Hey Arnold!

Door #16 / Arnold as Cupid - S1-E10

Other mistake: Arnold as Cupid: When Oskar gives Arnold breakfast, besides the fact that the objects move from the left side of the tray to the right between shots, look at the glass of orange juice as Oskar lowers the tray to Arnold. Despite Oskar never rotating the tray around, the glass of orange juice glides itself over to the top left corner of the tray. Very weird. (00:14:34)


Magic Show / 24 Hours to Live - S1-E18

Audio problem: Magic Show: During Arnold's magic show, the kids start chanting, "Make Helga disappear!" When Helga says, "Alright you bunch of clods," they stop, but their voices can still briefly be heard. (00:03:28)


Hey Arnold! mistake picture

Olga Comes Home / Sally's Comet - S1-E15

Continuity mistake: In Sally's Comet when Gerald, Arnold, and Grandpa are in the traffic jam on the way to Hawk Mountain the position and type of cars around them change. When we first see the car there is a truck there and no room for them to turn around. When they do turn around then there is room and the truck is gone.


The Aptitude Test / Oskar Gets a Job - S3-E9

Suzie: I gave you 100 dollars two days ago.
Oskar: Suzie, you know I had to use it to pay the phone bill.
Suzie: Oskar, they cut off our phone service this morning.
Oskar: I know, it's a terrible mistake. We should sue.
Suzie: Oh, Oskar, that just doesn't make any sense.
Oskar: Tell me about it. So, can I have the 50 dollars?
Suzie: I don't have 50 dollars, we've already spent my paycheck this week.
Oskar: What about your overtime?
Suzie: I work 20 hours a week overtime already, how many more hours do you want me to work?
Oskar: How about 25?
Suzie: OSKAR!


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Answer: No, he did not. He is seen getting off the bus with a suitcase, so he must have not been home for a few days so there is no way he could have known.


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