Castle: OK, maybe this might cheer you up a little bit. [Reaches in his back pocket and pulls out a wad of money.] Your winnings.
Beckett: My winnings?
Castle: Oh, don't play coy with me, you threw your hand!
Beckett: Alright, I was trying to be nice... I didn't want to embarrass you in front of your friends.
Castle: Now we're even. So what do you say to ah, a little showdown? Head to head. Toe to toe. Winner take all. Mano y mujer.
Beckett: Hand to woman?
Castle: Whatever it takes.
Beckett: You're on!
Castle: No mercy!
Beckett: I'm gonna make you hurt!
Castle: Oh, you're going to get hurt!
Beckett: What are we playing for?
Castle: Pride, or clothing.
Beckett: I think I've got a bag of Gummy Bears.
Beckett: [In the elevator handing Castle a wad of money.]
Castle: What's this?
Beckett: Your winnings from the other night. I'm not an idiot, I knew you threw the last hand.
Castle: How did you figure it out?
Beckett: That's not the point.
Castle: Ooh, my mother called you, didn't she?!
Beckett: You owe me a rematch!
Castle: Fine. You wanna play, let's play! How 'bout tomorrow night?
Beckett: With your 'mystery buddies'?
Castle: What, are you kidding? No, no, no, those guys would eat you alive! No, I was thinking something a little more, ah, 'Gotham City Crew', guys I beat on a regular basis.
Beckett: Your 'Gotham City Crew'?
Castle: Yeah, Captain, the Mayor and Judge Markway. You know, your boss, your boss' boss, and the guy that signs your warrants, or would that make you nervous? I mean, I wouldn't want to throw your game, but I also don't want you to feel patronized.
Beckett: Jut set it up, and prepare to get your ass kicked.
Answer: The networks are now having winter breaks. A mid season end of new episodes, when they come back after the new year, it picks up as if several months have gone by. Beckett suggested Valentine's Day as a "chick flick" to watch as she is moved in. Also some episodes are not scheduled to air in order.