Wayne's World
Wayne's World mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the movie in the scene where Garth is stabbing a doughnut-person with a hockey stick shaped pencil, the eraser changes from pink, when he's stabbing it, to blue, when it's standing on its own.

Factual error: When Wayne and Garth are driving to the Alice Cooper concert in Wisconsin, they pass palm trees while driving the expressway from Chicago. There are no palm trees on any expressway in Illinois or Wisconsin. (00:57:00)

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Garth Algar: If she were a president, she would be Baberaham Lincoln.

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Question: It seems like there's some stuff cut out of the scene where Wayne and Garth meet the cop outside the donut shop. He stops them for some unsaid reason, then flips a coin at the end. What does any of this mean? Does he just get charmed and distracted by them?

Answer: It was just establishing that Wayne and his crew were friendly with Officer Koharski. They cut their conversation short because they were afraid Phil was about to throw up and needed to get him a cup of coffee.

Brian Katcher

Before Phil gets sick, they're just having a conversation. After it cuts from Phil, Koharski is suddenly holding a quarter in between his fingers. There seems to be a scene cut before they see Phil get sick to explain where the quarter came from. (Like if I had to guess, does Koharski pull out the quarter to show what he found in the cavity search?) That's what the question is asking, not is there a scene cut after Phil gets sick to explain why Koharski just walks away.


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