David Mercier

19th Apr 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

19th Apr 2004

Futurama (1999)

Three Hundred Big Boys - S5-E11

Continuity mistake: When Bender is being filmed stealing the cigar, we see the "robocop" showing the footage on his screen. In the wide angle you can see he has the siren on top of his head, then in the next shot it's suddenly not there. Then he actually raises it out of his head in the final angle.

David Mercier

19th Apr 2004

Office Space (1999)

Revealing mistake: When the guys go to see Tom at the BBQ, he has his head in a support cage. Every time he moves, and particularly when he laughs, this cage moves around and wobbles. The point of these cages is to keep the head still and in line with the spine, and are bolted into the bone itself. Therefore, not only should it be impossible for it to be moving, it would seriously hurt if it was.

David Mercier

19th Apr 2004

Friends (1994)

19th Apr 2004

The Avengers (1998)

19th Apr 2004

Friends (1994)

18th Apr 2004

Friends (1994)

The One With The Truth About London - S7-E16

Other mistake: Right at the very end, when Joey is in the fat-suit and picks up a piece of food and says "How you doin'?" he doesn't put it in his mouth, he just lifts it to his lips, stops, and tries to stay still. If this had been a freeze on the part of the director then fair enough, but it isn't as he and particularly Monica are still moving. It just looks rather corny and amateur, as though they are waiting for the "cut" to be called. (00:28:00)

David Mercier

18th Apr 2004

The Frighteners (1996)

Continuity mistake: When the 3 "flying" babies crash into their mother, look at the one in the red clothes. In the wider shot it has a lot of dribble on its chin, but this vanishes in the closer shot.

David Mercier

18th Apr 2004

Futurama (1999)

War is the H-Word - S3-E2

Continuity mistake: When Bender is brought into the surgery tent and Zap is holding Nixon, the level of the fluid in Nixon's jar changes between angles. In the wider shots it covers his whole head, in the closer ones the top of his head is above the fluid.

David Mercier

17th Apr 2004

Frasier (1993)

Sea Bee Jeebies - S11-E10

Continuity mistake: When Frasier and Roz are in the cafe talking about the See Bees, Roz says something like "Those shows are torture." When she does there are many different shots in a short space of time and if you're quick you can see the coffee mug suddenly jump into her hand without picking it up.

David Mercier

17th Apr 2004

Frasier (1993)

Guns N' Neuroses - S11-E9

Continuity mistake: Why can Lilith hear what they are saying through the door? In several other episodes, the characters have had arguments or insulted the person at the door without them being able to hear. Yet here suddenly it's possible for her to hear.

David Mercier

14th Apr 2004

Frasier (1993)

14th Apr 2004

Frasier (1993)

The Babysitter - S11-E4

Continuity mistake: Right at the start when Frasier is talking to Niles in the furniture shop, at one point he says "Don't you hear that," and holds his hand in a fist. The shot cuts instantly to Niles and you can see his hand is now about a foot higher and his palm is suddenly open.

David Mercier

14th Apr 2004

Frasier (1993)

14th Apr 2004

Futurama (1999)

10th Apr 2004

Speed (1994)

Factual error: If you look at the loop Keanu hooks the crane onto on top of the lift you can see that it and its bracket have been recently welded on (by the black residue it leaves), obviously because the lift itself didn't have such a loop. Even if such a feature existed, it wouldn't be simply spot welded on the top as this one is, it would need to be part of the lift's structure if it were to serve any purpose in supporting it in an emergency. (00:13:05)

David Mercier

6th Apr 2004

Futurama (1999)

Space Pilot 3000 - S1-E1

Deliberate mistake: When the world is counting down to the new year, we see people in various countries, Egypt, the USA etc all counting down together. Because of time zone differences this isn't possible. [It is a little joke.] (00:01:35)

David Mercier

6th Apr 2004

Futurama (1999)

6th Apr 2004

Futurama (1999)

My Three Suns - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: When Fry and Leela are standing in the corridor with the portraits of the past Emperors, there are numerous errors. Including the picture of Fry vanishing, as well as blank frames appearing and figures facing the wrong direction. (00:11:50)

David Mercier

6th Apr 2004

Futurama (1999)

I, Roommate - S1-E3

Other mistake: When the crew are leaving Fry's new apartment, Amy slips on the banana skin again and falls over, and for some reason Fry tries to shut the door without her leaving. Maybe it was easier than drawing her getting up, but still worth a look. (00:15:30)

David Mercier

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