: What's wrong with lumber. I own two lumberyards.
Danny: I notice you don't spend too much time there.
Ty Webb: I'm not quite sure where they are.

More quotes from Caddyshack
More trivia for Caddyshack

Question: In the scene where they show the caddy's 1st-3rd place trophy, the 2nd place has socks behind the trophy 3rd place has tee's. What is behind the first place trophy?

Answer: It's a single boxed golf ball.


More questions & answers from Caddyshack

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