Question: Why does the young red-headed nun, that doesn't sing very loud (can't remember her name), wear a different habit?

Question: What does Aladdin mean when he says: "Look at that Abu, it's not everyday you see a horse with two rear ends."?
Answer: Aladdin is referring to the person riding the horse as being a "horse's ass" in the way he is acting, thus the horse the person was riding on has two rear ends, his own and the rider.

Question: Would the labels on the Budweiser bottles be the same in the older era during the beginning of the movie, as it is in the latter part of the movie (1994)?
Answer: The color and design of the label hasn't changed in decades, although the script on it has changed some over time. They all look almost identical from a distance.

Question: How did the alien egg get on board the Sulaco? I thought it was by the Queen but she did not have that organ that she was connected to when we first see her and so she couldn't reproduce eggs.
Answer: Agreed the Queen could have stowed the eggs away on her body as Alien bodies, especially one her size, could easily have a couple of eggs hidden upon her, and we would not know. They are masters of disguise these creatures and can merge in with their own environments or others...what's to say an egg can't look like part of the Queen's body? In addition, could Facehuggers not attach themselves to the Queen's body and merge with it somehow? Flatten themselves against her skin maybe?
Answer: As we don't know the precise details of the Alien reproductive cycle, we don't know for a fact that the Queen would be unable to produce eggs without the sac seen in the film. The only other possibility is that somebody got the egg up there somehow. The only possible candidate would seem to be Bishop, who would have had to somehow have got the egg from somewhere, and flown it up to the Sulaco while Ripley was off rescuing Newt. There doesn't seem to have been time for this, so the only remaining option seems to be that they did indeed arrive with the Queen in some fashion, either laid while up there or, possibly more plausibly, rescued intact from the destruction caused by Ripley and carried somewhere on the Queen's body.

Question: During one scene in the Mirthmobile, Wayne pulls up alongside another driver, winds down the window and says "Pardon me, do you have any gray poopah?" and then begins to laugh. What's he talking about?
Answer: There was a series of commercials for a mustard called Grey Poupon in the late 80s and early 90s. It usually involved someone driving up next to a limo in a cheaper car, rolling their window down and asking them "pardon me sir, do you have any Grey Poupon?". Then the richer man in the limo would say "certainly" and pass it to the guy in the other car. They were incredibly stupid commercials and wayne's world makes fun of them.

Question: Please can someone explain the ending of this film to me? Do Frank and Rachel end up together or not?
Answer: The fact that Frank hires an older gray haired bodyguard for Rachel after he quit tells me that he didn't want her getting involved with another man, because his intention was that he would be involved with her.
Chosen answer: I saw an interview with Whitney Houston after the movie came out and she said it was left up to the individual person watching the movie as to whether or not Frank and Rachel ended up together.

Question: What exactly is a Code Red?
Answer: It's something done to one trooper in a unit who is not pulling his load, to let him know his teammates are tired of him making them look bad. It can range from a beating after lights out to scrubbing a soldier who won't shower with toilet brushes and Comet. (And yes, both of those are from my own military experience, though I wasn't the victim!) It's meant to give a warning and doesn't normally harm anything but the victim's pride. They are strongly against regulations in the past year or two as several soldiers were injured by their unit getting overzealous, just like in the movie.

Question: After Peter yells at Kevin "You spent $967 on room service?!", where does Kevin run off to? It's not clear from what's onscreen.
Answer: He's heading back to the hotel most likely to apologize for spending such a huge amount.
Answer: It's Kevin's dad who screams out. You can tell because Buzz looks at the bill, smirks, and says, "Oh, Dad." I've always interpreted it as Kevin running away. The joke is that Kevin's dad screams so loud from the hotel room that Kevin can hear him from the park. So Kevin wouldn't want to face his dad.

Question: At the fort they cover their cannons with sheepskin. Why?
Answer: During inclement weather, dry sheepskins were used to keep rain from entering the barrel. During battle, wet sheepskins were used to cool down the barrel to decrease the likelihood of the powder exploding prematurely.

Question: If the ship's artillery is only equipped with 5-inch starburst rounds (as stated more than once), how do they use the much larger guns to sink the submarine?
Answer: The smaller guns were only equipped with the Starburst rounds. The 16 Inch Cannons were still supplied with live ammo. None of the characters left to fight had experience with the 16 inch guns except for the Gunner's Mate, therefore none of them thought to use one of the 16 inch guns.

Question: Why did the sheriff claim that it was his own hunch that made him take it upon himself to see about any reports about a 1964 Pontiac Tempest stolen or abandoned? Shouldn't he have said something like, "At the request of Mr. Gambini, I investigated whether there were any"? Is the sheriff simply looking to steal some glory and take some credit for the turnaround of the case?
Chosen answer: He never says that it was "his" idea. The actual quote from the movie is that on "a" hunch he looked it up. From the way it is worded in the movie, it appears he said it this way in order to appear impartial in bringing any new evidence to the court's attention, not necessarily just information that would benefit the defendant's case.
Answer: The sheriff made a point of telling Vinny that he doesn't work for the defense and Vinny should "do his own investigation." He's the local sheriff in a small town, while Vinny and the kids are unpopular and unwelcome visitors. The sheriff probably didn't want to appear like he was doing them any favors.

Question: What did Candyman mean when he told Helen it was always her? Why was he so interested in Helen?
Answer: When Helen goes back and sees the mural of his murder, the camera lingers on a woman in the picture that looks like her. This is the woman Candyman was in love with before he was killed. The implication is either she was reincarnated as Helen, or Helen reminded him of her, hence his interest in her.

Question: What song is Mary playing when she forces Tanya to dance with Charles?
Answer: Sleep Walk by Santo and Johnny.

Question: In the scene where Goldie Hawn nearly gets her head run over by the car, how do they get that effect? It just looks far too dangerous to be an actual stunt, but it looks too real to be a bluescreen / split screen effect either.
Chosen answer: It is a composite shot, with the actor's head added to the scene. They just did a particularly good job on the scene.

Question: Who played Michaela Odone's sister in the movie? Was thinking it was Holly Hunter but IMDB has no information.
Chosen answer: It was Kathleen Wilhoite (she also played Dr. Lewis' sister Chloe on ER).
Answer: She also played Luke Dane's sister on Gilmore girls.

Question: How did Bishop end up with 2 guns during the robbery of Quiles? I'm assuming they edited out of the part where Bishop probably took Quiles' gun from behind the counter. He was holding the 2nd gun in his left hand when they were hiding from being seen by the cops in the store. What do you think?
Answer: Bishop held his second gun when Bishop found Quiles' gun in his convenience store (when Quiles pulled his gun while Bishop and Radames' gang first altercation scene).

Question: Why is Penguin's blood green?
Answer: It isn't. If you look at when he dies you will see that he has cuts on his face that are bleeding red. The blue liquid is more like a bile, probably similar to saliva.
Chosen answer: It is part of the mutation that caused his peculiar appearance.

Question: Can anyone explain to me the phrase Rene Russo says to Mel Gibson 'Close is a lingerie shop without a window'. Gibson's character can't make sense of the phrase and neither can I.
Answer: So what does it mean? "Nothing, " says screenwriter Jeffrey Boam. "It's a complete non sequitur. The (original) line was something like 'Close doesn't count, ' or 'Close only counts with horseshoes.' Dick (director Richard Donner) is a fun-loving guy," says Boam, "and this thought just popped into his head. He said, 'Let's have her say something completely off the wall.'" Boam, who wasn't on the set at the time, quickly faxed Donner a dozen meaningless lines that began with the words, "Close is..." Then the whole cast and crew started coming up with them. But the one they used came from Russo herself. "This is like some line from a Beatles song," says Boam. "I guess people are trying to figure it out."
Answer: She means that's as close as he's going to get or as far as they're getting. Like the old saying, "Close but no cigar." He played the game, but didn't win the prize.
Answer: It is because she is not, technically, a nun yet. She is a novice, one who is in the "trial period" of becoming a nun, but who has not made the final vows to join the order.
She doesn't wear a white cap in the second movie either, and she did her vows.
It takes 9-12 years to become a nun, with many stages: discernment, aspirancy, postulancy, novitiate, temporary vows, and finally, solemn vows. The young nun may have moved up a step but would not yet have taken her solemn vows. The various stages would have differences in apparel, headdress, insignia, etc. that showed their rank. In addition, different nun orders wear different styles of habits.
raywest ★