
Futurama (1999)

348 mistakes

(6 votes)

Rebirth - S6-E1

Continuity mistake: As the power builds up in Bender, his left eye pops out, making him a cyclops, subsequently being eaten by the Cyclops eater. After the monster dies, Bender comes out, and has two eyes in the long shot, but puts his left eye back in the close up.

Movie Nut

Rebirth - S6-E1

Continuity mistake: In the first episode of season 6, "Rebirth", near the end after the real Fry comes out of the Rebirth chamber, the robot Leela says that she and the robot Fry are in love she now has the real Leela's mechanical arm device on. But she never had it before or after that shot.


Futurama mistake picture

Space Pilot 3000 - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When Fry and Bender are in the museum and locked in the "Villains" room, Bender breaks the two girders in the window, when he turns around and says "Who I want!" you can see behind him that the girders are back in their original position. (00:14:10)

Futurama mistake picture

Space Pilot 3000 - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When Fry is queueing for the booth, he opens the piece of paper, showing the picture and writing. Just before he steps in to the booth, it's changed colour and gone blank, then in the next shot it's back as before. (00:07:45)


Episode Two: The Series Has Landed - S1-E2

Other mistake: When the Moon Patrol officers throw Bender out of the airlock onto the moon's surface, they are exposed to hard vacuum, but they aren't wearing space suits. Throughout the episode it is established that the moon's "atmosphere" is a vacuum and protective suits are necessary - when the farmer removes his helmet he begins to asphyxiate instantly.

Futurama mistake picture

Episode Two: The Series Has Landed - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: When Fry and Leela get to the moon landing site, Leela climbs in the moonlander hatch with the oxygen tank to which Fry's oxygen hose is connected. The hose is visible as it leads in to the hatch. When Leela pops her head out the hatch, the hose is suddenly gone. Then in the next shot, it's back, but lying underneath the hatch. (00:17:50)


Time Keeps on Slipping - S3-E14

Continuity mistake: In this episode, Fry loosens his helmet and his head expands immediately. But, in the first episode, a man on the Moon takes his helmet off for several seconds and his head never expands.

Lrr: I am Lrr. Ruler of the planet Omicron Persei 8.

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Trivia: The part of Zapp Brannigan was originally going to go to Phil Hartman, the voice of Troy McClure and Lionel Hutz in The Simpsons, but was changed when he was murdered by his wife in 1998.

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Answer: You are thinking about episode 20 of series 2 - "Anthology of Interest I". She technically never kills anyone, but in the episode she ask a "What if machine" (one of the Professor's inventions) what would happen if she was more impulsive. The machine then shows the more impulsive Leela killing off the Professor to get the money from his will and thereafter killing Hermes, Bender, Scruffy, Cubert, Nibler, Amy and Zoidberg to cover it up. Finally she does something really impulsive with Fry.


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