Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls (2000)

4 suggested corrections

(18 votes)

Cinnamon's Wake - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: Kirk did not know who Miss Patty was. He said "I wasn't aware that you were THE Miss Patty." Later in the series, in Episode 5 of Season 6, at Miss Patty's Grand Recital, Miss Patty introduces Kirk's performance and says that he was "a talented pupil of mine". His performance was titled, "20 Years Ago Today", therefore Kirk was a student and should have known who Miss Patty was all along.

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Suggested correction: That's exactly the point of the scene. Kirk knew that her name was "Miss Patty" but he didn't know she was THE "Miss Patty" about whom everyone was speaking.

They also refer multiple times to Kirk growing up in Stars Hollow. He would have known. In Stars Hollow, there couldn't ever be another "Miss Patty." That's just not how they roll.

Double Date - S1-E12

Factual error: Lane wants Rory to talk to Dean about setting up Lane with his friend Todd. While asking Rory to do this, Lane asks for the date to be planned for the following Sunday, after church; however, Lane is Seventh-day Adventist and they believe the Sabbath is Saturday and therefore attend church on Saturday, not Sunday. (00:04:45)


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Suggested correction: Many Seventh-Day Adventist churches do actually hold church on Sunday.

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Suggested correction: It's not camera equipment you're seeing; it's one of the newspaper dispensers on the sidewalk outside Luke's, at the curb. These newspaper dispensers are visible in many episodes.

Super Grover

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Suggested correction: She calls her "sweetie."


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Emily In Wonderland - S1-E19

Emily: Well, uh, Rory, I don't think I wore the right shoes for the grand tour. Why don't we just drive?
Rory: You can borrow some of my mom's shoes.
Emily: Oh, no, I don't think so. Rory hold on a minute.
Rory: Grandma, you will be missing the true Stars Hollow experience if you don't walk. Trust me.
Emily: All right, but I won't wear anything with rhinestones or zebra stripes or anything that has batteries or that sings or make animal noises or moves on its own.

Super Grover

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Trivia: Although, Rory loves coffee in the show, she hates it in real life. So, whenever she gets coffee from Luke, a stand, etc, Coke is the actual beverage in the glass.

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Show generally

Question: Does Lane live with both her parents? I've heard her talk about "parents" in plural but I've never seen her father, nor heard anyone talk about him. Anyone who knows?

Answer: Yes, Lane lives with both her parents. Her father does live with them, but he was only seen in the Netflix revival.

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