
Factual error: In the very beginning (2nd scene) just after Danny (the Caddy) eats and then jumps down from the backside of his house and hops on his bike to head to work, look in the background behind him and at about the 5th house or so he passes you will see a classic palm tree in the front yard. The movie takes place in Nebraska (which doesn't have any palm trees of course).

Tim Dickerson

Factual error: When Judge Smails lectures Danny in his office after catching him with his niece, he states that he has sentenced boys younger than Danny to the gas chamber. Nebraska has never used the gas chamber for capital punishment.

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Suggested correction: Does Judge Smalls say the state where he does so?


Factual error: In the ending credits where the music used in the film is listed, Neal Schon's first name is misspelled "Neil".

Cubs Fan

Revealing mistake: When Carl is caddying for the priest during the bad weather, the wind is so strong that it is almost blowing them over but the trees are not moving in the background.

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Al Czervik: Oh, this is the worst-looking hat I ever saw. What, when you buy a hat like this I bet you get a free bowl of soup, huh? Oh, it looks good on you though.

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More trivia for Caddyshack

Question: What does the judge say when the ref asks him if there are an odd or even number of tees in his hand? "Bald"? What am I missing here?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: The judge says "odd". He was quessing at whether the ref had an even number of tees in his hand or an odd number of tees. This is a common and fair way of determining who will go first.

Bruce Minnick

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