Wayne's World

Wayne's World (1992)

36 mistakes

(9 votes)

Continuity mistake: When Wayne and Garth are on their way to the Alice Cooper concert they show the car from behind you can clearly see that Garth is driving and Wayne is in the passenger seat but when they cut back to the car from inside Wayne is driving and Garth is in the passenger seat. (00:56:50)

Factual error: When Wayne and Garth are driving to the Alice Cooper concert in Wisconsin, they pass palm trees while driving the expressway from Chicago. There are no palm trees on any expressway in Illinois or Wisconsin. (00:57:00)

Continuity mistake: Outside the gas station when Garth ask Wayne if he's gonna marry Cassandra, we see Wayne taking off his headphones and lowering his arms. When it cuts his arms are up in shoulder level. (00:19:50)


Continuity mistake: When Benjamin introduces himself to Wayne and Garth, Benjamin lowers his arm. When it cuts to Russel introducing himself, Benjamin suddenly has his arm up looking at the watch. (00:22:30)


Factual error: In some of the shots of the band playing, it is very obvious that Cassandra isn't playing her bass correctly. Particularly in the basement performance, where she sometimes doesn't even move her arms at all while singing. (00:13:25)

Continuity mistake: When they meet officer Koharski outside the donut shop, Both Wayne and Garth slightly lift their left arms. When it cuts their arms are down. (00:08:10)


Continuity mistake: When Ron Paxton begins to demonstrate the Suck Kut on Garth's head, Ron's tie is hanging straight down. When it cuts the tie is bent upward over Ron's wrist. (00:02:15)


Wayne's World mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the movie in the scene where Garth is stabbing a doughnut-person with a hockey stick shaped pencil, the eraser changes from pink, when he's stabbing it, to blue, when it's standing on its own.

Continuity mistake: When it shows Garth reaching for the Claudia Schiffer poster we see Garth placing his other hand on the couch. When it cuts his hand is on his lap. (00:21:35)


Continuity mistake: During the meeting with Vanderhoff about airing Wayne's World or not, the pen on Russel's file in front of him keeps appearing and disappearing between the shots. (00:17:30)


Plot hole: When Wayne and Garth are trying to get Mr Big to hear Cassandra's band, they refer to when they spoke to the security guard earlier in the movie. They claim he said Mr Big would be in Chicago on Friday when he actually didn't - he never mentioned a specific day at all and just said he was travelling that way next week. (00:59:50 - 01:12:40)

Continuity mistake: When Garth puts his electrical device into his holster, he holds onto the holster with his left hand. When it cuts both his hands are placed on the electrical device. (00:13:20)


Continuity mistake: When Wayne is interviewing Vanderhoff on his show. He takes the liberty of placing some humorous slogans on the back of the question cards. However, the one about goats returns to the front of the pile when the camera cuts to a more distant shot and Wayne puts the cards down.

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the movie when Wayne is driving to Cassandra's music video there are a lot of cars right before the policeman pulls Wayne over to spoof Terminator 2. But all the cars are driving behind him and next to him are gone when the pulls Wayne over.


Continuity mistake: When Wayne, Garth, Cassandra and Benjamin are at Benjamin's apartment, The level of Cassandra's champagne when she is standing out on the balcony is low. Cassandra then walks inside and sits on the sofa, where the level of champagne in her glass is higher, without anyone giving her a refill. (this is from a video viewing)

Factual error: When Wayne and Garth drive to Milwaukee, they leave Chicago, the sign reads Wilson Ave, when they announce their arrival - a very similar shot pops up reading Wilson Ave.

Continuity mistake: When they find Phil hungover, sitting on a bench outside Powell Camera Shop, it shows a man standing by the window right behind Phil. When it cuts to a close-up of Phil, the man is gone. (00:05:30)


Audio problem: Near the end of the movie when the band is playing the song for the guy in the limo when shes singing the chorus to the song the voice changes from the original song to her voice.

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More trivia for Wayne's World

Question: It seems like there's some stuff cut out of the scene where Wayne and Garth meet the cop outside the donut shop. He stops them for some unsaid reason, then flips a coin at the end. What does any of this mean? Does he just get charmed and distracted by them?

Answer: It was just establishing that Wayne and his crew were friendly with Officer Koharski. They cut their conversation short because they were afraid Phil was about to throw up and needed to get him a cup of coffee.

Brian Katcher

Before Phil gets sick, they're just having a conversation. After it cuts from Phil, Koharski is suddenly holding a quarter in between his fingers. There seems to be a scene cut before they see Phil get sick to explain where the quarter came from. (Like if I had to guess, does Koharski pull out the quarter to show what he found in the cavity search?) That's what the question is asking, not is there a scene cut after Phil gets sick to explain why Koharski just walks away.


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