
Answer: His middle name was stated by the writers in interview, and is mentioned in the Friends Trivia Game, but is not confirmed in any episode.


Show generally

Question: What is the episode and the season where Chandler and Monica get engaged? They share a bathtub together, and the other friends (sans Ross) do the "They don't know that we know that they don't know".

Answer: You are actually referring to three separate episodes from two different seasons. They share a bath in the season five episode "TOW all the Kissing" (2nd episode). The episode with the "they don't know that we know that they know" is "TOW Everybody Finds Out" (14th episode of season 5). They get engaged in the season six finale, a two-part episode titled "TOW the Proposal".

Answer: No reason, it's just there to add a quirky detail to the apartment. It has nothing to do with the plot.


Show generally

Question: Last year, before Friends had finished being filmed, I read an article in a paper that friends would have a special "Friends Reunited" episode and film it while they were still making the program. Did this happen or was the whole idea replaced with the spin-off series Joey?

Answer: Accorting to Martha Kauffman, no reunion will ever be filmed because, in her words, "reunions tend to suck". So this was probably all just a rumor.

Answer: We first meet Janice in the season one episode The One with the East German Laundry Detergent, during which Chandler gets Phoebe's help to dump Janice. Chandler then asks her out for New Year in The One with the Monkey, and once again dumps her before the episode is over. In The One with the Candy Hearts, Joey sets Chandler up on a blind date which turns out to be with Janice. Janice next appears in the season two episode The One Where Heckles Dies - Chandler calls her as is he is feeling lonely, and she reveals she is now married, and pregnant. In The One With Barry And Mindy's Wedding, Chandler falls for a woman he meets online, who then turns out to be Janice. This is the first time their relationship lasts across multiple episodes, as they continue to see each other until breaking up in the season three episode The One With The Giant Poking Device, in which Chandler discovers she has been seeing her ex-husband on the side. In the season four episode The One With All The Rugby, they meet again, and to avoid starting up a relationship with her again, Chandler pretends to be moving to Yemen. This is the end of all romantic involvement between them, although Janice does cross paths with Chandler and the others several times. She is seen for the last time in season ten episode The One Where Estelle Dies, in which Chandler pretends he is still in love with her to try and put her off moving in next door to him and Monica.


Answer: He means that they have all turned 30 by this point in the series - this episode flashes back to all the 30th birthday stories. Ross & Chandler were in the same college class and Joey states that he is 28 during the second season (TOW Joey Moves Out). Monica and Rachel were in the same high school class, and were seniors when Ross was a college freshman, implying a 1-2 year gap. The run from oldest to youngest is: Phoebe, Joey, Chandler, Ross, Monica, Rachel.


Show generally

Question: Did Joey ever mention moving to L.A. or did he just move and not tell anyone? Moving to the other side of the country is pretty much bigger than anyone else's reason for splitting up the group, surely?

Answer: We never saw what happened after the last episode of friends, we do not know how much time passed between that last episode and Joey's move. I assume at some point after the last episode of friends he decided to move to LA, and I am sure he told everyone at some point. If you remember he was kind of depressed that all of his friends where married and starting families, I am sure this helped him decide to move.


Chosen answer: On the last DVD of series 10 go into special features. Press the right directional button and a coffee mug will appear press OK. There is footage of members of the public singing "Smelly Cat" and quoting lines from the show.

Show generally

Question: Does anyone know which episode it is where Joey and Chandler are at another apartment and Joey runs out of the bathroom and says "now would be a great time to leave because I've just clogged the toilet"?

Answer: This is in season four. The episode is called "The One With All The Haste". Monica and Rachel are trying to get their apartment back from the guys.


Show generally

Question: What episode is it when the guys find a 'adult' video of who they think is Phoebe but is actually Ursula? I think the name of the video was "Buffay the Vampire Layer."

Answer: The One Where Chandler Can't Cry - Season 6 episode 14.


Show generally

Question: I know I have seen an episode where Ross is in his apartment (the ugly naked guy's one), and he is doing different stuff through the window for the girls to see (shark attack etc.), when Monica and Rachel use cutout boards of some Baywatch girls. Could someone please tell me which episode this is? Thank you.

Answer: This is from season 5, episode 17: The One With Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss.


Answer: The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs. Season 7, episode 8.


Answer: A 401K is a pension plan. Graduating 'magna cum laude' means you were at the top of your class.


Chosen answer: It could be from many reasons. Speaking from my own experience, when an elderly family member has been in a long decline, has suffered from illness and/or age-related maladies, not only is their death expected, but it also comes as a relief that the person is no longer suffering. That may well be the case with the Gellers. We also don't know how long the Gellers mourned, it's not shown. Also, being a comedy show, it's unlikely this is something that will be ongoing in the storyline.


Answer: Rachel is referring to one of the The Three Stooges, which consisted of Moe, Larry, Curly, and also Shemp. Curly Howard, the third Stooge, was later replaced by his real-life brother, who played Shemp. Curly and Shemp played the most unintelligent and bungling member of the trio.


I think she meant "chef" but made a mistake.

Answer: She meant Shemp. He was being a clumsy doofus like one of the Three Stooges and that was the one that came to mind.

Answer: I thought she said, "There's a chimp in my office."

Answer: That would be the very first episode of Friends, "The One Where Monica Gets a Roommate", when Joey tells Rachel that he's an actor, and Chandler makes fun of Joey's stint in a production of Pinocchio.

Super Grover

The One With Rachel's Assistant - S7-E4

Question: A guy sits in the chair by the couch in Central Perk and Chandler just says "no no no no" and asks him to leave. Is it just some random extra, or someone from the cast/crew/a fan? Seems like a part they'd get someone "special" to play. [I get the point of the joke, I'm wondering specifically about the casting of this part!]

Answer: It was just a random extra, who auditioned who the part.

Answer: The song is called "Don't Stand So Close to Me".

LuMaria 1

Chosen answer: There's a behind the scenes feature on a Friends DVD that shows an example: In "The One After Vegas"(Season 6 premiere), Chandler's line was originally "I don't think they're as much dating as they are drunk." Matthew Perry thought the line wasn't funny and came up with the alternative seen in the episode: "I don't think they're as much dating as they are two bottles of vodka walking around in human form."


Answer: I think he also came up with the line, "You have to stop the Q-tip when there's resistance."

The One With Monica and Chandler's Wedding, Part 1 - S7-E23

Question: Chandler disappears and leaves a note. Monica doesn't know about this. In the same episode, it turns to morning. Phoebe and Rachel are sitting in their morning-robes, after Rachel tells Phoebe that Ross hasn't seen or heard from Chandler. Monica comes out of her bedroom and she says "I'm getting married today!", still not aware of the fact that Chandler hasn't come home. Ross also says later (in the next episode, I think) that he has been looking for him almost all night. So why hasn't Monica noticed that Chandler never came home?

Answer: It's traditional for the bride and groom not to see each other before their wedding day. Chandler and Monica did not intend to spend the night together.


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The One With Ross's Teeth - S6-E8

Monica: What happened to your teeth?
Ross: I whitened them.
Chandler: Really?
Ross: Yeah, what... What do you think?
Monica: Well, uh, I think I shouldn't look directly at them.
Ross: Come on, seriously.
Monica: Ross, they're really, really, really white!
Chandler: Yeah, what was wrong with your old... Human teeth?
Ross: Well, I did leave the gel on a little longer than it said to.
Monica: How much longer?
Ross: Uh, uh... A day.
Monica: Ross, you know that tonight is your date with Hillary?
Ross: I know! That's why I did it! Come on, are they really that bad?
Chandler: No. No, no, no, you'll be fine. Hilary's blind, right?
Monica: She will be after tonight.

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Trivia: Matthew Perry's wit is so legendary that the scriptwriters have often incorporated his gags into the show.

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