Corrected entry: During the flashback, Fry's shadow can be seen along with Nibbler's when the chair falls over. Fry didn't go back in time until "The Why of Fry", so anything that happened before this episode should only show Nibbler's shadow.
Corrected entry: When Leela first squeezes the toy Fry leaves her, you can see that eye that pops out is blue. Later on (when she breaks it) the eye has changed to red.
Correction: Remember, most of this episode is actually a dream that was created by Leela while she was in a coma. Things changing around suddenly is quite common.
Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch - S5-E5
Corrected entry: When Kiff tells Zap and the Planet Express Crew how he became pregnant, he says that he absorbed DNA through his skin and Fry comments that anyone of them could be the man-mom but Kiff only actually touches Leela skin to skin apart from Amy - He grabbed Leela's arm, Fry's pants, Bender's leg (he doesn't count because he has RNA, not DNA) and Zapp's uniform.
Correction: Gross as it sounds, your clothing is absolutely crawling with epitheleals - detached skin cells. You shed your entire skin every twenty days. Each cell has your full DNA complement, and Kif could easily absorb it from that.
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles - S5-E7
Corrected entry: It is established in the episode "A Clone of My Own" that French is an unknown, dead language. If this is true, then why does Dr. Farnsworth's gargoyle, Pazuzu, tell us good night at the end of the episode in French (bonne nuit)?
Correction: Latin is a 'dead language' nowadays but we use hundreds of Latin expressions (et cetera, post mortem, ante natal and so on ad nauseam) because they have been adopted into modern languages. There is no reason that this principle cannot hold true for 31st century French.
Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch - S5-E5
Corrected entry: In the series 3 episode "Amazon Women in the Mood", the Amazons use all males for "snoo-snoo" until they die. In that episode they take Kif into their dressing-room-like booths and seemingly snoo-snoo him. However, in this episode we learn that Kif's people don't have genitalia. They reproduce by directly absorbing DNA through their skins. What exactly are the Amazons DOING to Kif, given the lack of sex organs?
Correction: Just because they reproduce asexually doesn't mean they don't have any genitalia. Also, if I remember that episode, she couldn't catch Kif, so she never got the chance to "do" anything.
Corrected entry: A film shows that global warming was temporarily stopped by dropping ice into the sea. However, in 'Xmas Story', Leela says 'nuclear winter' cancelled out global warming.
Correction: True, but remember that the people of the year 3000 also believe that ancient humans hunted whales on the moon and that cars were made using robots with giant clubs. The show has proven itself to not know exactly what did happen (Except for the second coming of Jesus) in the past 1,000 years on a consistent basis.
Correction: Not true, it was always Fry who caused himself to go into the future. Even though it doesn't happen until later on in the series, he still travelled back in time to the beginning of the series.