Best sport movie mistakes of all time

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Happy Gilmore picture

Continuity mistake: In the final round, when Happy and Shooter McGavin are about to tee off on the first hole, they show a picture of the 18th green with the Volkswagen Beetle already crashed into the TV tower. However, this doesn't happen until Happy gets hit by the car later in the game. (01:09:25)

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D2: The Mighty Ducks picture

Other mistake: When Adam comes in and says "when I woke up this morning, the pain was gone", Connie is mouthing his lines behind him.

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Draft Day picture

Continuity mistake: The owner of the Cleveland Browns drives from NYC to the Teterboro Airport (12 miles from Midtown Manhattan), flies to Cleveland (450 air miles) and drives to the Browns facility (16 miles) in the time it takes the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th picks in the 1st round of the NFL draft to be made.

James T Hampton Jr.

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Creed II picture

Character mistake: The commentator says "avalanche of power shots by Ivan Drago." Viktor is the one in the ring. Ivan is the father. If you have the subtitles turned on, it even says Viktor in the subtitles instead of the spoken name, Ivan. (00:55:45)

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Driven picture

Factual error: At the "Prototype Exhibition" party, Jimmy and Joe hop in two cars for a run through the Chicago streets. But, CART cars do not have built-in starters, they need external ones.

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The Mighty Ducks picture

Continuity mistake: When Adam Banks is playing in one of the games, he scores a goal and his teammates on the bench stand up and cheer when he scores. Problem is, Adam Banks is on the bench too.

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Bring it On picture

Character mistake: When Missy is at her audition, Courtney and Whitney get annoyed and tell her to do a sequence, (front handspring stepout, roundoff back handspring stepout, roundoff back handspring, full twisting layout). However, when Missy starts the sequence, she starts with a cartwheel instead of a front handspring.

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The Natural picture

Other mistake: In Roy Hobbs' last at bat of the movie he takes the 1st pitch for a called strike (confirmed by closed captioning). The 2nd pitch is called a ball. The Pittsburgh manager then decides to change pitchers with the count at 1-1. The relief pitcher's 1st pitch is fouled into the press box making the count 1 ball and 2 strikes. The 2nd pitch from the relief pitcher is swung on and missed, and should be strike 3. Hobbs stays in the box and hits a long fly ball foul and hits a HR on the next pitch. Roy Hobbs should have struck out. (02:06:20 - 02:12:05)


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Suggested correction: Like most umpire calls, the ump's wording of "Ball" on the first pitch isn't obvious until you hear the difference in the first "Strike" call. The count was not 1 and 1 when they brought in the new pitcher, it was 2 and 0.

If the umpire called the first pitch a ball then why does the closed captioning say strike?

Mistake in captioning and also by the announcer. If you look at the ball as it passes Roy, it is head high and the catcher has to reach to his left to catch the ball. Clearly, Levinson called for the pitch to be a ball. Ball one.

It's not a mistake in captioning because after the Umpire calls it a Strike, you can hear the announcer say "Strike One", it's low because of the crowd noise but he says it. It's even in the Director's Cut, then magically on the next pitch the count changes and the announcer says "Ball Two"

You can also hear the radio announcer say strike.

The man calling the game over the radio said it was a strike. However, the pitch was up at eye level and a ball. The ump sounds like he's saying "ball" and the Pirates' coach looks upset at the pitcher, which seems fitting for a pitched ball.

The closed captioning always gets words wrong! Always! Gotta watch that. That being said I'm here bc I thought he had 4 as well.

The mistake seems valid. It does look like the ump says strike on the first pitch. The announcer even says "strike one" and then goes on to talk about how Hobbs has already struck out twice, so this has nothing to do with subtitles. Watching this on Netflix you can tell the word "ball" has been dubbed over the word strike on the first pitch. In the book, Hobbs strikes out on his final at-bat. It seems like the film makers were going to have him strike out, which a strike on a 1-2 count after the foul would have done, but decided to change it (maybe the ending tested poorly with audiences). Rather than reshoot the whole thing, they just dubbed over the ump to make it a 2-1 count.


Makes more sense that the manager would pull the pitcher on 2-0 count vs 1-1.

The announcer also said it was a strike.

Closed captioning gets it wrong sometimes. I notice it a lot.

The closed caption not only has the umpire calling a strike, but also has the commentary saying "strike one."

Suggested correction: When the pitcher is changed, the count is 2-0.

That is not correct. It's 1-1.


More The Natural mistakes
Major League picture

Character mistake: The sign for the hotel where Jake is staying at in Mexico says Tengo Quarto's para Renta. The word is spelled wrong. It should say CUARTOS. Also, there is no apostrophe s in cuartos. It is plural, not possessive.

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Blue Crush picture

Continuity mistake: At the "Big Pipe" contest the star gets trapped under water when her leash gets caught on some rocks. You see her undo the velcro on her ankle and then abandon the board (with the leash attached). About 20 seconds later when she is diving below the oncoming waves you can clearly see the leash re-attached to her ankle.

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The Blind Side picture

Continuity mistake: When Mike takes the family photo he's smiling, but in the next shot with the photo printed he's not.


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Rocky IV picture

Continuity mistake: When Apollo is getting ready to fight the Russian boxer, he comes out with white boxing gloves on. Sometime during the announcement of the fighters, the camera shows Rocky and Apollo standing in Apollo's corner. Apollo is jumping up and down while pointing with an ungloved and untaped hand, He is saying "I want you". The next time they show Apollo, he has his gloves on again. (00:26:55)

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Rocky V picture

Continuity mistake: At the end of Rocky IV, Rocky's son Robert is around 6 or 7 years old. After Rocky comes back from Russia in Rocky V, his son is around 12. While there was a 5 year interval between Rocky IV and V, no time had elapsed from the two in movie time. So, therefore, his son should still be the same age given that Rocky has just recently fought Drago, "The Russian" considering his bruises, and they all returned home right after the fight.

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Air Bud picture

Continuity mistake: When the kid rescues Bud from his former owner, Bud's paws become all muddy when the faucet breaks. In the next scene they are running down the road and Bud's paws are clean.

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Field of Dreams picture

Factual error: Joe Jackson batted left-handed in real life, not right-handed as Ray Liotta portrayed. He also threw right-handed and not left-handed like it shows when Kevin Costner is hitting him fly balls to left field.

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Invincible picture

Factual error: In the scene where Vince returns to his dorm room and finds Dennis Franks has moved in, Franks informs him that Coach Vermil is mixing the veterans with the rookies. In 1976, Dennis Franks and Vince Papale were both rookies.

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The Damned United picture

Factual error: We see a caption saying "Leeds 0 Luton 1." In reality, that match was a tie game.

Low Cow

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Hoosiers picture

Factual error: During most of the basketball games, you can see an American flag in the background. This is not the problem, the problem is that it is hung wrong, the stars should always be on the top LEFT not RIGHT.

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