Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Correction: They were getting ready to go on, and as for the audience they were waiting for the show to start.

Show generally

Corrected entry: In season 7, it is often said that for one of the potentials to be activated, Buffy will have to die. However technically, Buffy is not carrying on the slayer line - Faith is as Buffy gave this up at the end of season 1 when she died. Even if it is possible for her to still carry on the slayer line, how come another slayer wasn't activated when Buffy died for Dawn in the season 5 finale "The Gift"?

Correction: Joss Whedon explained this one himself in an interview. He explained that when Buffy died the first time that triggered Kendra (and after Kendra died, this triggered Faith). Joss explained that the triggering ability only works once for each slayer so Buffy's second death would not call another slayer whereas Faith's death would.


Correction: The general consensus is that while vampires don't need to breathe, they can to some degree (to speak or to say smoke), but have difficulty exhaling (to say give mouth to mouth.)

Show generally

Corrected entry: At the end of Season 5, Buffy died. She was still dead into Season 6, before Willow raised her. Spike says she was dead 147 days. When one slayer dies, another takes her place (i.e., Kendra). The slayer's death does not have to be reported to anyone (example: the Council), as when Buffy died the first time and Xander gave her mouth-to-mouth to bring her back (she was only dead for a few minutes). A few episodes later - voila, Kendra. So, where was the new slayer after Buffy died at the end of Season 5?


Correction: Joss Whedon explained this one himself in an interview. He explained that when Buffy died the first time that triggered Kendra (and after Kendra died, this triggered Faith). Joss explained that the triggering ability only works once for each slayer so Buffy's second death would not call another slayer whereas Faith's death would.

Correction: It's possible the chip was only activated after his escape from The Initiative.


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Corrected entry: During season 1 it is mentioned a few times that if the Master rises the Hellmouth will open, since his being trapped in it has jammed it up. In 'The Wish' we see what Sunnydale would have been like if Buffy hadn't gone there and he had risen, so why didn't the Hellmouth open?


Correction: After Anya has made Cordelia's wish come true and all have entered an alternate dimension, there is no reason to believe that what was held true in one dimension also holds true in another. Therefore, it is perfectly acceptable for the Master to be footloose and fancy free in an alternate dimension, and never confined.


Halloween - S2-E6

Corrected entry: In the season two episode 'Halloween' only the people who got their costumes from Ethan's store are meant to change into what they are dressed as when the spell is cast. However, Xander changes, despite having told the girls in an earlier scene that he got his fatigues from an army surplus store - not from Ethan's.

Correction: He bought the toy gun at Ethan's and it had the curse.

Show generally

Corrected entry: If Angel presumably had an invition into Giles' apartment (to leave Jenny's body) why did he need to be reinvited again in "Amends"? Giles never had that un-invitation spell done, he doesn't have any herbs or crosses by his doorframe.

Correction: When Giles returns home in Passion he's about to do the un-invitation spell, so he probably did it some time after that. The crosses might not be a completely necessary part of the spell - when the spell is done at Buffy's house in season 5 there are no crosses used.


The Wish - S3-E9

Corrected entry: During 'The Wish', when history has changed and the Master has risen, where are Collin, Darla and the Anointed One, the Three or any of the other favoured acolytes from season 1? Buffy never killed Collin or the Three, Angel wouldn't have killed Darla if it hadn't been for Buffy and the Master would surely have been able to protect the Anointed One from Spike. Even allowing for Angel and the White Hats to have taken out one or two of them, surely at least one of the group should have been there? This is technically the real world as altered by Anyanka's temporal fold, not any kind of alternate dimension. This is what the world would have been like if Buffy hadn't come to Sunnydale, so anybody who would be alive if it weren't for Buffy should still be alive.


Correction: Colin and the anointed one were the same person and with the prophecy regarding the anointed one being linked to the slayer, no slayer equals no anointed one, same with the three, they were only called on to take out the slayer. Which leaves Darla, who still could have either been killed by Angel, after all she was part of his destiny.


Correction: Doesn't mean it was actually done - this is the government, after all. Besides, The Initiative facility was enormous, so filling it completely would be a huge project. It seems more likely that they would simply concrete up the entrances, leaving the actual facility intact but inaccessible.

Correction: This doesn't necessarily mean that he drank any coffee - it's just a general expression.


Passion - S2-E17

Corrected entry: When Angelus Kills Jenny Calander, he arranges her in Giles' house. Having re-watched series one and two a few times I've still not been able to find the episode where Giles invites Angel into his house.


Correction: That doesn't mean it didn't happen. There is no evidence to suggest that he never invited him in. Episodes rarely start exactly where the last left off, so there was ample time in between episodes for this to occur.

Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7

Corrected entry: During the episode 'Once More With Feeling' all the characters are forced to tell the truth when they sing, but Xander lies flat out when he says during the song 'I've Got a Theory' that he thinks it might be witches, since he knows it's the talisman he used that's causing the singing.

Correction: Right after Xander's "theory" about witches, he takes it back with "which is ridiculous". Though it's because of Willow and Tara, he is still taking back his fake theory, thus still telling the truth that he doesn't believe it to be witches. Coming out and saying that he did it wouldn't follow the theme of the song.

Season 2 generally

Corrected entry: In the episode 'Passion' Angelus destroys Jenny's computer before he kills her, hoping to get rid of the hard drive with his cure on it. Two episodes later in 'I Only Have Eyes For You' Willow tells Giles she found lesson plans on Jenny's hard drive. If the hard drive was destroyed with the computer she wouldn't have been able to retrieve lesson plans, but if it somehow survived the damage Willow would have found the curse when she looked through the files. Either way it's a mistake.


Correction: Having dealt with far too many fried hard drives in my day, I can tell you that it's entirely possible the sector of the hard drive that contained the spell was damaged beyond recovery, but the sector with Ms Calendar's lesson plan was not. Just because you can find one thing doesn't mean you can find everything.

Show generally

Corrected entry: In the Season 7 episode 'Selfless' we are told that Anyanka was known as Aud back when she turned Olaf into a troll and had him imprisoned in the purple crystal, and that she only adopted the name Anyanka when D'Hoffryn made her a demon. But back in the Season 5 episode 'Triangle', when Olaf was released he refered to Aud as Anya straight away. He wouldn't have known about her name change.

Correction: First an error in the error. Aud/Anya did not trap Olaf in the crystal. Olaf says in Triangle "I adjusted. And then what happened? Witches. Filthy, dirty, disgusting witches. They trapped me. I was imprisoned in that crystal for centuries. Ohh, a curse on all witches. All must die." Aud turned Olaf in to a troll in 880, over a thousand years ago, and became Anyanka immediately after. Since Olaf had time to "adjust" to being a troll, it was most likely awhile before the witches entrapped him. Possibly even several hundred years. It is conceivable that in that time he ran into the new Anyanka or at least heard of what she was up to.


Correction: You can see the slippers between/behind Xander's feet when he and Anya are sitting on the edge of the bed. They are gone when they walk into the next room. It is conceivable that he slipped his feet into them quickly (as they were right by his feet) as he stood up.


Correction: Joss Whedon himself said; 'I believe it was in 1850 that Angel made Drusilla and then Drusilla made Spike. Now, this is where it gets confusing for everybody, your sire can mean anybody in the line that made you. So, Drusilla is Spike's sire, but so is Angel in the sense that Angel made Drusilla and Drusilla made Spike. If we were being more literal we would call him a grandsire, but that term does not exist in the vampire world, so sire just means somebody that you are connected to because they came before you on the line. By that reckoning you could say that Darla is Spike's sire since she made Angel.'

Show generally

Corrected entry: In Series 7 Episode 14, it is indicated several times that Principal Wood is over 30 - Xander says he's 10 years older than Buffy, Wood refers to events 'back in his 20s', but Wood also says he was 4 when his mother died. In Season 5, the episode 'Fool For Love' we are told Nikki, his mother, died in 1980. This would make him only 26/27, not into his 30s.

Correction: Wood is actualy 30, both in Fool For Love and Lies My Parents Told Me the subtiles show the year 1977, not 1980.

Correction: Angel got his soul back in 1898, not in 1880's. As for the Boxer Rebellion, Angel was merely keeping up appearances. He wasn't evil any more.

Becoming (2) - S2-E22

Corrected entry: In the episode 'Becoming, Part 2' Spike uses a choke hold to subdue Drusilla. What good is a choke hold on a vampire who doesn't breath or have a blood flow to the brain that could be cut off?


Correction: From the buffyguide.com FAQ; 'Vampires do not need to breathe air in order to stay alive. However, like food, vampires do breathe and can do things that require breathing, like talking or smoking. If a vampire is deprived of air for enough time, they will pass out from 'suffocation', but there has never been an incidence of a vampire dying from lack of air. Also, when a vampire breathes in air, *something* happens to it that makes it unusable for CPR, which is why Angel could not save Buffy in Prophecy Girl.

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Touched - S7-E20

Spike: You listen to me. [Kneels in front of her.] I've been alive a bit longer than you, and dead a lot longer than that. I've seen things you couldn't imagine, and done things I prefer you didn't. I don't exactly have a reputation for being a thinker. I follow my blood, which doesn't exactly rush in the direction of my brain. So I make a lot of mistakes, a lot of wrong bloody calls. A hundred plus years, and there's only one thing I've ever been sure of: you. [Buffy looks away; he reaches toward her face.] Hey, look at me. I'm not asking you for anything. When I say, "I love you, " it's not because I want you or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try. I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you. And I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You're a hell of a woman. You're the one, Buffy.
Buffy: [Quietly.] I don't wanna be the one.

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The Yoko Factor (1) - S4-E20

Question: At the last moment before leaving for good, Angel pauses to tell Buffy "I don't like him" [Riley], to which she replies with a large smile "Thank you." Why does she take this comment surprisingly well? From an ex boyfriend to her new boyfriend? It's not like it sounds like a friendly warning of any sort, nor a joke given the tense situation between the two guys in the episode. And the smile on Buffy's face does not make her response look ironic either, more like loving/caring. Is that a cross over reference to another dialogue in the Angel series?


Chosen answer: Angel is saying that he is still jealous and Buffy recognizes that this is his way of saying he wishes that they could be together. That is why they both smile.

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