
21st Dec 2003

Tru Calling (2003)

Morning After - S1-E7

Plot hole: There doesn't seem to be enough information about Mark's stabbing for Davis' computer program to determine how tall the attacker was. The main thing that's missing is any information about the angle of the knife's penetration. Without that, there should be no way to obtain the killer's height.


21st Dec 2003

Tru Calling (2003)

Morning After - S1-E7

Plot hole: When Tru realizes that the yellow-handled knife Lindsay bought was the murder weapon, she gets rid of it. As a result, Lindsay needs to borrow a knife from Tru's neighbor so she can slice vegetables. The fact that Lindsay bought a knife for Tru, combined with the fact that Lindsay couldn't find one later, implies that Tru doesn't have a suitable knife of her own. But Tru served cut fruit to Harrison and his date several episodes ago, so she must already have a knife like that. In fact, pretty much everybody does. And there's no indication that Tru went around hiding all of her knives. In fact, the episode focused on that one, yellow-handled knife to an overly dramatic extent that bordered on inadvertant comedy.


18th Dec 2003

Days of Our Lives (1965)

Show generally

Plot hole: When Lucas pretended to be the killer on 12/16/03, he said that he wanted to give Sami a scare after becoming suspicious of her when he followed her to his mother's hotel suite. But if he was following her, then how did he get to the bedroom before Sami to jump out at her? And where did he get the cloak and mask on the spur of the moment?


17th Dec 2003

Days of Our Lives (1965)

Show generally

Plot hole: On 12/16/03, Roman and Kate find out that Sami tried to frame Kate for the recent murders, and Kate asks Roman if the fact that Sami would frame her for murder might suggest that she could also be capable of actually committing murder. There are two very strange things about these scenes. The first is that Sami never brings up the fact that Kate framed her for murder years ago, which actually put Sami on death row in 1999. The second is that Sami's attempt to frame Kate seems to be the closest thing to murder Kate can think of to incriminate Sami, even though Sami actually shot a man (in the testicles, no less) in 1994.


16th Dec 2003

Passions (1999)

Show generally

Plot hole: When Sheridan wakes up in the hospital on 12/16/03, she doesn't remember what has happened to her. But she was fully awake when she fell off the cliff, and despite being shaken after she was pulled to safety, she walked off with Antonio and Luis so they could take her to the hospital. There is no point at which she lost consciousness, and there's no reason for her to be so confused.


12th Dec 2003

Timeline (2003)

Plot hole: Throughout the film, anybody who speaks English uses Modern English, with either a British or French accent as appropriate. However, 1357 was solidly in the Middle English period. Although that language would not be utterly incomprehensible to modern-day travellers, neither would it be indistinguishable as it was in the film. The film specifically draws the viewer's attention to language at several points, making suspension of disbelief impossible. The French speak French, and very few of them speak English. There is a scene in which Andre is talking to Claire, and her lack of knowledge of modern idioms makes the conversation difficult; that should be true for all characters at all times. If the historical people were talking alone among themselves, I could accept that they're being "translated" for us. But they're talking directly to the modern travellers - it's too jarring.


12th Dec 2003

Passions (1999)

Show generally

Plot hole: In December 2003, Rebecca and Julian are planning their wedding. Rebecca is blackmailing Julian into marrying her. Except, aren't they already married? Julian had his accidental marriage to Theresa annulled, and immediately married Rebecca (offscreen). Then it was revealed that Julian and Theresa had actually slept together, which nullified the annullment and Julian's marriage to Rebecca. But then it was further revealed the Julian and Theresa had never been married at all, which should have reinstated Julian's marriage to Rebecca. Instead, the previous wedding was never referenced.


12th Dec 2003

Tru Calling (2003)

Star Crossed - S1-E6

Plot hole: Why does Tru think she's saved Adam's and Jen's lives when they don't die during the drag race? The race is happening around 5pm, 6 at the latest. Adam and Jen died very late at night the first time around.


12th Dec 2003

Tru Calling (2003)

Star Crossed - S1-E6

Plot hole: Harrison and Lindsay hooking up was pretty much a given, based on the course that events took in the episode. But why were they doing it in Tru's apartment? Harrison and Lindsay each have their own apartment, so the only reason for them to be on Tru's couch is for entertainment value.


Show generally

Plot hole: On 12/08/03, Belle and Shawn talk on the phone, and Belle briefly mentions something about how much she's enjoying Paris. But Belle was sent to Milan to keep her safe from the killer, and Jan also said that she had seen Belle while she was in Milan herself. Nobody ever said anything about her going to Paris.


8th Dec 2003

Passions (1999)

Show generally

Plot hole: Charity's promises don't seem to carry much weight. In the summer of 2001, the talking tree told her that Miguel would drown in the river unless she gave him up, and she agreed. They stayed together, though, and were even engaged to be married in December of 2002. The engagement fell through when Kay turned out to be pregnant with Miguel's baby, but they got back together again the next year. Then, in the summer of 2003, Death offered Charity a way to save Kay's baby, Maria, who was near death. He would spare the child if Charity agreed to give up Miguel. So she agreed. And as of December, 2003, they are still together. It's like these promises just never happened.


8th Dec 2003

Tru Calling (2003)

Haunted - S1-E5

Plot hole: Why hasn't Tru met Luc? He came to the morgue very late the first time the night happened in the previous episode, after Marco scared Tru. Even though Tru seemed to stay at the bachelor party very late the second time the day played through, she had gotten into work by the time Marco tried to scare her again, so she should have still been there when Luc came in.


8th Dec 2003

Tru Calling (2003)

Haunted - S1-E5

Plot hole: The first time the day happens, Paige is quickly identified as the victim of a drug overdose. However, we find out later that she actually died by violent strangulation. Yet the only sign of trauma on the corpse was minor hemorrhaging in her eye. There should have been obvious signs of the confrontation, starting with huge bruises on her neck.


8th Dec 2003

Tru Calling (2003)

Haunted - S1-E5

Plot hole: In this episode, Tru takes the MCATs. Every year, the MCATs are offered exactly twice, in April and in August. Autumn leaves in several scenes indicate that it is not currently either of those months.


Show generally

Plot hole: How can Rex and Cassie be so close in age to Belle? Marlena gave birth to the twins, her surrogate children, while she was held prisoner by Stefano, some time before her return to Salem in 1991. Belle was born in 1993, so she should be several years younger than her supposed half-siblings. Instead, they all started college together and turned 18 (a huge continuity issue in and of itself) in 2002-2003.


29th Nov 2003

Passions (1999)

Show generally

Plot hole: On 11/29/03, Ivy tries to cook Thanksgiving dinner, and the turkey explodes. Comedic value aside, if the turkey was going to explode then it would have happened while cooking, and even that would have been highly implausible. It makes no sense at all for the turkey to explode after being pulled from the oven, when prodded with a spoon.


29th Nov 2003

Passions (1999)

Show generally

Plot hole: On 11/28/03, the Russells arrived home from LA. Inexplicably, they all enter the house separately. Eve is shown arriving alone. Later, Whitney is hanging up her coat. Finally, TC eventually is seen in the house without having been shown coming in the door. But they all came home from the aiport at the same time, and nobody was ever shown doing anything that would delay them, such as gathering luggage.


29th Nov 2003

Passions (1999)

Show generally

Plot hole: On 11/28/03, Sheridan come home from the hospital and is devastated to see her cottage full of teddy bears, because she believes that her baby has died. Antonio explains that the toys are still there because Luis didn't tell him that Sheridan would be coming home that day, and he's angry about it. But that doesn't make any sense at all. Sheridan disappeared just a few months into her pregnancy. When she was found (the night before the 11/28/03 episode takes place), she was no longer pregnant. So when and why did Antonio or anybody else go out and buy dolls for Sheridan's baby? It's been months since anybody anticipated a happy homecoming for mother and child.


23rd Nov 2003

Tru Calling (2003)

Past Tense - S1-E4

Plot hole: John is slightly surprised to find that Tru is acting as bartender for the party, but doesn't dwell on it any further once she explains that she was supplied gratis to make up for the earlier "problems" with the room. But John should actually be extremely alarmed to find her there, given that he poisoned the ice and expects the other guests to drop dead. He certainly wouldn't want any witnesses to that.


23rd Nov 2003

Tru Calling (2003)

Past Tense - S1-E4

Plot hole: When Lindsay brings Tru breakfast in bed on the second version of the day, she is excited that Tru remembered her birthday, and she also mentions that nobody else did. But it's still very early in the morning. It's not at all reasonable to assume that anybody forgot her birthday just because they didn't call before 8am.


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