Boy Meets World

Boy Meets World (1993)

42 corrected entries

(7 votes)

Correction: In "I Dream of Feeny" Shawn said "I hear he hasn't missed a day since WWI" That was not a literal statement considering the fact that Mr. Feeny couldn't have been in school during WWI and Shawn couldn't know if he missed in 1961 because he wasn't born yet. It was just a joke.

Correction: The coach told him during the school day. Corey didn't have a chance to tell his family, so when he got home, his family had already left for the game.

Quiz Show - S4-E19

Corrected entry: When Topanga says "I would really appreciate it if you would stop pushing the buzzer just because you like the sound" a mic is seen above Cory's head.

Correction: This portion of the episode takes place on a televised game show. Seeing microphones or other studio equipment wouldn't necessarily be a mistake.


Danger Boy - S2-E16

Corrected entry: Cory tries to stand up and get out of the ride while it is starting, but in reality there would have been a lock on the safety bar before the ride starts.

Correction: Considering the fact that it was a ride so unsafe that Mr. Feeny and Cory actually fell out of the car and ended up in the opposite seats by the end of it, it sounds like the bars are not safe in general. Therefore, it's no wonder there were not safety locks on them.

Father Knows Less - S1-E3

Corrected entry: When Cory's ball bounces into Feeny's yard, he climbs over it and is surprised to see Feeny when he flashes a light on him. Cory would literally have to be blind to not notice Mr. Feeny in his lawn chair.


Correction: Things like that happen in real life all the time. Especially in the dark. It's not at all unrealistic for Cory to have missed Mr. Feeny due to the fact that he wasn't looking for him. I recently walked right past a friend I was on my way to visit, purely because she wasn't where I was expecting her to be.

Feeny was sitting less than 5 feet away from where the ball landed and also would have been in Cory's field of view based on where the ball ended up and Feeny's position relative to it. The mistake is valid.


As the previous user mentioned above; ridiculous as it may appear to an audience watching, this happens a lot in real life. I myself missed my cousin who walked right past me only a foot in front of me and that was in broad daylight when I was actively looking for her. If this kind of thing happens in real life, it can easily happen with the character. Especially since it was night-time and Cory was not expecting Feeny to be there.

Fishing for Virna - S4-E4

Corrected entry: When the 3 kids spill the milk, Chet comes out of a door marked "Custodian" but in earlier episodes that door was marked "Girls" for the Girls bathroom.

Correction: Chet does not come out of a door marked "Custodian" in this episode.

Kid Gloves - S1-E19

Corrected entry: Alan tells Cory that he won the gloves for finishing second in his weight class, yet when Cory is on the phone, he says they belong to the second best boxer in the whole Navy.

Correction: Alan said "Second in my weight class in the entire United States Navy." Cory was right.

Correction: You should see equipment. This scene/episode is a parody of "The Truman Show," and Eric has placed equipment all over his apartment for the purpose of filming and toying with his roommates, including a rain machine.


His Answer (1) - S6-E1

Corrected entry: In this episode Shawn claims he heard Topanga propose when actually he wasn't paying ANY attention to them in the previous episode. Instead he was carrying on about graduating. There wasn't really a way that he could have heard them.

Correction: Topanga proposed to Cory before all the other students threw their Graduation caps into the air and started celebrating. Before that, Shawn was simply standing there doing nothing. He could have easily heard them.


Correction: It is obvious that Shawn is not very close to his half brother and only feels the need to defend him because he's family. So it is not suprising that they go their separate ways. Besides it is possible, maybe even likely, that his brother is sent away to reform school or prison later on.

Correction: Many T.V. shows have a charcter for one episode, nothing intresting or unusual about that.

Show Me the Love - S7-E1

Corrected entry: In this episode, Shawn says that his mom left home when he was 9, but in the early seasons, his mom is still home, and takes off during season 2 or 3, when Shawn is around 14 or so.

Correction: In the episode Angela's Men, in season 7, Shawn tells Angela's father that his mother left him and his father twice. She left when Shawn was nine, then came back and left again.

It's About Time - S7-E7

Corrected entry: If Eric told the hotel that Cory and Topanga were the Peterman's, then how did the band know what song to play when Amy sang her song to Cory, assuming that the Peterman's would not have the same song?

Correction: It's possible that Amy had a moment to talk to someone in the band and ask them to do a certain song, even if it wasn't shown.

Correction: This doesn't mean that Mr. Feeny couldn't have taught 6th grade for years before Corey and the others started school. He is obviously old enough to have been teaching for years before they were even born.

City Slackers - S3-E11

Corrected entry: When Shawn is reading Mr. Feeny's diary, he says that Mr. Feeny called in sick to his class in 1961 to go to the cabin. However, in Seven The Hard Way, at Feeny's retirement party, it says: MR. FEENY BELOVED TEACHER 1964-2006. 1961 is three years before '64.

Correction: In "Seven The Hard Way" Mr. Feeny's retirement party was an imaginary thought. It's not likely everything would be correct in an imaginary thought.

On the Fence - S1-E2

Corrected entry: If Shawn lives in a trailer park, and as we later find out, his father has trouble paying the bills, how can he afford an extremely expensive water gun?

Correction: That water gun wasn't really implied to have been expensive, just amazing because it could hold so much water and was so big. Plenty of stores sell water guns that can hold a ton of water and are farely huge and it doesn't even cost over 15 dollars. Plus, it may have been a gift.

Correction: In The Thrilla in Philla, it is implied that Frankie's dad doesn't want anyone to know that his first name is Leslie. Francis is probably his middle name, which he would use instead if he found his real first name so awful.

Correction: In real life when people say "always" they almost never literally mean "always"; they mean they've done it enough times so it's part of a routine now. Just because they said "always" doesn't mean they've literally always used aluminum, it just means it's a tradition for Christmas that they've done for awhile.

Brother Brother - S3-E22

Corrected entry: If you keep your eye on Rider in the scene where they are at Chubbie's, he pulls out a piece of paper and looks at it. They were probably his lines.

Correction: Possibly but it could have been a number of other things too, we can't automatically jump to the conclusion it was his lines.

The Father/Son Game - S1-E11

Corrected entry: When the bell rings after Mr. Feeney's first class, Cory doesn't take his books, even though everyone else does. Also, unless they say the Pledge of Alleigance toward the end, the class is about five minutes long.

Correction: Doesn't mean Cory didn't realize his mistake and come back for his books later. And some schools do the Pledge of Alleigance toward the end of class. My Junior High School did.

Cory's Alternative Friends - S1-E4

Continuity mistake: Shawn claims his "sister, Stacey" uses the straightening stuff all the time. This is the only mention of her ever during the entire run of the show; and when Jack joins the show he is established as Shawn's only sibling.

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What I Meant To Say - S3-E3

Mr. Williams: I'm here to teach you to find the truth in the media. Because there is a difference between what they say, and what is real.
Mr. Turner: That was very good. Watch this: Hunter, what did he just say?
Shawn: Something about Israel.


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Boys II Mensa - S1-E6

Question: When Mr. Feeny is talking to Cory in the cafeteria about his score on the IQ test, Feeny is shown purchasing a coffee from the vending machine. Are there actual elementary schools in the United States with coffee vending machines where prepubescent students have the ability to purchase a beverage more suited for younger adults and older? This isn't the faculty cafeteria mind you, because it's the same cafeteria the students are shown occupying throughout the first season. Seems a little irresponsible on the school's part to give students access to coffee.


Chosen answer: In the present day, with the United States abiding by more stricter school health laws, for the most part this wouldn't be in school cafeterias as many cannot even have carbonated beverage machines now. However, in the 90s when the show takes place, it wasn't unheard of for there to be coffee machines in the cafeteria of small schools where the teachers eat with the students as we see them do often in the show. The idea being that the cafeteria was small enough so a teacher or hall monitor could catch a student before they could drink the coffee.

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